Computer Science
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The Computer Science offerings at Skyline College are intended to give students a solid foundation in computer programming, as well as an opportunity to investigate personal computer use with a micro computer, and the societal implications of our growing use and dependence on computerized technology.
Our computer programming courses include a three semester sequence of C (Comp 190), Advanced C (Comp 250), and C++ (Comp 684) for students wanting a more sophisticated foundation in computer programming.
Check out the current class scheduleEmployment Statistics
Average Salary in California
National Ranking in Employment*
Computer Programmers
Computer Systems Analyst
* California employs the highest percentage of professionals in this role.
Sources: U.S. Department of Labor
Many job paths are available with a degree in computer science: these are just two of many, many roles you could achieve!
The Field
Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems. Unlike electrical and computer engineers, computer scientists deal mostly with software and software systems; this includes their theory, design, development, and application. In order to succeed in Computer Science, students should possess a passion for technology and will need to develop strong analytical, critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Skyline College currently offers an Associate Degree for Transfer in Computer Science which allows students to easy transfer to the California State University.
Career Outlook
Jobs in Computer Science are growing at an increasingly fast pace as the tech industry expands. Some jobs include Information Security Analysts, Computer Systems Analysts, Computer and Information Research Scientists, Computer Network Support Specialists, Computer User Support Specialists, Database Architects, Database Administrators, Computer Network Architects, Network and Computer Systems Administrators, Web and Digital Interface Designers, Web Developers, Computer Programmers, Software Quality Assurance Analysts and Testers, Software Developers, Data Scientists and more.
Salaries in computer-related jobs vary greatly depending on education level and industry sector. Computer Programmers in California make an average of $114,740 per year according to the U.S. Department of Labor. You can view the employment data for a variety of jobs attainable with a path in computer science on the Computer and Mathematical Occupations page from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Looking for classes offered in upcoming semesters?
Check out the current class schedule.Program | Type | Total Units |
Computer Science for Transfer | AS-T | 60 Units |
Junior Developer | CS | 9 - 10 Units |
Check out the current class schedule for upcoming semesters.
Class ScheduleThe Skyline College STEM Center brings together academic and student support services for students taking science, technology, engineering and math courses.
The center supports student success by ensuring students have access to resources such as academic tutoring, counseling services, a resource depository for STEM pathways and transfer, a hub for internships and work based learning opportunities, as well as a place where students and staff can collaborate and build a community and supportive connection.
Check out the STEM CenterUpon completion of the program students will be able to:
- Demonstrate the ability to use sound ethical reasoning when discussing biological science and the use of biotechnological techniques.
- Apply the knowledge of biological science to distinguish between observations, inferences, relationships, and testimonials under investigation.
- Employ the appropriate techniques effectively and safely, including the appropriate use of equipment and tools to produce an acceptable outcome when performing a technical laboratory task.