Kinesiology / Physical Education
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Kinesiology and physical education study the role exercise, physical movement and sports play in the development of human health and happiness. They apply sciences like biomechanics, anatomy, physiology and psychology to better understand how the human body responds to physical activity.

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KINE 101 Introduction to Kinesiology (3 units)
Exploration of the broad spectrum of kinesiology as an academic discipline, fundamental concepts and meaning of movement/physical activity, diversity of humans as moving beings, professional/career options, current/social issues, personal characteristics/ professional responsibilities. NOTE: This course is not activity-based and is not applicable to the specific area requirement in Physical Education for the Associate Degree.
KINE 301 Introduction to Personal Training (3 units)
The study of basic human anatomy, exercise physiology, health screening and assessment, aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, and nutrition. Prepares students to take the National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Personal Trainer exam. Note: This course is not activity-based and is not applicable to the specific area requirement in Physical Education for the Associate Degree.
KINE 302 Introduction to Sport Nutrition (3 units)
The study of the function of nutrients on human performance. The role of macronutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats), micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and trace elements) and water in growth, development and body processes. Prepares students to take the National Council of Strength and Fitness Sport Nutrition exam. Note: This course is not activity-based and is not applicable to the specific area requirement in Physical Education for the Associate Degree.
KINE 305 Health-Related Fitness and Wellness (3 units)
Explores the role that regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and stress management play in the maintenance of health-related fitness and wellness over the lifespan. Teaches students to understand the need and assume the responsibility for maintaining a healthful lifestyle. NOTE: This course is not activity-based and is not applicable to the specific area requirement in Physical Education for the Associate Degree.
KINE 330 Introduction to Sports Psychology (3 units)
Survey of current theoretical perspectives, research, and applications of theory and techniques specific to the field of sports psychology. Exploration of research as related to optimal performance in athletics and in life. Includes the history and foundations of sport and exercise psychology, the role of race/ethnicity, and gender in sport, personality, attribution and cognition, leadership, motivation, goal-setting, neuropsychology and physiology of arousal, attention, and psychological skills training. Also listed as PSYC 330.
KINE 510 Sport, Movement and Film (3 units)
Examination of how the cultural, political, psychological and historical dimensions of sport and other forms of movement are portrayed in feature films and documentaries. Representations of identity, power, performance, social justice, and the body are also analyzed. NOTE: This course is not activity-based and is not applicable to the specific area requirement in Physical Education for the Associate Degree.
KINE 695 Independent Study in Kinesiology (0.5- 3 units)
Designed for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge via self-paced, individualized, directed instruction provided in selected areas to be arranged with instructor and approved by the division dean using the Independent Study Form. Varying modes of instruction can be used -- laboratory, research, skill development, etc. For each unit earned, students are required to devote three hours per week throughout the semester. Students may take only one Independent Study course within a given discipline.
ADAP 358 Adapted Strength Development (0.5- 1 units)
Physical Education through strength development in the context of an individual’s physical, intellectual, and/or affective abilities and limitations. Topics will include equipment use, etiquette, safety, nutrition and techniques related to strength training for individuals with disabilities.
ADAP 359 Balance and Functional Movement for the Physically Limited (0.5- 1 units)
Assessment and training to enhance coordination, balance and neuromuscular function. Emphasis on enhancing functional movement, movement efficiency resulting in improved posture, and functional movement experiences.
COMB 105.1 Jiu Jitsu I (0.5- 1 units)
Introduction to the skills and strategies of Jiu Jitsu. Concepts of fitness and cardiovascular conditioning achieved through participating in Jiu Jitsu. Development of effective self-defense techniques through application of martial arts skills.
COMB 105.2 Jiu Jitsu II (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction in submission techniques of Jiu Jitsu. Specific offensive and defensive techniques to be used against an opponent along with escapes and submissions from a variety of different positions. Participation in intermediate level sparring with emphasis on safety.
COMB 105.3 Jiu Jitsu III (0.5- 1 units)
Continuing study of Jiu Jitsu. Development of greater self confidence, social and leadership skills. New Jiu Jitsu skills and techniques requiring greater proficiency in skills introduced in Jiu Jitsu II.
COMB 301 Beginning Wrestling (0.5- 1 units)
Acquire fundamental wrestling techniques and skills, including take downs, escapes, reversals, breakdowns, rides, and pinning combinations. Additional instruction in rules and scoring systems. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
COMB 302 Intermediate Wrestling (0.5- 1 units)
Acquire intermediate level wrestling techniques and skills, including take downs, escapes, reversals, breakdowns, rides, and pinning combinations. Additional instruction in rules and scoring systems, including dual competition and class tournament. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
COMB 401.1 Self Defense I (0.5- 2 units)
Designed to teach the principles and skills of self-defense at a beginning level. Areas covered will be mental preparation, avoidance of situations conducive to assault, punching, kicking, pressure points and defenses. Includes instruction in both non-violent and violent defenses. Students taking this course to meet the Movement Based Course requirement for the Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T) in Kinesiology should take this course for 1.0 unit.
COMB 401.2 Self Defense II (0.5- 2 units)
Designed to teach the principles and skills of self-defense at an intermediate level. Includes mental preparation, avoidance of situations conducive to assault, punching, kicking, pressure points and defenses. Instruction in both non-violent and violent defenses. Students taking this course to meet the Movement Based Courses requirement for the Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T) in Kinesiology should take this course for 1.0 unit.
COMB 401.3 Self Defense III (0.5- 2 units)
Designed to teach the principles and skills of self-defense at an advanced intermediate level. Areas covered will be mental preparation, avoidance of situations conducive to assault, punching, kicking, pressure points and defenses. Includes instruction in both non-violent and violent defenses. Students taking this course to meet the Movement Based Course requirement for the Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T) in Kinesiology should take this course for 1.0 unit.
COMB 401.4 Self Defense IV (0.5- 2 units)
Designed to teach the principles and skills of self-defense at an advanced level. Areas covered will be mental preparation, avoidance of situations conducive to assault, punching, kicking, pressure points and defenses. Includes instruction in both non-violent and violent defenses. Students taking this course to meet the Movement Based Course requirement for the Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T) in Kinesiology should take this course for 1.0 unit.
FITN 106 Varsity Conditioning (0.5- 2 units)
Intended for out-of-season varsity athletes to provide fitness and strength programs that will prepare them for intercollegiate competition. May include strength, cardiovascular, agility, speed and sport specific training.
FITN 107 Intercollegiate Fitness (0.5- 2 units)
Intended for in-season varsity athletes to maintain fitness during their intercollegiate season. Strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, injury prevention, psychological preparation and nutrition will be emphasized.
FITN 112.1 Cross Training I (0.5- 1 units)
A beginning level course designed to incorporate strength training and fitness concepts for overall body conditioning using a variety of fitness activities. May include Spinning, weight training or resistance exercises, yoga, Pilates, hiking, running, and/or fitness walking. Students will improve fitness levels, increase strength and flexibility, and lose body fat while participating in a variety of fitness activities.
FITN 112.2 Cross Training II (0.5- 1 units)
An intermediate level course designed to incorporate strength training and fitness concepts for overall body conditioning using a variety of fitness activities. Students will improve fitness levels, increase strength and flexibility, and lose body fat while participating in a variety of fitness activities.
FITN 112.3 Cross Training III (0.5- 1 units)
An advanced intermediate level course designed to incorporate strength training and fitness concepts for overall body conditioning using a variety of fitness activities. Students will improve fitness levels, increase strength and flexibility, and lose body fat while participating in a variety of fitness activities.
FITN 112.4 Cross Training IV (0.5- 1 units)
An advanced level course designed to incorporate strength training and fitness concepts for overall body conditioning using a variety of fitness activities. Students will improve fitness levels, increase strength and flexibility, and lose body fat while participating in a variety of fitness activities.
FITN 116.1 Body Conditioning I (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction and personal fitness program development on a beginning level. Emphasis on various stretching and flexibility methods, the design of individual strength programs, and latest information of scientific application to developing aerobic fitness and wellness at a beginning level. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 116.2 Body Conditioning II (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction and personal fitness program development on an intermediate level. Emphasis on various stretching and flexibility methods, the design of individual strength programs, and latest information of scientific application to developing aerobic fitness and wellness at an intermediate level. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 116.3 Body Conditioning III (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction and personal fitness program development on an advanced intermediate level. Emphasis on various stretching and flexibility methods, the design of individual strength programs, and latest information of scientific application to developing aerobic fitness and wellness at an advanced intermediate level. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 116.4 Body Conditioning IV (0.5- 1 units)
Continued instruction and personal fitness program development on an advanced level. Emphasis on various stretching and flexibility methods, the design of individual strength programs, and latest information of scientific application to developing aerobic fitness and wellness at an advanced level. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 199.1 Interactive Cardiovascular Fitness I (2 units)
A beginning level fitness course utilizing technology to verify performance via self-reported cardiovascular exercise, assignments, testing and discussion. Students will learn to improve fitness through the use of cardiovascular exercise. Students are required to have an instructor-approved tracking application installed on a GPS-enabled device.
FITN 199.2 Interactive Cardiovascular Fitness II (2 units)
An intermediate level fitness course utilizing technology to verify performance via self-reported cardiovascular exercise, assignments, testing and discussion. Students will improve fitness through the use of cardiovascular exercise. Students are required to have an instructor-approved tracking application installed on a GPS-enabled device.
FITN 201.1 Weight Training I (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction at a beginning level in lifts and protocols of weight training. Emphasis on form and techniques, safety procedures and strength values of weight lifting using barbells, weight machines or similar equipment. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 201.2 Weight Training II (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction at an intermediate level in lifts and protocols of weight training. Emphasis on form and techniques, safety procedures and strength values of weight lifting using barbells, weight machines or similar equipment. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 201.3 Weight Training III (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction at an advanced intermediate level in lifts and protocols of weight training. Emphasis on form and techniques, safety procedures and strength values of weight lifting using barbells, weight machines or similar equipment. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 201.4 Weight Training IV (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction at an advanced level in lifts and protocols of weight training. Emphasis on form and techniques, safety procedures and strength values of weight lifting using barbells, weight machines or similar equipment. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 219.1 Core Fitness Training I (0.5- 1 units)
Tone and align your core with techniques from Pilates, Barre, physical therapy and dance strength training. Core strengthening, stretching and light aerobic exercise with focus on spine stabilization postures and proper knee alignment at a beginning level to improve athletic performance, activities of daily living, and injury prevention.
FITN 219.2 Core Fitness Training II (0.5- 1 units)
Tone and align your core with techniques from Pilates, Barre, physical therapy and dance strength training. Core strengthening, stretching and light aerobic exercise with focus on spine stabilization postures and proper knee alignment at an intermediate level to improve athletic performance, activities of daily living, and injury prevention.
FITN 219.3 Core Fitness Training III (0.5- 1 units)
Tone and align your core with techniques from Pilates, Barre, physical therapy and dance strength training. Core strengthening, stretching and light aerobic exercise with focus on spine stabilization postures and proper knee alignment at an advanced intermediate level to improve athletic performance, activities of daily living, and injury prevention.
FITN 219.4 Core Fitness Training IV (0.5- 1 units)
Tone and align your core with techniques from Pilates, Barre, physical therapy and dance strength training. Core strengthening, stretching and light aerobic exercise with focus on spine stabilization postures and proper knee alignment at an advanced level to improve athletic performance, activities of daily living, and injury prevention.
FITN 301.1 Indoor Cycling I (0.5- 1 units)
A beginning level aerobic exercise performed on a stationary racing bicycle and done to high-cadence music. An exciting and fast-paced workout to lose body weight or improve aerobic conditioning.
FITN 301.2 Indoor Cycling II (0.5- 1 units)
An intermediate level aerobic exercise performed on a stationary racing bicycle and done to high-cadence music. An exciting and fast-paced workout to lose body weight or improve aerobic conditioning.
FITN 301.3 Indoor Cycling III (0.5- 1 units)
An advanced intermediate level aerobic exercise performed on a stationary racing bicycle and done to high-cadence music. An exciting and fast-paced workout to lose body weight or improve aerobic conditioning.
FITN 301.4 Indoor Cycling IV (0.5- 1 units)
An advanced level aerobic exercise performed on a stationary racing bicycle and done to high-cadence music. An exciting and fast-paced workout to lose body weight or improve aerobic conditioning.
FITN 304.1 Walking Fitness I (0.5- 1 units)
Beginning level cardiovascular fitness through walking. Students will evaluate their individual levels of cardiovascular fitness and develop a beginning level personal walking program.
FITN 304.2 Walking Fitness II (0.5- 1 units)
Gain intermediate level cardiovascular fitness through walking. Students will evaluate their individual levels of cardiovascular fitness and develop an intermediate level personal walking program.
FITN 304.3 Walking Fitness III (0.5- 1 units)
Students gain an advanced intermediate level understanding of cardiovascular fitness through walking. Students will evaluate their individual levels of cardiovascular fitness and develop an advanced intermediate level personal walking program.
FITN 304.4 Walking Fitness IV (0.5- 1 units)
Students gain an advanced level understanding of cardiovascular fitness through walking. Students will evaluate their individual levels of cardiovascular fitness and develop an advanced level personal walking program.
FITN 305.1 Cardiovascular Development - Running Emphasis I (0.5- 2 units)
Instruction in methods to achieve total fitness through beginning level cardiovascular activities with emphasis on running.
FITN 305.2 Cardiovascular Development - Running Emphasis II (0.5- 2 units)
Instruction in methods to achieve total fitness through intermediate level cardiovascular activities with emphasis on running.
FITN 305.3 Cardiovascular Development - Running Emphasis III (0.5- 2 units)
Instruction in methods to achieve total fitness through advanced intermediate level cardiovascular activities with emphasis on running.
FITN 305.4 Cardiovascular Development - Running Emphasis IV (0.5- 2 units)
Instruction in methods to achieve total fitness through advanced level cardiovascular activities with emphasis on running.
FITN 332.1 Stretching and Flexibility I (0.5- 1 units)
A beginning class designed to increase flexibility, tone the body, improve circulation, teach proper breathing and relaxation, and create basic understanding of what is necessary for good health.
FITN 332.2 Stretching and Flexibility II (0.5- 1 units)
An intermediate level class designed to increase flexibility, tone the body, improve circulation, teach proper breathing and relaxation, and create basic understanding of what is necessary for good health.
FITN 332.3 Stretching and Flexibility III (0.5- 1 units)
An advanced intermediate level class designed to increase flexibility, tone the body, improve circulation, teach proper breathing and relaxation, and create basic understanding of what is necessary for good health.
FITN 332.4 Stretching and Flexibility IV (0.5- 1 units)
An advanced level class designed to increase flexibility, tone the body, improve circulation, teach proper breathing and relaxation, and create basic understanding of what is necessary for good health.
FITN 334.1 Yoga I (0.5- 1 units)
Designed to educate students in Hatha Yoga at a beginning level. Focuses on using yoga postures to increase flexibility, strength and endurance; improve balance, posture and breathing; and teaches relaxation techniques. Appropriate for all ages and abilities. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 334.2 Yoga II (0.5- 1 units)
Designed to educate students in Hatha Yoga at a beginning level. Focuses on using yoga postures to increase flexibility, strength and endurance; improve balance, posture and breathing; and teaches relaxation techniques. Appropriate for all ages and abilities. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 334.3 Yoga III (0.5- 1 units)
Designed to educate students in Hatha Yoga at a beginning level. Focuses on using yoga postures to increase flexibility, strength and endurance; improve balance, posture and breathing; and teaches relaxation techniques. Appropriate for all ages and abilities. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 334.4 Yoga IV (0.5- 1 units)
Designed to educate students in Hatha Yoga at a beginning level. Focuses on using yoga postures to increase flexibility, strength and endurance; improve balance, posture and breathing; and teaches relaxation techniques. Appropriate for all ages and abilities. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 335.1 Pilates I (0.5- 1 units)
Training of the muscles in the torso through controlled exercises taught at a beginning level designed to improve posture, coordination and balance; build core strength; and increase flexibility and agility. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 335.2 Pilates II (0.5- 1 units)
Training of the muscles in the torso through controlled exercises taught at an intermediate level designed to improve posture, coordination and balance; build core strength; and increase flexibility and agility. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
FITN 335.3 Pilates III (0.5- 1 units)
Training of the muscles in the torso through controlled exercises taught at an advanced intermediate level designed to improve posture, coordination and balance; build core strength; and increase flexibility and agility. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement.
FITN 335.4 Pilates IV (0.5- 1 units)
Training of the muscles in the torso through controlled exercises taught at an advanced level designed to improve posture, coordination and balance; build core strength; and increase flexibility and agility. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement.
FITN 400.1 Fitness Academy I (1- 3 units)
Various fitness activities designed to raise students’ individual fitness levels. After assessment of the students’ fitness levels through completion of fitness tests, personal exercise regimens will be prepared for each student. Students must meet with the instructor for orientation.
FITN 400.2 Fitness Academy II (1- 3 units)
Students will participate in various intermediate level physical activities designed to improve their individual fitness. After assessment of the students’ fitness levels through completion of fitness tests, intermediate level personal exercise regimens will be prepared for each student. Students must meet with the instructor for orientation.
FITN 400.3 Fitness Academy III (1- 3 units)
Students will participate in various advanced intermediate level physical activities designed to improve their individual fitness. After assessment of the students’ fitness levels through completion of fitness tests, advanced intermediate level personal exercise regimens will be prepared for each student. Students must meet with the instructor for orientation.
FITN 400.4 Fitness Academy IV (1- 3 units)
Students will participate in various advanced level physical activities designed to improve their individual fitness. After assessment of the students’ fitness levels through completion of fitness tests, advanced level personal exercise regimens will be prepared for each student. Students must meet with the instructor for orientation.
INDV 101.1 Archery I (0.5- 2 units)
Introduction to target archery including technique practice and application, scoring at a beginning level, vocabulary, and care and selection of equipment. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
INDV 101.2 Archery II (0.5- 2 units)
Continuing instruction in the sport of target archery. Includes further technique instruction, use of a bow sight, scoring, care of a bow and arrows, and vocabulary. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
INDV 101.3 Archery III (0.5- 2 units)
Continuing instruction in the sport of target archery. Includes advanced intermediate technique and bow sight instruction, scoring, care of a bow and arrows, vocabulary and competition. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
INDV 101.4 Archery IV (0.5- 2 units)
Continuing instruction in the sport of target archery. Includes advanced technique instruction, scoring, vocabulary and competition. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
INDV 121.1 Badminton I (0.5- 1 units)
Rules and beginning strategies of badminton; instruction and practice in fundamentals of grip, strokes, footwork, court coverage, drills and competition, tournaments in singles and doubles. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
INDV 121.2 Badminton II (0.5- 1 units)
Rules and strategies of intermediate badminton; instruction and further practice in grips, strokes, footwork, court coverage, drills and competition, tournaments in singles and doubles. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
INDV 121.3 Badminton III (0.5- 1 units)
Advanced intermediate instruction with an emphasis on strategy, footwork, doubles team work, and singles game. Tournament play in singles and doubles. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
INDV 121.4 Badminton IV (0.5- 1 units)
Advanced instruction with an emphasis on strategy, footwork, doubles team work, and singles game. Tournament play in singles and doubles. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
INDV 251.1 Tennis I (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction in the fundamental skills of the service, forehand and backhand strokes; court strategy and the rules of play; testing program in all tennis skills and rules. Includes use of automatic ball machine. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
INDV 251.2 Tennis II (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction in the fundamental skills of tennis. Emphasis will be placed on singles and doubles strategy including the essence of net play at the intermediate level. Forehand, backhand, and serve will be emphasized as offensive and defensive weapons. Competition will be included and tournaments will be held. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
INDV 251.3 Tennis III (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction on the skills of tennis at the advanced intermediate level. Emphasis will be placed on singles and doubles strategy including net play. Forehand, backhand, and serve will be emphasized as offensive and defensive weapons. Competition will be included and tournaments will be held. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
INDV 251.4 Tennis IV (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction on the skills of tennis at the advanced level. Emphasis will be placed on singles and doubles strategy including net play. Forehand, backhand, and serve will be emphasized as offensive and defensive weapons. Competition will be included and tournaments will be held. For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 105 Advanced Baseball (2 units)
Instruction and practice in the fundamentals of baseball; team competition; testing program in skills and rules.
TEAM 111.1 Basketball I (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction at a beginning level in the rules, strategies and skills of basketball. Includes round-robin play during the last half of the semester. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 111.2 Basketball II (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction at an intermediate level in the rules, strategies and skills of basketball. Includes round-robin play during the last half of the semester. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 111.3 Basketball III (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction at an advanced intermediate level in the rules, strategies and skills of basketball. Includes round-robin play during the last half of the semester. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 111.4 Basketball IV (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction at an advanced level in the rules, strategies and skills of basketball. Includes round-robin play during the last half of the semester. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 112 Basketball: Advanced Competition Strategies (0.5- 1 units)
Designed for potential student-athletes to pursue advanced knowledge in philosophy, strategies, techniques, and instruction in the competitive game of basketball. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 4 units. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 116 Basketball: Individual Skill Development (0.5- 1 units)
Designed to improve the individual skills of students wishing to play competitive basketball. Fundamentals of the game: ball handling, passing and shooting. Numerous basketball and conditioning drills. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 4 units. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 132.1 Flag Football I (0.5- 2 units)
Provides beginning skills and competition in flag football, including catching, running with the ball, strategies, blocking, and rules of the game. NOTE: For students taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course to be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 132.2 Flag Football II (0.5- 2 units)
Provides intermediate skills building and competition in flag football, including catching, running with the ball, strategies, blocking, and rules of the game. NOTE: For students taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course to 1.0 unit.
TEAM 132.3 Flag Football III (0.5- 2 units)
Provides advanced intermediate skills building and competition in flag football, including catching, running with the ball, strategies, blocking, and rules of the game. NOTE: For students taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course to 1.0 unit.
TEAM 132.4 Flag Football IV (0.5- 2 units)
Provides advanced skills building and competition in flag football, including catching, running with the ball, strategies, blocking, and rules of the game. NOTE: For students taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course to be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 141.1 Soccer I (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction and practice in the fundamentals of individual and team play including, but not limited to, passing, receiving, dribbling, shielding, shooting and offensive / defensive systems at a beginning level. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet the requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 141.2 Soccer II (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction and practice in the fundamentals of individual and team play including, but not limited to, passing, receiving, dribbling, shielding, shooting and offensive / defensive systems at an intermediate level. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet the requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 141.3 Soccer III (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction and practice in the fundamentals of individual and team play including, but not limited to, passing, receiving, dribbling, shielding, shooting and offensive / defensive systems at an advanced intermediate level. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet the requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 141.4 Soccer IV (0.5- 1 units)
Instruction and practice in the fundamentals of individual and team play including, but not limited to, passing, receiving, dribbling, shielding, shooting and offensive / defensive systems at an advanced level. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet the requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 148.1 Indoor Soccer I (0.5- 1 units)
Designed to provide instruction and practice at a beginning level in the fundamentals of indoor soccer and Futsal, team competition, specialized tactics and beginning systems of play. Discussion of historical perspectives and social significance of indoor soccer and Futsal. Testing program in skills and rules of the game. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 148.2 Indoor Soccer II (0.5- 1 units)
Designed to provide instruction and practice at an intermediate level in the fundamentals of indoor soccer and Futsal, team competition, specialized tactics and beginning systems of play. Discussion of historical perspectives and social significance of indoor soccer and Futsal. Testing program in skills and rules of the game. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 148.3 Indoor Soccer III (0.5- 1 units)
Designed to provide instruction and practice at an advanced intermediate level in the fundamentals of indoor soccer and Futsal, team competition, specialized tactics and beginning systems of play. Discussion of historical perspectives and social significance of indoor soccer and Futsal. Testing program in skills and rules of the game. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 148.4 Indoor Soccer IV (0.5- 1 units)
Designed to provide instruction and practice at an advanced level in the fundamentals of indoor soccer and Futsal, team competition, specialized tactics and beginning systems of play. Discussion of historical perspectives and social significance of indoor soccer and Futsal. Testing program in skills and rules of the game. NOTE: For students who are taking the course to meet a requirement for the ADT in Kinesiology, be advised that the Movement Based Courses requirement requires the course be 1.0 unit.
TEAM 188 Volleyball Theory: Defense (1.5- 3 units)
Fundamentals of playing and coaching volleyball. Students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual and team play in volleyball from a defensive perspective. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
TEAM 189 Volleyball Theory: Offense (1.5- 3 units)
Offensive fundamentals of playing and coaching volleyball. Students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual and team play in volleyball from an offensive perspective. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
TEAM 190 Baseball Theory: Defense (1.5- 3 units)
Designed to help students understand the fundamentals of playing and coaching baseball from a defensive perspective. Students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual and team defensive play in baseball. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
TEAM 191 Baseball Theory: Offense (1.5- 3 units)
Designed to help students understand the offensive fundamentals of playing and coaching baseball. Students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual and team offensive play in baseball. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
TEAM 192 Men's Basketball Theory: Defense (1.5- 3 units)
Designed to help students understand the defensive fundamentals of playing and coaching basketball. Students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual and team play in basketball. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
TEAM 193 Men's Basketball Theory: Offense (1.5- 3 units)
Designed to help students understand the offensive fundamentals of playing and coaching basketball. Students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual and team play in basketball. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
TEAM 194 Women's Basketball Theory: Defense (1.5- 3 units)
Designed to help students understand the fundamentals of playing and coaching women's basketball. Students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual and team play in women's basketball. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
TEAM 195 Women's Basketball Theory: Offense (1.5- 3 units)
Designed to help students understand the fundamentals of playing and coaching women's basketball. Students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual and team play in women's basketball. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
TEAM 196 Men's Soccer Theory: Defense (1.5- 3 units)
Designed to help students understand the fundamentals of playing and coaching soccer. Students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual and team defensive play in men's soccer. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
TEAM 197 Men's Soccer Theory: Offense (1.5- 3 units)
Designed to help students understand the fundamentals of playing and coaching men's soccer. Students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual and team offensive play in men's soccer. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
TEAM 198 Women's Soccer Theory: Defense (1.5- 3 units)
Designed to help students understand the fundamentals of playing and coaching women's soccer. Students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual and team defensive play in soccer. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
TEAM 199 Women's Soccer Theory: Offense (1.5- 3 units)
Designed to help students understand the fundamentals of playing and coaching women's soccer. Students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual and team offensive play in women's soccer. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
TEAM 201 Men's Wrestling Theory (1.5- 3 units)
Designed to help students understand the fundamentals of participating and coaching men's wrestling. By taking the course, students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual skills and strategies in men's wrestling. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
TEAM 203 Women's Wrestling Theory (1.5- 3 units)
Designed to help students understand the fundamentals of participating and coaching women's wrestling. By taking the course, students will gain knowledge about the history, philosophies, techniques and strategies related to the development of individual skills and strategies in women's wrestling.
VARS 100 Varsity Baseball (3 units)
Intercollegiate varsity baseball competition in the Coast Conference; tournaments and post-season competition with other California Community Colleges. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
VARS 110 Men’s Varsity Basketball (1.5 units)
Intercollegiate men's varsity basketball competition in the Coast Conference and participation in regional and state tournaments. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
VARS 150 Men’s Varsity Soccer (3 units)
Intercollegiate men's varsity soccer competition in the Coast Conference and participation in regional and state tournaments. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
VARS 200 Varsity Wrestling (3 units)
Intercollegiate competition in dual matches in the Coast Conference; competition in several regional wrestling tournaments each year including Coast Conference matches, Northern California matches, and the State Championships. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
VARS 300 Women's Varsity Basketball (1.5 units)
Intercollegiate women's varsity basketball competition in the Coast Conference and participation in regional and state tournaments.
VARS 340 Women’s Varsity Volleyball (3 units)
Includes competition with other Northern California community colleges in Women's Varsity Volleyball. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
VARS 342 Beach Volleyball (3 units)
Intercollegiate women's varsity beach volleyball competition in the Coast Conference and participation in regional and State Championship tournaments. (May be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units. However for eligibility purposes, students may only compete intercollegiately for two years.)
VARS 350 Women's Varsity Badminton (3 units)
Intercollegiate badminton competition with Northern California community colleges. Participation in the Coast Conference and regional tournaments.
VARS 360 Women’s Varsity Soccer (3 units)
Intercollegiate women's varsity soccer competition in the Coast Conference and participation in regional and state tournaments. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
VARS 390 Women's Varsity Wrestling (3 units)
Intercollegiate women's varsity wrestling competition in dual matches in the Coast Conference; competition in several regional wrestling tournaments each year including Coast Conference matches, Northern California matches, and the State Championships. NOTE: This course may be taken four times for a maximum of 12 units.
Program | Type | Total Units |
Kinesiology for Transfer | AA-T | 60 Units |
Program | Type | Total Units |
Physical Education | AA | 60 Units |
To succeed in kinesiology and physical education students should be interested in the benefits and processes related to fitness and physical activity. Students will need to develop strong critical thinking skills in order to think critically about the role of activity as a means to promote health and well-being. Students enrolled in the Kinesiology/Physical Education Program at Skyline College can expect to learn about how physical activity affects the human body both mentally and physically.
Skyline College offers a wide variety of classes including classes in Adaptive Physical Education (ADAP), Fitness (FITN), Individual Sports (INDV), Team Sports (TEAM), Kinesiology (KINE), and Physical Education (PE) that satisfy General Education requirements. The College also offers two Associate Degrees for Transfer in Kinesiology and one Associate Degree in Physical Education.
Career Outlook
The study of kinesiology and physical education may be used as the basis for a variety of careers which include athletic trainers, choreographer, coach, athletic director, corrective therapist, personal trainer, physical therapist, recreational specialist, or teacher to name a few.
Demand and salary expectations vary widely across this career spectrum. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, athletic trainers in California make an average of $62,710 per year, and physical therapists make an average of $103,510 per year.
Upon completion of the program students will be able to:
- Demonstrate increased muscular strength and endurance, or in the presence of a degenerative disease process, demonstrate either maintained or slowed degradation of muscular strength and endurance in areas where given the "normal" course of the disease, decreased muscle strength and endurance would be expected
- Demonstrate improvement in areas of fitness as measured by the division Physical Education Evaluation Program (PEEP)
- Demonstrate the fundamental skills, knowledge, etiquette and vocabulary used in the practice and performance of combative activities
- Recognize the importance of, and practice, participating in regular moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day
- Demonstrate improvement in areas of fitness as measured by the division Physical Education Evaluation Program (PEEP)
- Recognize the importance of, and practice, participating in regular moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day
- Identify and assess their current fitness level; alter or modify specific wellness or fitness practices in order to improve body composition/flexibility/cardiovascular fitness/muscular endurance/muscular strength
- Identify and assess their current fitness level; alter or modify specific wellness or fitness practices in order to improve body composition/flexibility/cardiovascular fitness/muscular endurance/muscular strength related to performance
- Recognize the importance of, and practice, participating in regular moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day
- Demonstrate and apply the fundamental skills, knowledge, etiquette and vocabulary used in the practice and performance of individual activities
- Identify risk factors for heart disease and stroke, and apply general fitness/wellness principles to minimize risk
- Critically analyze anatomical and physiological factors in the development of exercise prescription, prevention and rehabilitation programs designed to meet individual goals and circumstances
- Identify career and / or educational options in physical education, and formulate an action plan to successfully pursue and attain those options
- Demonstrate an understanding of the historical, social and psychological aspects of activity and sport in the context of society
- Demonstrate improvement in areas of fitness as measured by the division Physical Education Evaluation Program (PEEP)
- Demonstrate the fundamental skills, knowledge, etiquette and vocabulary used in the practice and performance of team activities
- Develop individual and team offensive / defensive programs applicable to specific goals, evaluate various techniques for effectiveness, demonstrate skills at an advanced level and apply concepts into practice
- Demonstrate an expert knowledge of the strategies and skills of the sport; use critical thinking skills to apply this knowledge to a competitive situation in order to contend to the best of one's ability against outside opponents
- Embody the traits of good sportsmanship and a sense of team in both competition and practice; and demonstrate commitment to academic achievement through work ethic developed in practice and competition
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