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Program Spotlight

Geology is the study earth and its change over time, focusing on earth materials, the structure of those materials, and the processes acting upon them.

Students enrolled in the Geology Program at Skyline College will learn how their environment (including the Earth, the atmosphere, ocean, and biosphere) affects human lives and how human activities affect their environment. The Earth Sciences department offers a wide range of courses that fulfill General Education requirements for a variety of majors.

students in lab coats do an experiment in lab

You can learn about careers based in geology on the U.S. Bureau of Labor employment statistics website.

To succeed in Geology, students will need to display a keen intellectual curiosity that pushes them to ask questions and seek answers about the physical world around them and processes that have created it and continue to effect it. Students should have strong critical thinking and analytical skills along with the ability to work independently and as part of a team.

Skyline College also offers two Associate of Science Degrees in Geology that can help you create a clear path for transfer to a four-year institution.

Career Outlook

Geologists and Geoscientists spend much of their time working in offices and conducting research in laboratories. Most geoscientists work full time. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Geoscientists in California make an average of $105,280 per year.

Check out the classes offered in current and upcoming semesters.

Class Schedule
Program Type Total Units
Geology for Transfer AS-T 60 Units

Upon completion of the program students will be able to:

  • Apply scientific method of thinking to analyze and critically evaluate relevant literature and information, and the use of evidence for support.
  • Recognize and accurately articulate how their environment (including the Earth, the atmosphere, ocean, and biosphere) affects humans’ lives and how human activities affect their environment.
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of ways, such as scientific writing, visualization of data and ideas, or through oral communication
  • Solve quantitative problems, analyze results from data and measurements, form hypotheses from data, test hypotheses
  • Recognize the interdisciplinary nature of science and enjoy the process of learning science
Office Information
Location: Building 8-8209B
Phone: (650) 738-7939

Primary Contact

Benjamin Lam
Benjamin Lam (Program Services Coordinator)
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