Assessing at the Program & Student / Learning Support Services Level
All academic programs leading to degrees/ certificates and student/learning support service areas at Skyline College have established Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs). PSLOs are statements (typically four or fewer) that summarize the essential skills, knowledge and attitudinal dispositions that a student gains after completing the program.
Assessing instructional PSLOs is done by aligning and applying course level assessment data to the PSLOs. Faculty have access to a dashboard in which course level results "roll up" to the PSLOs on the Platform (formerly TracDat). For this “rolling up” to happen, faculty and staff need to have “mapped” (a.k.a. aligned) course level SLOs to PSLOs on the Platform. This mapping identifies which course level SLOs are central for students to achieve the PSLOs. These reports can be used to identify patterns and draw conclusions regarding the central question asked by program level assessment: how well are students achieving PSLOs and how does the program curriculum contribute to student success at the program level? After faculty analyze and discuss the results, important findings, insights and action plans are recorded in the Platform and the Comprehensive Program Review, thus completing the PSLO assessment cycle.
Programs also have the option of conducting other types of program level assessment in addition to the rolling up process. For example, some programs may wish to administer an exit survey or facilitate a focus group with graduates or certificate recipients; evaluate a culminating experience such as a capstone project, performance, or portfolio; tabulate the percentage of students who pass their boards/ industry certifications, etc.
Similarly, student/learning support services have established PSLOs. PSLOs are statements (typically four or fewer) that summarize the essential skills, knowledge and attitudinal dispositions that a student gains after utilizing the service. Faculty and staff can draw from existing data, surveys, focus groups, and student work to assess the PSLOs; they may opt to draw from a sample of student work since the student population is more amorphous than a given class. And to keep a historical reference of student progress, they also will record their insights in the Platform (formerly TracDat) and program review.
Academic Programs PLOs
Global Learning Programs & Services
Science, Math, and Technology
Engineering and Computer Science
Social Sciences and Creative Arts
Ethnic Studies
Social Justice Studies
Student Services and Programs PLOs
Career Readiness and Job Placement
Center for Student Life and Leadership Development
Undocumented Community Center
Educational Access Center (EAC)
Extended Opportunity Program and Services
Health Center/ Personal Counseling
Promise Scholars Program
STEM Center