Natural Science

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Find your niche in Natural Sciences

The natural sciences, including biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences, study the substances, processes and interactions of matter and energy.

The Natural Science Degree Program provides students with an opportunity to meet the prerequisites to continue preparation for careers in any of the natural sciences. Skyline College offers an Associate Degree in Natural Science specifically that can help you create a clear path for transfer to a four-year institution.

group of three students doing an experiment, one student looking through a microscope while the others take notes.

To succeed in any of the natural sciences, students will need to display an intellectual curiosity of the natural world. Students should have strong critical thinking and analytical skills along with the ability to work independently and as part of a team.

Career Outlook

The applications for a degree in Natural Science include a variety of careers in the sciences in both private and public industry. Many jobs in Natural Science require a Ph.D., so the program at Skyline College is a good launching point for pursing education at a four-year university.

In general, careers in the natural sciences require strong computational, communication, and analytical thinking skills. Scientists must be good problem-solvers and be able to work independently or as part of a team. Science, engineering, and medical personnel frequently must work long hours under pressure and must maintain a program of continuous study to keep up with intellectual advances and new technologies.

The State of California Employment Development Department provides an online Occupational Guide that provides helpful job descriptions, job outlooks and wages, and qualification requirements for a wide variety of careers. Use this guide to find more information about a career that may interest you.

Looking for a list of classes offered this semester?

Check out the current class schedule.

All Courses

BIOL 101 Our Biological World (4 units)

Study of biology as it relates to humans and their environment with special emphasis on ecological interrelationships, evolution and genetics, and topics of current importance. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

BIOL 110 Principles of Biology (4 units)

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

BIOL 111 Natural History of California (4 units)

Introduction to common animals and plants of the San Francisco Bay Region, their natural history and distributions.

BIOL 130 Human Biology (3 units)

Designed to provide students with an appreciation of the structure, function, and development of their own bodies. Topics include an introduction to science and scientific methods of investigation and some elementary chemistry (no previous background necessary) as a basis for understanding human functions such as digestion, circulation, reproduction, heredity, evolution, human ecological roles and other systems. Some diseases and other causes of body malfunction are discussed.

BIOL 140 Animals, People, and Environment (3 units)

Familiarizes students with the methods and importance of behavioral investigation in animals. Emphasis on past and current human-animal relationships, the impact on animal populations and increasing need for wildlife protection.

BIOL 145 Plants, People & Environment (3 units)

A survey of plants emphasizing those aspects of plant biology that have affected the lives of people. Topics include: the success and failure of modern agriculture; the impact of humans on the environment; and the importance of plants in solving critical problems of hunger and conservation of energy. Attention is given to modes of inquiry or ways in which scientists carry out their investigations.

BIOL 150 Introduction to Marine Biology (3 units)

A non-technical introduction to the scientific method used in studies of marine biology. Major emphasis is given to the natural history of marine animals and plants and their relationship with the oceanic environment.

BIOL 170 Principles of Applied Bioscience (3 units)

A survey of the principles that govern the living world, from molecules to cells and tissues, to organs and whole organisms, to populations and ecosystems, to the entire biosphere. Special emphasis is placed upon experimental approaches, current issues, and practical application of the scientific method and biological principles to issues affecting public health, agriculture, and socioeconomic change. Current news and developments in relevant areas of biological sciences and biotechnology will be reviewed and discussed. Also listed as BTEC 170.

BIOL 171 Laboratory Principles of Applied Bioscience (1 units)

Introduces students to practical methods in preparing materials, reagents and media for conducting biological investigations and products of genetic engineering. Students will learn to measure and prepare solutions of various concentrations and pH, how to use basic chemistry and biological instrumentation such as digital scales, pipettes and micropipettes, centrifuges, and vertical and horizontal electrophoresis apparatuses. Students will plan and conduct biological experiments using the scientific method and employing modern laboratory methods and instrumentation. Data will be analyzed using spreadsheet software for tabulation and graphing. Teamwork, responsible lab technique, and proper and thorough notebook keeping will be emphasized. Also listed as BTEC 171.

BIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I (5 units)

BIOL 215 in combination with BIOL 230 constitutes an integrated basic core program for students majoring in the life sciences. BIOL 215 is an introduction to organismal diversity focusing on the fundamental mechanisms that generate and maintain biological diversity. Emphasis is on evolution of the diversity of plants and animals using the tree of life as an organizing theme. Topics include resource acquisition, development, ecology, and population genetics. Laboratories cover fundamental biological principles including natural selection and ecology using representative living organisms.

BIOL 230 Introduction to Cell Biology: Core II (5 units)

An introduction to life functions as seen at the cellular level; cellular structure, macromolecular architecture and function, cellular energetics, chemical regulation, photochemical activities, molecular genetics, and genetic engineering. It is the second course in the two-course Biology core sequence.

BIOL 240 General Microbiology (4 units)

Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Laboratory techniques on culture and identification of bacteria. Recommended for agriculture, biochemistry, nursing, pre-medical and pre-dental, biotechnology engineering, and other life science majors.

BIOL 250 Human Anatomy (4 units)

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

BIOL 260 Human Physiology (5 units)

Study of how the organ systems function in maintaining homeostasis - regulating change and growth processes in humans. Recommended for students in allied health areas such as nursing, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, radiology, and related fields.

BIOL 310 Nutrition (3 units)

Comprehensive introduction to scientific principles of nutrition and the interrelationships of metabolism; nutrient functions, structure and food sources; health consequences of nutrient excesses, deficiencies and diet related chronic diseases. Emphasis is placed on evaluating the nutrient content of foods, and evaluation of personal dietary habits using current dietary guidelines and nutritional assessment methods.

BIOL 426 Genetic Engineering (1 units)

This course will examine how genes work and how they can be manipulated and cloned. Topics include DNA and protein synthesis, genetic engineering, and DNA fingerprinting. Also includes laboratory experience with DNA analyses: RFLP and PCR.

BIOL 430 Introduction to Immunology (1 units)

This course will examine the immune system and how it protects us from disease. Topics include vaccine and antiserum production by traditional methods and by genetic engineering. Also includes laboratory experience with laboratory techniques.

BIOL 665 Selected Topics in Biology (0.5- 2 units)

This course is designed to develop specific skills, techniques or concepts that are appropriate to biology and/or biotechnology. The course will focus on one specific topic; for example, new or leading edge developments in biotechnology.

BIOL 695 Independent Study in Biology (0.5- 3 units)

Designed for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge via self-paced, individualized instruction provided in selected areas or directed study to be arranged with instructor and approved by the division dean using the Independent Study Form. Varying modes of instruction can be used -- laboratory, research, skill development, etc. For each unit earned, students are required to devote three hours per week throughout the semester. Students may take only one Independent Study course within a given discipline.

CHEM 112 Chemistry in Action (4 units)

An introduction to chemistry and laboratory investigation for non-science majors. Focuses on chemicals and chemical reactions common in everyday life, medicine, industry, and in the body. Concepts relating to the nature and interactions of atoms, ions, and molecules will be presented. Students will learn to use the scientific method to investigate questions about how chemical systems work and evaluate information presented on product labels, advertisements, and online.

CHEM 114 Survey of Chemistry and Physics (4 units)

A conceptual survey of physical science (physics and chemistry) intended for non-science majors at the General Education level. A general discussion of the scientific method and techniques will be followed by physics, chemistry, and integrated topics. The laboratory portion will cover a hands-on exploration of phenomena discussed in lecture. The physics component of the course will discuss motion, force, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and light. The chemistry component of the course will focus on chemicals and reactions common in everyday life. Concepts relating to the nature and interactions of atoms, ions, and molecules will be presented. Students will also learn to use and evaluate information presented on product labels, in advertisement, and available through the internet. Also listed as PHYS 114.

CHEM 192 Introductory Chemistry (4 units)

Designed to prepare students for General Chemistry 1 (CHEM 210). Provides an introduction to fundamental concepts in chemistry with an emphasis on the application of mathematical problem-solving methods to chemistry. Lecture topics will include the basic structure of atoms, the combination of elements in chemical compounds, the metric system and measurement, significant figures, using dimensional analysis and algebra to solve chemical problems, describing chemical reactions using balanced equations, and stoichiometry. In the laboratory, the student will be introduced to the use of common laboratory equipment and techniques.

CHEM 210 General Chemistry I (5 units)

The first semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. Includes a detailed study of atomic and molecular structures, stoichiometric calculations, solutions, thermochemistry, gas laws, physical states, atomic electron orbital theory, and chemical bonding. Includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

CHEM 220 General Chemistry II (5 units)

The second semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a study of acid-base chemistry, equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, descriptive chemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

CHEM 234 Organic Chemistry I (3 units)

Chemistry 234 is the first semester in a two-semester sequence in organic chemistry. Nomenclature, bonding, structural isomerism, stereochemistry, conformational analysis, physical properties structure, reactions and reaction mechanisms of organic compounds, with emphasis on alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, alcohols, and ethers. Emphasis on reactivity, and reaction mechanisms. Infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy are an integral part.

CHEM 235 Organic Chemistry II (3 units)

CHEM 235 is the second semester in a two-semester sequence in organic chemistry. Introduces the chemistry of aromatics, amines, carbanions, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones and biochemical topics focusing on structure, synthesis, and mechanisms of reaction.

CHEM 237 Organic Chemistry Lab I (2 units)

Organic chemistry laboratory designed to accompany CHEM 234. Introduction of the basic techniques of synthesis, separation and purification of organic compounds. Identification of main functional groups by spectroscopic techniques also introduced.

CHEM 238 Organic Chemistry Lab II (2 units)

Organic chemistry laboratory designed to accompany CHEM 235 by emphasizing techniques for the synthesis, isolation, purification and identification of organic compounds. Qualitative analysis of unknowns by preparation of derivatives and spectroscopic methods is an integral component of the course.

CHEM 410 Chemistry for Health Sciences (4 units)

Survey of the principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. The physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic, and biomolecules. Includes a study of equilibrium in chemical systems with special emphasis on chemical processes in the body. The laboratory component introduces qualitative and quantitative techniques of chemical study and manipulations with inorganic, organic, and biochemical reactions. Designed for Health Science and Allied Health majors (e.g. Respiratory Therapy, Nursing). Not intended for students majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, or pre-professional programs such as Medicine, Dentistry, or Pharmacy.

GEOL 100 Survey of Geology (3 units)

An introduction to the principles of geology with emphasis on Earth processes. Includes the study of rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquakes, and surface processes such as landslides, rivers, and glaciers.

GEOL 105 Environmental Earth Science (3 units)

An introduction to the fundamentals of Environmental Earth Science including the interactions between humans and the environment in a geologic context. Emphasizes the Earth system and connections between the geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere.

GEOL 106 Weather and Climate (4 units)

Introduction to the study of Earth's atmosphere as a system, with an emphasis on the physical processes that change our atmosphere in the short term and throughout Earth's history. Topics include: atmospheric structure and composition, energy balances, seasonal changes, atmospheric moisture, storm systems, climate and climate change. Also listed as GEOG 106.

GEOL 210 General Geology (4 units)

An introduction to the principles of geology with emphasis on Earth processes, focusing on the internal structure and origin of the Earth and the processes that change and shape it. The laboratory component focuses on the identification of rocks and minerals, topographic and geologic map exercises and the identification of geologic landforms and hazards.

GEOL 220 Historical Geology (4 units)

Origin and history of the Earth and its development through geologic time. The formation of continents and ocean basins and their modifications through time. The evolution of plants and animals as seen through the fossil record. Emphasis on the geologic history of North America.

GEOL 695 Independent Study in Geology (0.5- 3 units)

Designed for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge via self-paced, individualized, directed instruction provided in selected areas to be arranged with instructor and approved by the division dean using the Independent Study Form. Varying modes of instruction can be used -- laboratory, research, skill development, etc. For each unit earned, students are required to devote three hours per week throughout the semester. Students may take only one Independent Study course within a given discipline.

PHYS 100 Conceptual Physics (3 units)

A conceptual introduction to physics, intended to foster scientific understanding of the world. Stresses important and applicable topics in motion, force, oscillations, fluids, thermodynamics, waves, electricity, magnetism, light and modern physics. Some students may wish to use it as extra preparation for algebra-based physics. (Formerly offered as PHYS 105.)

PHYS 101 Conceptual Physics Laboratory (1 units)

A laboratory exploration of physical phenomena covered in Conceptual Physics lecture (PHYS 105). Intended to reinforce those topics through hands-on investigation and develop an understanding of the scientific method. May be taken concurrently or after Physics 100. (Formerly offered as PHYS 106.)

PHYS 114 Survey of Chemistry and Physics (4 units)

A conceptual survey of physical science (physics and chemistry) intended for non-science majors at the General Education level. A general discussion of the scientific method and techniques will be followed by physics, chemistry, and integrated topics. The laboratory portion will cover a hands-on exploration of phenomena discussed in lecture. The physics component of the course will discuss motion, force, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and light. The chemistry component of the course will focus on chemicals and reactions common in everyday life. Concepts relating to the nature and interactions of atoms, ions, and molecules will be presented. Students will also learn to use and evaluate information presented on product labels, in advertisement, and available through the internet. Also listed as CHEM 114.

PHYS 210 General Physics I (4 units)

The first course of a two-course sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers mechanics, fluids, waves and thermodynamics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. NOTE: Depending on the transfer institution, different STEM majors may require students to complete PHYS 210 and PHYS 211. Please note that PHYS 211 has a MATH 242 or 252 pre-requisite, so we highly recommend meeting with an academic counselor to discuss requirements.

PHYS 211 General Physics I-Calculus Supplement (1 units)

Further depth and application of calculus to topics in PHYS 210. Examples include derivatives and integrals of equations of motion, work done by a variable force, and torque as a cross product. Required of some pre-medical, biology, and architecture students.

PHYS 220 General Physics II (4 units)

The second course of a two-course sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers electricity, magnetism, light and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. NOTE: Depending on the transfer institution, different STEM majors may require students to complete PHYS 220 and PHYS 221. Please note that PHYS 221 has a MATH 242 or 252 pre-requisite, so we highly recommend meeting with an academic counselor to discuss requirements.

PHYS 221 Gen Physics II - Calculus Supplement (1 units)

Further depth and application of calculus to topics in PHYS 220. Examples include surface integrals for Gauss’s Law, line integrals for Ampere’s Law, classical wave equation. Required of some premedical, biology, and architecture students.

PHYS 250 Physics with Calculus I (4 units)

The first course of a three course sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers classical mechanics, fluids, and wave motion. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture.

PHYS 260 Physics with Calculus II (4 units)

The second course of a three course sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third course). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers electricity, magnetism, special relativity and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture.

PHYS 270 Physics with Calculus III (4 units)

The third course of a three course sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers thermodynamics, optics and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture.

PHYS 695 Independent Study in Physics (0.5- 3 units)

Designed for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge via self-paced, individualized instruction provided in selected areas or directed study to be arranged with instructor and approved by the division dean using the Independent Study Form. Varying modes of instruction can be used -- laboratory, research, skill development, etc. For each unit earned, students are required to devote three hours per week throughout the semester. Students may take only one Independent Study course within a given discipline.

Program Type Total Units
Allied Health Science AS 60 Units
Biotechnology AS 60 Units
Natural Science AS 60 Units
Biology for Transfer AS-T 60 Units
Program Type Total Units
Geology for Transfer AS-T 60 Units
Program Type Total Units
Physics for Transfer AS-T 60 Units

The Skyline College STEM Center brings together academic and student support services for students taking science, technology, engineering and math courses.

The center supports student success by ensuring students have access to resources such as academic tutoring, counseling services, a resource depository for STEM pathways and transfer, a hub for internships and work based learning opportunities, as well as a place where students and staff can collaborate and build a community and supportive connection.

Check out the STEM Center

Upon completion of the program students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method and the ability to use appropriate models to solve problems.
  • Apply the knowledge of natural sciences to distinguish between observations, inferences, relationships, and testimonials under investigation.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use scientific knowledge to assess personal and environmental health.
  • Use the scientific knowledge and skills necessary for active citizenship. 
Office Information

Location: Building 7


Spring 2025 Courses  |  Fall 2024 Courses

Type Status Title Days Time Instructor
Day Class   IN
BIOL 101 - 30140 - Our Biological World
BIOL 101 Our Biological World

Study of biology as it relates to humans and their environment with special emphasis on ecological interrelationships, evolution and genetics, and topics of current importance. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
M W F 10:10am-11:00am Davis, K
Day Class   IN
BIOL 101 - 30140 - Our Biological World
BIOL 101 Our Biological World

Study of biology as it relates to humans and their environment with special emphasis on ecological interrelationships, evolution and genetics, and topics of current importance. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
W 1:10pm-4:00pm Davis, K
Online Class IN
BIOL 110 - 30142 - Principles Of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Bookstaff, S
Online Class IN
BIOL 110 - 30142 - Principles Of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Bookstaff, S
Online Class OPEN for Waitlist BIOL 110 - 48396 - Principles Of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Anttila, C
Online Class OPEN for Waitlist BIOL 110 - 48396 - Principles Of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Anttila, C
Online Class CLOSED BIOL 110 - 48397 - Principles Of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Anttila, C
Online Class CLOSED BIOL 110 - 48397 - Principles Of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Anttila, C
Online Class OPEN for Waitlist BIOL 110 - 48541 - Principles Of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Anttila, C
Online Class OPEN for Waitlist BIOL 110 - 48541 - Principles Of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Anttila, C
Day Class   IN
BIOL 110 - 33956 - Principles Of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
T Th 9:35am-10:50am Folsom, J
Day Class   IN
BIOL 110 - 33956 - Principles Of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
Th 11:10am-1:50pm Touneh, K
Day Class   IN
BIOL 110 - 47354 - Principles Of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
T Th 9:35am-10:50am Folsom, J
Day Class   IN
BIOL 110 - 47354 - Principles Of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
T 11:10am-1:40pm Touneh, K
Online Class IN
BIOL 110 - 30141 - Principles of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Bookstaff, S
Online Class IN
BIOL 110 - 30141 - Principles of Biology
BIOL 110 Principles of Biology

Using natural selection and physiological survival as a unifying theme, this course deals with the basic problems common to all living systems, and compares the functional solution that various organisms have evolved, illuminating the unity in diversity that characterizes life on earth. Recommended for non-science majors to fulfill laboratory science transfer requirement.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Bookstaff, S
Online Class IN
BIOL 130 - 30147 - Human Biology
BIOL 130 Human Biology

Designed to provide students with an appreciation of the structure, function, and development of their own bodies. Topics include an introduction to science and scientific methods of investigation and some elementary chemistry (no previous background necessary) as a basis for understanding human functions such as digestion, circulation, reproduction, heredity, evolution, human ecological roles and other systems. Some diseases and other causes of body malfunction are discussed.

Units: 3
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
TBA Davis, K
Online Class IN
BIOL 130 - 46827 - Human Biology
BIOL 130 Human Biology

Designed to provide students with an appreciation of the structure, function, and development of their own bodies. Topics include an introduction to science and scientific methods of investigation and some elementary chemistry (no previous background necessary) as a basis for understanding human functions such as digestion, circulation, reproduction, heredity, evolution, human ecological roles and other systems. Some diseases and other causes of body malfunction are discussed.

Units: 3
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
TBA Smiley, J
Online Class IN
BIOL 130 - 46949 - Human Biology
BIOL 130 Human Biology

Designed to provide students with an appreciation of the structure, function, and development of their own bodies. Topics include an introduction to science and scientific methods of investigation and some elementary chemistry (no previous background necessary) as a basis for understanding human functions such as digestion, circulation, reproduction, heredity, evolution, human ecological roles and other systems. Some diseases and other causes of body malfunction are discussed.

Units: 3
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
TBA Smiley, J
Day Class   IN
BIOL 130 - 30146 - Human Biology
BIOL 130 Human Biology

Designed to provide students with an appreciation of the structure, function, and development of their own bodies. Topics include an introduction to science and scientific methods of investigation and some elementary chemistry (no previous background necessary) as a basis for understanding human functions such as digestion, circulation, reproduction, heredity, evolution, human ecological roles and other systems. Some diseases and other causes of body malfunction are discussed.

Units: 3
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
M W 11:10am-12:25pm Kapp, N
Day Class   IN
BIOL 130 - 48918 - Human Biology
BIOL 130 Human Biology

Designed to provide students with an appreciation of the structure, function, and development of their own bodies. Topics include an introduction to science and scientific methods of investigation and some elementary chemistry (no previous background necessary) as a basis for understanding human functions such as digestion, circulation, reproduction, heredity, evolution, human ecological roles and other systems. Some diseases and other causes of body malfunction are discussed.

Units: 3
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
M W 11:10am-12:25pm Kapp, N
Online Class IN
BIOL 140 - 42541 - Animals, People & Environment
BIOL 140 Animals, People, and Environment

This course will familiarize the student with the methods and importance of behavioral investigation in animals. Emphasis on past and current human-animal relationships, the impact on animal populations and increasing need for wildlife protection.

Units: 3
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
TBA Bookstaff, S
Online Class IN
BIOL 150 - 30150 - Intro To Marine Biology
BIOL 150 Introduction to Marine Biology

A non-technical introduction to the scientific method used in studies of marine biology. Major emphasis is given to the natural history of marine animals and plants and their relationship with the oceanic environment.

Units: 3
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
TBA Bookstaff, S
Day Class   IN
BIOL 215 - 30151 - Organismal Biology
BIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I

As part of a two-course core program, BIOL 215 is an introductory survey of organismal form and function. Analysis of fundamental biological functions including nutrition, gas exchange, reproduction, natural selection, and ecology using representative living organisms.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or appropriate math placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
C-ID: BIOL 135S, BIOL 140
M W 11:10am-12:25pm Song, M
Day Class   IN
BIOL 215 - 30151 - Organismal Biology
BIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I

As part of a two-course core program, BIOL 215 is an introductory survey of organismal form and function. Analysis of fundamental biological functions including nutrition, gas exchange, reproduction, natural selection, and ecology using representative living organisms.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or appropriate math placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
C-ID: BIOL 135S, BIOL 140
M W 2:10pm-5:00pm Song, M
Day Class   IN
BIOL 215 - 30151 - Organismal Biology
BIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I

As part of a two-course core program, BIOL 215 is an introductory survey of organismal form and function. Analysis of fundamental biological functions including nutrition, gas exchange, reproduction, natural selection, and ecology using representative living organisms.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or appropriate math placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
C-ID: BIOL 135S, BIOL 140
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Song, M
Day Class   IN
BIOL 215 - 41373 - Organismal Biology
BIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I

As part of a two-course core program, BIOL 215 is an introductory survey of organismal form and function. Analysis of fundamental biological functions including nutrition, gas exchange, reproduction, natural selection, and ecology using representative living organisms.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or appropriate math placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
C-ID: BIOL 135S, BIOL 140
M W 11:10am-12:25pm Song, M
Day Class   IN
BIOL 215 - 41373 - Organismal Biology
BIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I

As part of a two-course core program, BIOL 215 is an introductory survey of organismal form and function. Analysis of fundamental biological functions including nutrition, gas exchange, reproduction, natural selection, and ecology using representative living organisms.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or appropriate math placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
C-ID: BIOL 135S, BIOL 140
T Th 9:10am-11:50am Song, M
Day Class   IN
BIOL 215 - 41373 - Organismal Biology
BIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I

As part of a two-course core program, BIOL 215 is an introductory survey of organismal form and function. Analysis of fundamental biological functions including nutrition, gas exchange, reproduction, natural selection, and ecology using representative living organisms.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or appropriate math placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
C-ID: BIOL 135S, BIOL 140
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Song, M
Day Class   IN
BIOL 215 - 47429 - Organismal Biology
BIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I

As part of a two-course core program, BIOL 215 is an introductory survey of organismal form and function. Analysis of fundamental biological functions including nutrition, gas exchange, reproduction, natural selection, and ecology using representative living organisms.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or appropriate math placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
C-ID: BIOL 135S, BIOL 140
M W 11:10am-12:25pm Song, M
Day Class   IN
BIOL 215 - 47429 - Organismal Biology
BIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I

As part of a two-course core program, BIOL 215 is an introductory survey of organismal form and function. Analysis of fundamental biological functions including nutrition, gas exchange, reproduction, natural selection, and ecology using representative living organisms.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or appropriate math placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
C-ID: BIOL 135S, BIOL 140
T Th 9:10am-11:50am Song, M
Day Class   IN
BIOL 215 - 47429 - Organismal Biology
BIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I

As part of a two-course core program, BIOL 215 is an introductory survey of organismal form and function. Analysis of fundamental biological functions including nutrition, gas exchange, reproduction, natural selection, and ecology using representative living organisms.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or appropriate math placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
C-ID: BIOL 135S, BIOL 140
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Song, M
Day Class   IN
BIOL 215 - 48398 - Organismal Biology
BIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I

As part of a two-course core program, BIOL 215 is an introductory survey of organismal form and function. Analysis of fundamental biological functions including nutrition, gas exchange, reproduction, natural selection, and ecology using representative living organisms.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or appropriate math placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
C-ID: BIOL 135S, BIOL 140
M W 11:10am-12:25pm Song, M
Day Class   IN
BIOL 215 - 48398 - Organismal Biology
BIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I

As part of a two-course core program, BIOL 215 is an introductory survey of organismal form and function. Analysis of fundamental biological functions including nutrition, gas exchange, reproduction, natural selection, and ecology using representative living organisms.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or appropriate math placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
C-ID: BIOL 135S, BIOL 140
M W 2:10pm-5:00pm Song, M
Day Class   IN
BIOL 215 - 48398 - Organismal Biology
BIOL 215 Organismal Biology: Core I

As part of a two-course core program, BIOL 215 is an introductory survey of organismal form and function. Analysis of fundamental biological functions including nutrition, gas exchange, reproduction, natural selection, and ecology using representative living organisms.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or appropriate math placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
C-ID: BIOL 135S, BIOL 140
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Song, M
Day Class   IN
BIOL 230 - 48537 - Introduction to Cell Biology
BIOL 230 Introduction to Cell Biology: Core II

An introduction to life functions as seen at the cellular level; cellular structure, macromolecular architecture and function, cellular energetics, chemical regulation, photochemical activities, molecular genetics, and genetic engineering. It is the second course in the two-course Biology core sequence.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 215 and CHEM 210 or equivalent
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
C-ID: BIOL 135S; BIOL 190
M W F 12:10pm-1:00pm Guth, S
Day Class   IN
BIOL 230 - 48537 - Introduction to Cell Biology
BIOL 230 Introduction to Cell Biology: Core II

An introduction to life functions as seen at the cellular level; cellular structure, macromolecular architecture and function, cellular energetics, chemical regulation, photochemical activities, molecular genetics, and genetic engineering. It is the second course in the two-course Biology core sequence.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 215 and CHEM 210 or equivalent
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
C-ID: BIOL 135S; BIOL 190
Th 1:10pm-7:15pm Guth, S
Day Class   IN
BIOL 230 - 48537 - Introduction to Cell Biology
BIOL 230 Introduction to Cell Biology: Core II

An introduction to life functions as seen at the cellular level; cellular structure, macromolecular architecture and function, cellular energetics, chemical regulation, photochemical activities, molecular genetics, and genetic engineering. It is the second course in the two-course Biology core sequence.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 215 and CHEM 210 or equivalent
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
C-ID: BIOL 135S; BIOL 190
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Guth, S
Day Class   IN
BIOL 230 - 48874 - Introduction to Cell Biology
BIOL 230 Introduction to Cell Biology: Core II

An introduction to life functions as seen at the cellular level; cellular structure, macromolecular architecture and function, cellular energetics, chemical regulation, photochemical activities, molecular genetics, and genetic engineering. It is the second course in the two-course Biology core sequence.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 215 and CHEM 210 or equivalent
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
C-ID: BIOL 135S; BIOL 190
M W F 12:10pm-1:00pm Guth, S
Day Class   IN
BIOL 230 - 48874 - Introduction to Cell Biology
BIOL 230 Introduction to Cell Biology: Core II

An introduction to life functions as seen at the cellular level; cellular structure, macromolecular architecture and function, cellular energetics, chemical regulation, photochemical activities, molecular genetics, and genetic engineering. It is the second course in the two-course Biology core sequence.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 215 and CHEM 210 or equivalent
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
C-ID: BIOL 135S; BIOL 190
Th 1:10pm-7:15pm Guth, S
Day Class   IN
BIOL 230 - 48874 - Introduction to Cell Biology
BIOL 230 Introduction to Cell Biology: Core II

An introduction to life functions as seen at the cellular level; cellular structure, macromolecular architecture and function, cellular energetics, chemical regulation, photochemical activities, molecular genetics, and genetic engineering. It is the second course in the two-course Biology core sequence.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 215 and CHEM 210 or equivalent
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
C-ID: BIOL 135S; BIOL 190
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Guth, S
Day Class   IN
BIOL 230 - 48875 - Introduction to Cell Biology
BIOL 230 Introduction to Cell Biology: Core II

An introduction to life functions as seen at the cellular level; cellular structure, macromolecular architecture and function, cellular energetics, chemical regulation, photochemical activities, molecular genetics, and genetic engineering. It is the second course in the two-course Biology core sequence.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 215 and CHEM 210 or equivalent
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
C-ID: BIOL 135S; BIOL 190
M W F 12:10pm-1:00pm Guth, S
Day Class   IN
BIOL 230 - 48875 - Introduction to Cell Biology
BIOL 230 Introduction to Cell Biology: Core II

An introduction to life functions as seen at the cellular level; cellular structure, macromolecular architecture and function, cellular energetics, chemical regulation, photochemical activities, molecular genetics, and genetic engineering. It is the second course in the two-course Biology core sequence.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 215 and CHEM 210 or equivalent
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
C-ID: BIOL 135S; BIOL 190
T 1:10pm-7:00pm Guth, S
Day Class   IN
BIOL 230 - 48875 - Introduction to Cell Biology
BIOL 230 Introduction to Cell Biology: Core II

An introduction to life functions as seen at the cellular level; cellular structure, macromolecular architecture and function, cellular energetics, chemical regulation, photochemical activities, molecular genetics, and genetic engineering. It is the second course in the two-course Biology core sequence.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 215 and CHEM 210 or equivalent
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B)
C-ID: BIOL 135S; BIOL 190
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Guth, S
Day Class   IN
BIOL 240 - 48088 - General Microbiology
BIOL 240 General Microbiology

Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Laboratory techniques on culture and identification of bacteria. Recommended for agriculture, biochemistry, nursing, pre-medical and pre-dental, biotechnology engineering, and other life science majors.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: Successful completion of a college-level laboratory science course.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
T Th 11:10am-12:30pm Yuan, O
Day Class   IN
BIOL 240 - 48088 - General Microbiology
BIOL 240 General Microbiology

Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Laboratory techniques on culture and identification of bacteria. Recommended for agriculture, biochemistry, nursing, pre-medical and pre-dental, biotechnology engineering, and other life science majors.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: Successful completion of a college-level laboratory science course.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
T Th 9:10am-10:30am Yuan, O
Day Class   IN
BIOL 240 - 48088 - General Microbiology
BIOL 240 General Microbiology

Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Laboratory techniques on culture and identification of bacteria. Recommended for agriculture, biochemistry, nursing, pre-medical and pre-dental, biotechnology engineering, and other life science majors.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: Successful completion of a college-level laboratory science course.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Yuan, O
Day Class   IN
BIOL 240 - 48089 - General Microbiology
BIOL 240 General Microbiology

Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Laboratory techniques on culture and identification of bacteria. Recommended for agriculture, biochemistry, nursing, pre-medical and pre-dental, biotechnology engineering, and other life science majors.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: Successful completion of a college-level laboratory science course.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
T Th 11:10am-12:30pm Yuan, O
Day Class   IN
BIOL 240 - 48089 - General Microbiology
BIOL 240 General Microbiology

Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Laboratory techniques on culture and identification of bacteria. Recommended for agriculture, biochemistry, nursing, pre-medical and pre-dental, biotechnology engineering, and other life science majors.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: Successful completion of a college-level laboratory science course.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
T Th 1:10pm-2:30pm Yuan, O
Day Class   IN
BIOL 240 - 48089 - General Microbiology
BIOL 240 General Microbiology

Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Laboratory techniques on culture and identification of bacteria. Recommended for agriculture, biochemistry, nursing, pre-medical and pre-dental, biotechnology engineering, and other life science majors.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: Successful completion of a college-level laboratory science course.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Yuan, O
Evening Class   IN
BIOL 240 - 30154 - General Microbiology
BIOL 240 General Microbiology

Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Laboratory techniques on culture and identification of bacteria. Recommended for agriculture, biochemistry, nursing, pre-medical and pre-dental, biotechnology engineering, and other life science majors.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: Successful completion of a college-level laboratory science course.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
M W 5:10pm-6:25pm Guth, S
Evening Class   IN
BIOL 240 - 30154 - General Microbiology
BIOL 240 General Microbiology

Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Laboratory techniques on culture and identification of bacteria. Recommended for agriculture, biochemistry, nursing, pre-medical and pre-dental, biotechnology engineering, and other life science majors.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: Successful completion of a college-level laboratory science course.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
M W 3:15pm-4:30pm Manning, E
Evening Class   IN
BIOL 240 - 30154 - General Microbiology
BIOL 240 General Microbiology

Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Laboratory techniques on culture and identification of bacteria. Recommended for agriculture, biochemistry, nursing, pre-medical and pre-dental, biotechnology engineering, and other life science majors.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: Successful completion of a college-level laboratory science course.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Manning, E
Evening Class   IN
BIOL 240 - 34224 - General Microbiology
BIOL 240 General Microbiology

Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Laboratory techniques on culture and identification of bacteria. Recommended for agriculture, biochemistry, nursing, pre-medical and pre-dental, biotechnology engineering, and other life science majors.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: Successful completion of a college-level laboratory science course.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
M W 5:10pm-6:25pm Guth, S
Evening Class   IN
BIOL 240 - 34224 - General Microbiology
BIOL 240 General Microbiology

Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Laboratory techniques on culture and identification of bacteria. Recommended for agriculture, biochemistry, nursing, pre-medical and pre-dental, biotechnology engineering, and other life science majors.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: Successful completion of a college-level laboratory science course.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
M W 7:10pm-8:25pm Manning, E
Evening Class   IN
BIOL 240 - 34224 - General Microbiology
BIOL 240 General Microbiology

Morphology, taxonomy, ecology, and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Laboratory techniques on culture and identification of bacteria. Recommended for agriculture, biochemistry, nursing, pre-medical and pre-dental, biotechnology engineering, and other life science majors.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: Successful completion of a college-level laboratory science course.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Manning, E
Online Class IN
BIOL 250 - 30156 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA McDaniel, J
Online Class IN
BIOL 250 - 30156 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA McDaniel, J
Online Class IN
BIOL 250 - 38239 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Aquino, Y
Online Class IN
BIOL 250 - 38239 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Aquino, Y
Online Class IN
BIOL 250 - 46828 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA McDaniel, J
Online Class IN
BIOL 250 - 46828 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA McDaniel, J
Online Class IN
BIOL 250 - 46829 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Karve, S
Online Class IN
BIOL 250 - 46829 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Karve, S
Online Class IN
BIOL 250 - 46932 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Aquino, Y
Online Class IN
BIOL 250 - 46932 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Aquino, Y
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 30155 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
W 9:10am-12:00pm Aquino, Y
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 30155 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Aquino, Y
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 38830 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
F 1:10pm-4:10pm Smiley, J
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 38830 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Smiley, J
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 38830 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Smiley, J
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 39757 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
F 9:10am-12:10pm Karve, S
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 39757 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Karve, S
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 48417 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
F 1:10pm-4:10pm Smiley, J
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 48417 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Smiley, J
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 48417 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Smiley, J
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 48909 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
T 9:30am-12:00pm Aquino, Y
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 48909 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Aquino, Y
Evening Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 47762 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
W 7:00pm-10:00pm Singh, D
Evening Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 47762 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Smiley, J
Evening Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 250 - 47762 - Human Anatomy
BIOL 250 Human Anatomy

Gross and microscopic structure of the human body through lecture and laboratory study of dissections, histology slides, anatomy models, and prosected human cadavers. Primarily intended for Nursing, Respiratory Care, Allied Health, Surgical Technology, Kinesiology, and other health-related fields. Elective for pre-dental, premedical, and pre-veterinary students.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: BIOL 100 (taken at Ca?ada or CSM), or, BIOL 101 or BIOL 110 or BIOL 130 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA 1 Hrs/Wk Singh, D
Online Class IN
BIOL 260 - 30157 - Human Physiology
BIOL 260 Human Physiology

Study of how the organ systems function in maintaining homeostasis - regulating change and growth processes in humans. Recommended for students in allied health areas such as nursing, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, radiology, and related fields.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: BIOL 250 or equivalent; and CHEM 192 or CHEM 210 or CHEM 410 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Aquino, Y
Online Class IN
BIOL 260 - 30157 - Human Physiology
BIOL 260 Human Physiology

Study of how the organ systems function in maintaining homeostasis - regulating change and growth processes in humans. Recommended for students in allied health areas such as nursing, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, radiology, and related fields.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: BIOL 250 or equivalent; and CHEM 192 or CHEM 210 or CHEM 410 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Aquino, Y
Online Class IN
BIOL 260 - 39572 - Human Physiology
BIOL 260 Human Physiology

Study of how the organ systems function in maintaining homeostasis - regulating change and growth processes in humans. Recommended for students in allied health areas such as nursing, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, radiology, and related fields.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: BIOL 250 or equivalent; and CHEM 192 or CHEM 210 or CHEM 410 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Aquino, Y
Online Class IN
BIOL 260 - 39572 - Human Physiology
BIOL 260 Human Physiology

Study of how the organ systems function in maintaining homeostasis - regulating change and growth processes in humans. Recommended for students in allied health areas such as nursing, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, radiology, and related fields.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: BIOL 250 or equivalent; and CHEM 192 or CHEM 210 or CHEM 410 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Aquino, Y
Online Class IN
BIOL 260 - 47930 - Human Physiology
BIOL 260 Human Physiology

Study of how the organ systems function in maintaining homeostasis - regulating change and growth processes in humans. Recommended for students in allied health areas such as nursing, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, radiology, and related fields.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: BIOL 250 or equivalent; and CHEM 192 or CHEM 210 or CHEM 410 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Karve, S
Online Class IN
BIOL 260 - 47930 - Human Physiology
BIOL 260 Human Physiology

Study of how the organ systems function in maintaining homeostasis - regulating change and growth processes in humans. Recommended for students in allied health areas such as nursing, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, radiology, and related fields.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: BIOL 250 or equivalent; and CHEM 192 or CHEM 210 or CHEM 410 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Karve, S
Evening Class   IN
BIOL 260 - 30158 - Human Physiology
BIOL 260 Human Physiology

Study of how the organ systems function in maintaining homeostasis - regulating change and growth processes in humans. Recommended for students in allied health areas such as nursing, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, radiology, and related fields.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: BIOL 250 or equivalent; and CHEM 192 or CHEM 210 or CHEM 410 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
W 7:00pm-9:30pm Kanaaneh, J
Evening Class   IN
BIOL 260 - 30158 - Human Physiology
BIOL 260 Human Physiology

Study of how the organ systems function in maintaining homeostasis - regulating change and growth processes in humans. Recommended for students in allied health areas such as nursing, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, radiology, and related fields.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: BIOL 250 or equivalent; and CHEM 192 or CHEM 210 or CHEM 410 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
T Th 7:00pm-9:30pm Kanaaneh, J
Evening Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 260 - 48401 - Human Physiology
BIOL 260 Human Physiology

Study of how the organ systems function in maintaining homeostasis - regulating change and growth processes in humans. Recommended for students in allied health areas such as nursing, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, radiology, and related fields.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: BIOL 250 or equivalent; and CHEM 192 or CHEM 210 or CHEM 410 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
M W 4:00pm-6:40pm Timpe, L
Evening Class  Hybrid Class IN
BIOL 260 - 48401 - Human Physiology
BIOL 260 Human Physiology

Study of how the organ systems function in maintaining homeostasis - regulating change and growth processes in humans. Recommended for students in allied health areas such as nursing, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, radiology, and related fields.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: BIOL 250 or equivalent; and CHEM 192 or CHEM 210 or CHEM 410 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B2
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B2, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5B, 5C)
TBA Karve, S
Online Class IN
BIOL 310 - 46835 - Nutrition
TBA Gerrish, H
Online Class IN
BIOL 310 - 46836 - Nutrition
TBA Gerrish, H
Day Class   IN
BIOL 695 - 48925 - Independent Study
BIOL 695 Independent Study in Biology

Designed for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge via self-paced, individualized instruction provided in selected areas or directed study to be arranged with instructor and approved by the division dean using the Independent Study Form. Varying modes of instruction can be used -- laboratory, research, skill development, etc. For each unit earned, students are required to devote three hours per week throughout the semester. Students may take only one Independent Study course within a given discipline.

Units: 0.5 - 3
Degree Credit
Grade Option (Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass)
  • Lab hours/semester: 24-162
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
Transfer Credit: CSU
TBA Kapp, N
Evening Class   IN
CHEM 114 - 48780 - Survey of Chemistry/Physics
CHEM 114 Survey of Chemistry and Physics

A conceptual survey of physical science (physics and chemistry) intended for non-science majors at the General Education level. A general discussion of the scientific method and techniques will be followed by physics, chemistry, and integrated topics. The laboratory portion will cover a hands-on exploration of phenomena discussed in lecture. The physics component of the course will discuss motion, force, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and light. The chemistry component of the course will focus on chemicals and reactions common in everyday life. Concepts relating to the nature and interactions of atoms, ions, and molecules will be presented. Students will also learn to use and evaluate information presented on product labels, in advertisement, and available through the internet. Also listed as PHYS 114.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or MATH 111 and MATH 112 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 140; PHYS 140
M 6:00pm-7:15pm LeBlanc, J
Evening Class   IN
CHEM 114 - 48780 - Survey of Chemistry/Physics
CHEM 114 Survey of Chemistry and Physics

A conceptual survey of physical science (physics and chemistry) intended for non-science majors at the General Education level. A general discussion of the scientific method and techniques will be followed by physics, chemistry, and integrated topics. The laboratory portion will cover a hands-on exploration of phenomena discussed in lecture. The physics component of the course will discuss motion, force, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and light. The chemistry component of the course will focus on chemicals and reactions common in everyday life. Concepts relating to the nature and interactions of atoms, ions, and molecules will be presented. Students will also learn to use and evaluate information presented on product labels, in advertisement, and available through the internet. Also listed as PHYS 114.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or MATH 111 and MATH 112 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 140; PHYS 140
Th 6:00pm-7:15pm Wamba, K
Evening Class   IN
CHEM 114 - 48780 - Survey of Chemistry/Physics
CHEM 114 Survey of Chemistry and Physics

A conceptual survey of physical science (physics and chemistry) intended for non-science majors at the General Education level. A general discussion of the scientific method and techniques will be followed by physics, chemistry, and integrated topics. The laboratory portion will cover a hands-on exploration of phenomena discussed in lecture. The physics component of the course will discuss motion, force, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and light. The chemistry component of the course will focus on chemicals and reactions common in everyday life. Concepts relating to the nature and interactions of atoms, ions, and molecules will be presented. Students will also learn to use and evaluate information presented on product labels, in advertisement, and available through the internet. Also listed as PHYS 114.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or MATH 111 and MATH 112 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 140; PHYS 140
M 7:25pm-8:40pm LeBlanc, J
Evening Class   IN
CHEM 114 - 48780 - Survey of Chemistry/Physics
CHEM 114 Survey of Chemistry and Physics

A conceptual survey of physical science (physics and chemistry) intended for non-science majors at the General Education level. A general discussion of the scientific method and techniques will be followed by physics, chemistry, and integrated topics. The laboratory portion will cover a hands-on exploration of phenomena discussed in lecture. The physics component of the course will discuss motion, force, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and light. The chemistry component of the course will focus on chemicals and reactions common in everyday life. Concepts relating to the nature and interactions of atoms, ions, and molecules will be presented. Students will also learn to use and evaluate information presented on product labels, in advertisement, and available through the internet. Also listed as PHYS 114.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or MATH 111 and MATH 112 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 140; PHYS 140
Th 7:25pm-8:40pm Wamba, K
Day Class   IN
CHEM 192 - 39227 - Elementary Chemistry
CHEM 192 Elementary Chemistry

An introductory course in Chemistry designed to prepare students for General Chemistry 1 (CHEM 210). Provides an introduction to fundamental concepts in chemistry with an emphasis on the application of mathematical problem-solving methods to chemistry. Lecture topics will include the basic structure of atoms, the combination of elements in chemical compounds, the metric system and measurement, significant figures, using dimensional analysis and algebra to solve chemical problems, describing chemical reactions using balanced equations, and stoichiometry. In the laboratory, the student will be introduced to the use of common laboratory equipment and techniques.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or equivalent; or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 101
M W 11:10am-12:25pm LeBlanc, J
Day Class   IN
CHEM 192 - 39227 - Elementary Chemistry
CHEM 192 Elementary Chemistry

An introductory course in Chemistry designed to prepare students for General Chemistry 1 (CHEM 210). Provides an introduction to fundamental concepts in chemistry with an emphasis on the application of mathematical problem-solving methods to chemistry. Lecture topics will include the basic structure of atoms, the combination of elements in chemical compounds, the metric system and measurement, significant figures, using dimensional analysis and algebra to solve chemical problems, describing chemical reactions using balanced equations, and stoichiometry. In the laboratory, the student will be introduced to the use of common laboratory equipment and techniques.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or equivalent; or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 101
W 1:10pm-4:00pm LeBlanc, J
Day Class   IN
CHEM 210 - 38754 - General Chemistry I
CHEM 210 General Chemistry I

The first semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a detailed study of atomic and molecular structures, stoichiometric calculations, solutions, thermochemistry, gas laws, physical states, atomic electron orbital theory, and chemical bonding. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or equivalent; or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 110; CHEM 120S
M W 11:10am-12:25pm Biglari, N
Day Class   IN
CHEM 210 - 38754 - General Chemistry I
CHEM 210 General Chemistry I

The first semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a detailed study of atomic and molecular structures, stoichiometric calculations, solutions, thermochemistry, gas laws, physical states, atomic electron orbital theory, and chemical bonding. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or equivalent; or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 110; CHEM 120S
M W 1:10pm-4:00pm Biglari, N
Day Class   IN
CHEM 210 - 42009 - General Chemistry I
CHEM 210 General Chemistry I

The first semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a detailed study of atomic and molecular structures, stoichiometric calculations, solutions, thermochemistry, gas laws, physical states, atomic electron orbital theory, and chemical bonding. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or equivalent; or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 110; CHEM 120S
M W 11:10am-12:25pm Biglari, N
Day Class   IN
CHEM 210 - 42009 - General Chemistry I
CHEM 210 General Chemistry I

The first semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a detailed study of atomic and molecular structures, stoichiometric calculations, solutions, thermochemistry, gas laws, physical states, atomic electron orbital theory, and chemical bonding. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or equivalent; or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 110; CHEM 120S
T Th 9:10am-11:50am Muhn, A
Day Class   IN
CHEM 210 - 43697 - General Chemistry I
CHEM 210 General Chemistry I

The first semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a detailed study of atomic and molecular structures, stoichiometric calculations, solutions, thermochemistry, gas laws, physical states, atomic electron orbital theory, and chemical bonding. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or equivalent; or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 110; CHEM 120S
T Th 11:10am-12:25pm Schubert, S
Day Class   IN
CHEM 210 - 43697 - General Chemistry I
CHEM 210 General Chemistry I

The first semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a detailed study of atomic and molecular structures, stoichiometric calculations, solutions, thermochemistry, gas laws, physical states, atomic electron orbital theory, and chemical bonding. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or equivalent; or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 110; CHEM 120S
M W 9:10am-12:00pm Liu, K
Day Class   IN
CHEM 210 - 48134 - General Chemistry I
CHEM 210 General Chemistry I

The first semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a detailed study of atomic and molecular structures, stoichiometric calculations, solutions, thermochemistry, gas laws, physical states, atomic electron orbital theory, and chemical bonding. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or equivalent; or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 110; CHEM 120S
T Th 11:10am-12:25pm Schubert, S
Day Class   IN
CHEM 210 - 48134 - General Chemistry I
CHEM 210 General Chemistry I

The first semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a detailed study of atomic and molecular structures, stoichiometric calculations, solutions, thermochemistry, gas laws, physical states, atomic electron orbital theory, and chemical bonding. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 120 or MATH 123 or equivalent; or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 110; CHEM 120S
T Th 1:10pm-3:50pm Schubert, S
Day Class   IN
CHEM 220 - 30185 - General Chemistry II
CHEM 220 General Chemistry II

The second semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a study of acid-base chemistry, equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, descriptive chemistry, and nuclear chemistry. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: CHEM 210 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
M W 9:10am-10:25am Bates, A
Day Class   IN
CHEM 220 - 30185 - General Chemistry II
CHEM 220 General Chemistry II

The second semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a study of acid-base chemistry, equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, descriptive chemistry, and nuclear chemistry. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: CHEM 210 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
T Th 1:10pm-3:50pm Bates, A
Day Class   IN
CHEM 220 - 35051 - General Chemistry II
CHEM 220 General Chemistry II

The second semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a study of acid-base chemistry, equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, descriptive chemistry, and nuclear chemistry. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: CHEM 210 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
M W 9:10am-10:25am Bates, A
Day Class   IN
CHEM 220 - 35051 - General Chemistry II
CHEM 220 General Chemistry II

The second semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a study of acid-base chemistry, equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, descriptive chemistry, and nuclear chemistry. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: CHEM 210 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
T Th 9:20am-12:00pm Bates, A
Day Class   IN
CHEM 220 - 40030 - General Chemistry II
CHEM 220 General Chemistry II

The second semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a study of acid-base chemistry, equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, descriptive chemistry, and nuclear chemistry. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: CHEM 210 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
M W 9:10am-10:25am Bates, A
Day Class   IN
CHEM 220 - 40030 - General Chemistry II
CHEM 220 General Chemistry II

The second semester of a two-semester sequence with laboratory intended for science, engineering, and pre-professional majors. It includes a study of acid-base chemistry, equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, descriptive chemistry, and nuclear chemistry. The course also includes laboratory study of these concepts, experimental chemistry techniques, and the analysis and interpretation of experimental findings.

Units: 5
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: CHEM 210 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5A, 5C)
T Th 9:20am-12:00pm Bates, A
Day Class   IN
CHEM 234 - 41377 - Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 234 Organic Chemistry I

Nomenclature, bonding, structural isomerism, stereochemistry, conformational analysis, physical properties structure, reactions and reaction mechanisms of organic compounds, with emphasis on alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, alcohols, and ethers. Emphasis on reactivity, and reaction mechanisms. Infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy are an integral part. Chemistry 234 is the first semester in a two-semester sequence in organic chemistry.

Units: 3
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: CHEM 220 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1), UC (IGETC Area 5A)
C-ID: CHEM 150, 160S
M W 10:45am-12:00pm Bates, A
Day Class   IN
CHEM 235 - 30187 - Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 235 Organic Chemistry II

Continuation of CHEM 234 with an introduction to the chemistry of aromatics, amines, carbanions, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones and biochemical topics focusing on structure, synthesis, and mechanisms of reaction.

Units: 3
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: CHEM 234 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1), UC (IGETC Area 5A)
C-ID: CHEM 160 S
M W F 11:10am-12:00pm Rivera Contreras, J
Day Class   IN
CHEM 237 - 41378 - Organic Chemistry Lab I
CHEM 237 Organic Chemistry Lab I

Organic chemistry laboratory designed to accompany CHEM 234. Introduction of the basic techniques of synthesis, separation and purification of organic compounds. Identification of main functional groups by spectroscopic techniques also introduced.

Units: 2
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: Completion of, or concurrent enrollment in, CHEM 234 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 150, 160S
W 1:10pm-6:00pm Schubert, S
Day Class   IN
CHEM 238 - 30188 - Organic Chemistry Lab II
CHEM 238 Organic Chemistry Lab II

Organic chemistry laboratory designed to accompany CHEM 235 by emphasizing techniques for the synthesis, isolation, purification and identification of organic compounds. Qualitative analysis of unknowns by preparation of derivatives and spectroscopic methods is an integral component of the course.

Units: 2
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lab hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: CHEM 234 and CHEM 237 or equivalent; and completion of, or concurrent enrollment in,, CHEM 235 or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3), UC (IGETC Area 5C)
C-ID: CHEM 160 S
M 1:10pm-6:30pm Rivera Contreras, J
Day Class   IN
CHEM 410 - 41381 - Chem For Health Sciences
CHEM 410 Chemistry for Health Sciences

Survey of the principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. The physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic, and biomolecules. Includes a study of equilibrium in chemical systems with special emphasis on chemical processes in the body. The laboratory component introduces qualitative and quantitative techniques of chemical study and manipulations with inorganic, organic, and biochemical reactions. Designed for Health Science majors (e.g. respiratory therapy, nursing). Not intended for students majoring in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or pre-professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3)
T Th 12:35pm-1:50pm Biglari, N
Day Class   IN
CHEM 410 - 41381 - Chem For Health Sciences
CHEM 410 Chemistry for Health Sciences

Survey of the principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. The physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic, and biomolecules. Includes a study of equilibrium in chemical systems with special emphasis on chemical processes in the body. The laboratory component introduces qualitative and quantitative techniques of chemical study and manipulations with inorganic, organic, and biochemical reactions. Designed for Health Science majors (e.g. respiratory therapy, nursing). Not intended for students majoring in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or pre-professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3)
T 9:10am-12:00pm Biglari, N
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
CHEM 410 - 41604 - Chem For Health Sciences
CHEM 410 Chemistry for Health Sciences

Survey of the principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. The physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic, and biomolecules. Includes a study of equilibrium in chemical systems with special emphasis on chemical processes in the body. The laboratory component introduces qualitative and quantitative techniques of chemical study and manipulations with inorganic, organic, and biochemical reactions. Designed for Health Science majors (e.g. respiratory therapy, nursing). Not intended for students majoring in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or pre-professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3)
T 1:10pm-4:00pm Folsom, J
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
CHEM 410 - 41604 - Chem For Health Sciences
CHEM 410 Chemistry for Health Sciences

Survey of the principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. The physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic, and biomolecules. Includes a study of equilibrium in chemical systems with special emphasis on chemical processes in the body. The laboratory component introduces qualitative and quantitative techniques of chemical study and manipulations with inorganic, organic, and biochemical reactions. Designed for Health Science majors (e.g. respiratory therapy, nursing). Not intended for students majoring in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or pre-professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3)
TBA Saunders, J
Day Class   IN
CHEM 410 - 48688 - Chem For Health Sciences
CHEM 410 Chemistry for Health Sciences

Survey of the principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. The physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic, and biomolecules. Includes a study of equilibrium in chemical systems with special emphasis on chemical processes in the body. The laboratory component introduces qualitative and quantitative techniques of chemical study and manipulations with inorganic, organic, and biochemical reactions. Designed for Health Science majors (e.g. respiratory therapy, nursing). Not intended for students majoring in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or pre-professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3)
T Th 12:35pm-1:50pm Biglari, N
Day Class   IN
CHEM 410 - 48688 - Chem For Health Sciences
CHEM 410 Chemistry for Health Sciences

Survey of the principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. The physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic, and biomolecules. Includes a study of equilibrium in chemical systems with special emphasis on chemical processes in the body. The laboratory component introduces qualitative and quantitative techniques of chemical study and manipulations with inorganic, organic, and biochemical reactions. Designed for Health Science majors (e.g. respiratory therapy, nursing). Not intended for students majoring in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or pre-professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3)
Th 9:10am-12:00pm Biglari, N
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
CHEM 410 - 48916 - Chem For Health Sciences
CHEM 410 Chemistry for Health Sciences

Survey of the principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. The physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic, and biomolecules. Includes a study of equilibrium in chemical systems with special emphasis on chemical processes in the body. The laboratory component introduces qualitative and quantitative techniques of chemical study and manipulations with inorganic, organic, and biochemical reactions. Designed for Health Science majors (e.g. respiratory therapy, nursing). Not intended for students majoring in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or pre-professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3)
Th 1:10pm-4:00pm Folsom, J
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
CHEM 410 - 48916 - Chem For Health Sciences
CHEM 410 Chemistry for Health Sciences

Survey of the principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. The physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic, and biomolecules. Includes a study of equilibrium in chemical systems with special emphasis on chemical processes in the body. The laboratory component introduces qualitative and quantitative techniques of chemical study and manipulations with inorganic, organic, and biochemical reactions. Designed for Health Science majors (e.g. respiratory therapy, nursing). Not intended for students majoring in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or pre-professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3)
TBA Saunders, J
Evening Class   IN
CHEM 410 - 39743 - Chem For Health Sciences
CHEM 410 Chemistry for Health Sciences

Survey of the principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. The physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic, and biomolecules. Includes a study of equilibrium in chemical systems with special emphasis on chemical processes in the body. The laboratory component introduces qualitative and quantitative techniques of chemical study and manipulations with inorganic, organic, and biochemical reactions. Designed for Health Science majors (e.g. respiratory therapy, nursing). Not intended for students majoring in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or pre-professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3)
M 6:30pm-9:30pm Ghanma, M
Evening Class   IN
CHEM 410 - 39743 - Chem For Health Sciences
CHEM 410 Chemistry for Health Sciences

Survey of the principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. The physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic, and biomolecules. Includes a study of equilibrium in chemical systems with special emphasis on chemical processes in the body. The laboratory component introduces qualitative and quantitative techniques of chemical study and manipulations with inorganic, organic, and biochemical reactions. Designed for Health Science majors (e.g. respiratory therapy, nursing). Not intended for students majoring in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or pre-professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3)
W 6:30pm-9:20pm Ghanma, M
Evening Class   IN
CHEM 410 - 46441 - Chem For Health Sciences
CHEM 410 Chemistry for Health Sciences

Survey of the principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. The physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic, and biomolecules. Includes a study of equilibrium in chemical systems with special emphasis on chemical processes in the body. The laboratory component introduces qualitative and quantitative techniques of chemical study and manipulations with inorganic, organic, and biochemical reactions. Designed for Health Science majors (e.g. respiratory therapy, nursing). Not intended for students majoring in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or pre-professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3)
M 6:30pm-9:30pm Ghanma, M
Evening Class   IN
CHEM 410 - 46441 - Chem For Health Sciences
CHEM 410 Chemistry for Health Sciences

Survey of the principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. The physical and chemical properties of inorganic, organic, and biomolecules. Includes a study of equilibrium in chemical systems with special emphasis on chemical processes in the body. The laboratory component introduces qualitative and quantitative techniques of chemical study and manipulations with inorganic, organic, and biochemical reactions. Designed for Health Science majors (e.g. respiratory therapy, nursing). Not intended for students majoring in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or pre-professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy.

Units: 4
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • Lab hours/semester: 48-54
  • Homework hours/semester: 96-108
Prerequisites: MATH 110 or appropriate placement test scores and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area 9B1
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area B1, B3)
T 6:30pm-9:20pm Ghanma, M
Online Class IN
GEOL 100 - 45360 - Survey of Geology
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture. Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 846 or ESOL 400, or equivalent.
An introduction to the principles of geology with emphasis on Earth processes. Course includes the study of rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquakes, and surface processes such as landslides, rivers, and glaciers. Not open to students who have taken or are taking GEOL 210. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1).

TBA James, B
Online Class IN
GEOL 106 - 47270 - Weather and Climate
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 846 or ESOL 400, or equivalent.
Introduction to the study of Earth's atmosphere as a system, with an emphasis on the physical processes that change our atmosphere in the short term and throughout Earth's history. Topics include atmospheric structure and composition, energy balances, seasonal changes, atmospheric moisture, storm systems, climate and climate change. Also listed as GEOG 106. Transfer credit: CSU.

TBA Cunningham, R
Online Class IN
GEOL 106 - 47270 - Weather and Climate
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 846 or ESOL 400, or equivalent.
Introduction to the study of Earth's atmosphere as a system, with an emphasis on the physical processes that change our atmosphere in the short term and throughout Earth's history. Topics include atmospheric structure and composition, energy balances, seasonal changes, atmospheric moisture, storm systems, climate and climate change. Also listed as GEOG 106. Transfer credit: CSU.

TBA Cunningham, R
Online Class IN
GEOL 220 - 47886 - Historical Geology
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab.
Origin and history of the Earth and its development through geologic time. The formation of continents and ocean basins and their modifications through time. The evolution of plants and animals as seen through the fossil record. Emphasis on the geologic history of North America. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Patel, N
Online Class IN
GEOL 220 - 47886 - Historical Geology
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab.
Origin and history of the Earth and its development through geologic time. The formation of continents and ocean basins and their modifications through time. The evolution of plants and animals as seen through the fossil record. Emphasis on the geologic history of North America. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Patel, N
Online Class IN
PHYS 100 - 48391 - Conceptual Physics
TBA Kaur, G
Online Class IN
PHYS 100 - 48392 - Conceptual Physics
TBA Kaur, G
Day Class   IN
PHYS 101 - 48650 - Conceptual Physics Lab
T 1:10pm-4:00pm Kaur, G
Day Class   IN
PHYS 101 - 48651 - Conceptual Physics Lab
T 1:10pm-4:00pm Kaur, G
Evening Class   IN
PHYS 114 - 48671 - Survey of Chemistry & Physics
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: MATH 110, or MATH 111 and MATH 112, or equivalent. Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 846 or ESOL 400, or equivalent.
A conceptual survey of physical science (physics and chemistry) intended for non-science majors at the General Education level. A general discussion of the scientific method and techniques will be followed by physics, chemistry, and integrated topics. The laboratory portion will cover a hands-on exploration of phenomena discussed in lecture. The physics component of the course will discuss motion, force, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and light. The chemistry component of the course will focus on chemicals and reactions common in everyday life. Concepts relating to the nature and interactions of atoms, ions, and molecules will be presented. Students will also learn to use and evaluate information presented on product labels, in advertisement, and available through the internet. Also listed as CHEM 114. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

M 6:00pm-7:15pm LeBlanc, J
Evening Class   IN
PHYS 114 - 48671 - Survey of Chemistry & Physics
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: MATH 110, or MATH 111 and MATH 112, or equivalent. Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 846 or ESOL 400, or equivalent.
A conceptual survey of physical science (physics and chemistry) intended for non-science majors at the General Education level. A general discussion of the scientific method and techniques will be followed by physics, chemistry, and integrated topics. The laboratory portion will cover a hands-on exploration of phenomena discussed in lecture. The physics component of the course will discuss motion, force, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and light. The chemistry component of the course will focus on chemicals and reactions common in everyday life. Concepts relating to the nature and interactions of atoms, ions, and molecules will be presented. Students will also learn to use and evaluate information presented on product labels, in advertisement, and available through the internet. Also listed as CHEM 114. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

Th 6:00pm-7:15pm Wamba, K
Evening Class   IN
PHYS 114 - 48671 - Survey of Chemistry & Physics
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: MATH 110, or MATH 111 and MATH 112, or equivalent. Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 846 or ESOL 400, or equivalent.
A conceptual survey of physical science (physics and chemistry) intended for non-science majors at the General Education level. A general discussion of the scientific method and techniques will be followed by physics, chemistry, and integrated topics. The laboratory portion will cover a hands-on exploration of phenomena discussed in lecture. The physics component of the course will discuss motion, force, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and light. The chemistry component of the course will focus on chemicals and reactions common in everyday life. Concepts relating to the nature and interactions of atoms, ions, and molecules will be presented. Students will also learn to use and evaluate information presented on product labels, in advertisement, and available through the internet. Also listed as CHEM 114. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

M 7:25pm-8:40pm LeBlanc, J
Evening Class   IN
PHYS 114 - 48671 - Survey of Chemistry & Physics
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: MATH 110, or MATH 111 and MATH 112, or equivalent. Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 846 or ESOL 400, or equivalent.
A conceptual survey of physical science (physics and chemistry) intended for non-science majors at the General Education level. A general discussion of the scientific method and techniques will be followed by physics, chemistry, and integrated topics. The laboratory portion will cover a hands-on exploration of phenomena discussed in lecture. The physics component of the course will discuss motion, force, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and light. The chemistry component of the course will focus on chemicals and reactions common in everyday life. Concepts relating to the nature and interactions of atoms, ions, and molecules will be presented. Students will also learn to use and evaluate information presented on product labels, in advertisement, and available through the internet. Also listed as CHEM 114. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

Th 7:25pm-8:40pm Wamba, K
Online Class IN
PHYS 210 - 42311 - General Physics I
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: MATH 130, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
The first semester of a two-semester sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers mechanics, fluids, waves and thermodynamics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Yadak, P
Online Class IN
PHYS 210 - 42311 - General Physics I
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: MATH 130, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
The first semester of a two-semester sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers mechanics, fluids, waves and thermodynamics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Yadak, P
Online Class IN
PHYS 210 - 48393 - General Physics I
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: MATH 130, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
The first semester of a two-semester sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers mechanics, fluids, waves and thermodynamics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Yadak, P
Online Class IN
PHYS 210 - 48393 - General Physics I
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: MATH 130, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
The first semester of a two-semester sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers mechanics, fluids, waves and thermodynamics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Yadak, P
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 210 - 46081 - General Physics I
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: MATH 130, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
The first semester of a two-semester sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers mechanics, fluids, waves and thermodynamics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

Th 1:10pm-4:00pm Wamba, K
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 210 - 46081 - General Physics I
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: MATH 130, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
The first semester of a two-semester sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers mechanics, fluids, waves and thermodynamics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Pevyhouse, A
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 210 - 48096 - General Physics I
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: MATH 130, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
The first semester of a two-semester sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers mechanics, fluids, waves and thermodynamics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

Th 1:10pm-4:00pm Wamba, K
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 210 - 48096 - General Physics I
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: MATH 130, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent.
The first semester of a two-semester sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers mechanics, fluids, waves and thermodynamics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Pevyhouse, A
Online Class IN
PHYS 211 - 47322 - Gen. Physics I - Calc. Supplem
Hours/semester: 16-18 lecture. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 242 or MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; and concurrent enrollment in or completion of PHYS 210 or equivalent.
Further depth and application of calculus to topics in PHYS 210. Examples include derivatives and integrals of equations of motion, work done by a variable force, and torque as a cross product. Required of some pre-medical, biology and architecture students. Transfer credit: UC; CSU.

TBA Pevyhouse, A
Online Class IN
PHYS 211 - 41392 - General Physics I-Calculus Sup
Hours/semester: 16-18 lecture. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 242 or MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; and concurrent enrollment in or completion of PHYS 210 or equivalent.
Further depth and application of calculus to topics in PHYS 210. Examples include derivatives and integrals of equations of motion, work done by a variable force, and torque as a cross product. Required of some pre-medical, biology and architecture students. Transfer credit: UC; CSU.

TBA Pevyhouse, A
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 220 - 40825 - General Physics II
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 210 or equivalent.
The second semester of a two-semester sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers electricity, magnetism, light and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

T 1:10pm-4:00pm Wamba, K
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 220 - 40825 - General Physics II
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 210 or equivalent.
The second semester of a two-semester sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers electricity, magnetism, light and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Jazaeri, A
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 220 - 48107 - General Physics II
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 210 or equivalent.
The second semester of a two-semester sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers electricity, magnetism, light and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

T 1:10pm-4:00pm Wamba, K
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 220 - 48107 - General Physics II
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 210 or equivalent.
The second semester of a two-semester sequence of algebra/trigonometry-based physics. Designed for students majoring in certain fields of letters and science, and required of those planning to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, agriculture or forestry. Covers electricity, magnetism, light and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Jazaeri, A
Online Class IN
PHYS 221 - 47325 - Gen Physics II Calculus Sup
Hours/semester: 16-18 lecture. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 242 or MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; and concurrent enrollment in or completion of PHYS 220 or equivalent.
Further depth and application of calculus to topics in PHYS 220. Examples include surface integrals for Gauss?s Law, line integrals for Ampere?s Law, and classical wave equation. Required of some premedical, biology and architecture students. Transfer credit: UC; CSU.

TBA Kaur, G
Online Class IN
PHYS 221 - 48098 - Gen Physics II Calculus Sup
Hours/semester: 16-18 lecture. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 242 or MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; and concurrent enrollment in or completion of PHYS 220 or equivalent.
Further depth and application of calculus to topics in PHYS 220. Examples include surface integrals for Gauss?s Law, line integrals for Ampere?s Law, and classical wave equation. Required of some premedical, biology and architecture students. Transfer credit: UC; CSU.

TBA Kaur, G
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 250 - 46479 - Physics with Calculus I
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

W 1:10pm-4:00pm Yadak, P
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 250 - 46479 - Physics with Calculus I
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Kaur, G
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 250 - 48109 - Physics with Calculus I
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

W 1:10pm-4:00pm Yadak, P
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 250 - 48109 - Physics with Calculus I
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Kaur, G
Evening Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 250 - 36909 - Physics with Calculus I
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

W 4:10pm-7:00pm Lopez-Thibodeaux, M
Evening Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 250 - 36909 - Physics with Calculus I
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Kaur, G
Evening Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 250 - 47668 - Physics with Calculus I
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

W 4:10pm-7:00pm Lopez-Thibodeaux, M
Evening Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 250 - 47668 - Physics with Calculus I
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

W TBA Kaur, G
Evening Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 250 - 48806 - Physics with Calculus I
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

W 4:10pm-7:00pm Lopez-Thibodeaux, M
Evening Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 250 - 48806 - Physics with Calculus I
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Kaur, G
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 260 - 46482 - Physics with Calculus II
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 253, or equivalent.
The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

M W F 9:10am-10:00am Wamba, K
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 260 - 46482 - Physics with Calculus II
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 253, or equivalent.
The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

M 1:10pm-4:00pm Wamba, K
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 260 - 48116 - Physics with Calculus II
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 253, or equivalent.
The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

M W F 9:10am-10:00am Wamba, K
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 260 - 48116 - Physics with Calculus II
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 253, or equivalent.
The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

M 1:10pm-4:00pm Wamba, K
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 260 - 48807 - Physics with Calculus II
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 253, or equivalent.
The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

M W F 9:10am-10:00am Wamba, K
Day Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 260 - 48807 - Physics with Calculus II
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 253, or equivalent.
The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

M 1:10pm-4:00pm Wamba, K
Evening Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 260 - 48118 - Physics with Calculus II
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 253, or equivalent.
The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

M W F 9:10am-10:00am Wamba, K
Evening Class  Hybrid Class IN
PHYS 260 - 48118 - Physics with Calculus II
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 253, or equivalent.
The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

M 4:10pm-7:00pm Wamba, K
Evening Class   IN
PHYS 270 - 47330 - Physics with Calculus III
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

W 4:10pm-5:00pm Wehrfritz, M
Evening Class   IN
PHYS 270 - 47330 - Physics with Calculus III
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Hein, E
Evening Class   IN
PHYS 270 - 47330 - Physics with Calculus III
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

Th TBA Wehrfritz, M
PHYS 270 - 47329 - Physics with Calculus III
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

W 1:10pm-2:00pm Wehrfritz, M
PHYS 270 - 47329 - Physics with Calculus III
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Hein, E
PHYS 270 - 47329 - Physics with Calculus III
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Wehrfritz, M
PHYS 270 - 47331 - Physics with Calculus III
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

W 1:10pm-2:00pm Wehrfritz, M
PHYS 270 - 47331 - Physics with Calculus III
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Hein, E
PHYS 270 - 47331 - Physics with Calculus III
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Wehrfritz, M
PHYS 270 - 48418 - Physics with Calculus III
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

W 1:10pm-2:00pm Wehrfritz, M
PHYS 270 - 48418 - Physics with Calculus III
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Hein, E
PHYS 270 - 48418 - Physics with Calculus III
PHYS 250, 260, 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I, II, III (4, 4, 4)
Hours/semester: 48-54 lecture/48-54 lab. Prerequisite: PHYS 250 ?MATH 251 and concurrent enrollment in or completion of MATH 252, or appropriate placement test score and other measures as appropriate, or equivalent; PHYS 260 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent. PHYS 270 ? PHYS 250 and MATH 252, or equivalent.
This three-semester physics sequence is designed to give the student majoring in engineering, physics, or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics.

PHYS 250 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS I ? The first semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics. Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers Newtonian mechanics, including gravitation and mechanical oscillations. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 260 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS II ? The second semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken as the third semester). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals pf physics. Covers electricity, magnetism and electromagnetic waves. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

PHYS 270 PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS III ? The third semester of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics (may also be taken directly after PHYS 250). Designed to give students majoring in engineering, physics or chemistry a thorough foundation in the fundamentals of physics. Covers fluids, thermodynamics, waves and light, and modern physics. The laboratory portion covers measurement and analysis of phenomena discussed in lecture. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, B3).

TBA Wehrfritz, M

Dean & Division Assistant

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Minerva Velasquez (Division Assistant)
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Jessica Hurless
Jessica Hurless (Dean)
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