Anesthesia Technology
Apply NowInterested in Anesthesia Technology?
Our program combines academic and clinical instruction that includes learning to prepare, maintain, and troubleshoot complex anesthesia equipment and suctions fluids, and assembling complex equipment. Skyline College offers an 18‑month program admitting one cohort each Fall semester, and includes clinical practice. With an additional 30 units of General Education credits, a graduate of the program may apply for an Associate of Science degree in Anesthesia Technology.
The Skyline College Anesthesia Technology program is by special application only. Applications are accepted (once available) until June 1.
How do I apply?
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Anesthesia Technology program is on hold. At Skyline College, we pride ourselves in providing students with quality allied health training programs, and we sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. Please check back on this site for any updates on the reopening of the program.
An Anesthesia Technologist (AT) assists the Anesthesia Care Provider in the safe and efficient care of patients under anesthesia. Anesthesia is a fundamental and advanced clinical procedure where the Anesthesia Care Provider relies on well-trained personnel to ensure everything is ready for the patient. This is a satisfying, interesting, and fast-paced profession that offers job security and mobility as a vital member of the anesthesia care team.
Career Outlook
A typical day for an Anesthesia Technologist starts at 7:00 am. The AT reports to the anesthesia workroom, reviews the patients and plans how to assist the Anesthesia Care Providers for the day. Anesthesia Technologists may work in a variety of clinical settings, including general medical and surgical hospitals, and outpatient care centers.
As a new program, the anesthesia technology program at Skyline College has been issued a Letter of Review by the Committee on Accreditation for Anesthesia Technology Education (CoA-ATE). This letter is NOT a CAAHEP accreditation status; it is a status signifying that a program seeking initial accreditation has demonstrated sufficient compliance with the accreditation Standards through Letter of Review application materials and other documentation. Letter of Review is recognized by the American Association of Anesthesia Technologists & Technicians (ASATT) for eligibility to take the credentialing exam. However, it is NOT a guarantee of eventual accreditation.
Looking for classes offered now? Check out the current schedule.
ANST 400 Professional Aspects of Anesthesia Technology (2 units)
Introduction to Anesthesiology's contribution to quality patient care and the relationship of the Anesthesia Technologist to other health care professionals. Focus is on patient safety, universal precautions, and student safety in the health care environment.
ANST 405 Basic Principles of Anesthesia Technology (3 units)
Introduction to the theory and concepts of functioning in a surgical environment including a fundamental understanding of a variety of anesthesia equipment and basic case set-up utilizing anesthesia supplies and equipment.
ANST 410 Basic Anesthesia Equipment (3 units)
Introduction to the theories and concepts in the proper function of anesthesia equipment to include: maintaining equipment, repairing defects and trouble-shooting complications.
ANST 415 Anesthesia Pharmacology (3 units)
Introduction to the theory and concepts in the proper use and safe practice of delivery and storage of anesthesia medications which includes: stocking of the drug cart and assisting the anesthesia care provider in the preparation of the medications.
ANST 420 Application of Principles in Anesthesia Technology (3 units)
Introduction to the theory and concepts of the use and function of anesthesia supplies and equipment used for various surgical procedures to include cases in: general, regional, and conscious sedation.
ANST 425 Anesthesia Technology Clinical Experience I (6 units)
Introduction to the theory and clinical practice of anesthesia to include: general, regional and conscious sedation techniques. Students will become familiarized with the surgical environment and practice skills and abilities in all basic areas related to role of the Anesthesia Technologist.
ANST 430 Advanced Anesthesia Equipment (3 units)
Introduction to the theory and concepts of advanced anesthesia equipment used in surgical procedures.
ANST 435 Anesthesia Technology Clinical Experience II (6 units)
Continued application of advanced theory and concepts of clinical practice skills to mastery. Students operate independently as an Anesthesia Technologist in all aspects of patient care including: preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative surgical phases.
ANST 440 Anesthesia Technology Examination and Review (3 units)
Preparation and review for the Certified Anesthesia Technologist examination required by the American Society for Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians.
The Skyline College STEM Center brings together academic and student support services for students taking science, technology, engineering and math courses.
The center supports student success by ensuring students have access to resources such as academic tutoring, counseling services, a resource depository for STEM pathways and transfer, a hub for internships and work based learning opportunities, as well as a place where students and staff can collaborate and build a community and supportive connection.
Check out the STEM CenterSkyline College Allied Health Sciences has a new Simulation Laboratory located in Building 7, Room 7-211. The lab features state-of-the-art Gaumard adult, infant and premie tetherless simulators. The lab also includes full patient monitors, beds, standard clinical supplies and a video recording system.
Patient simulators can provide all vital signs, including heart & respiratory rates, pulses, lung sounds, pupil response and oxygen saturation. The manikins are able to realistically simulate virtually any medical problem or condition, including cardiac, respiratory, neurological, musculoskeletal and metabolic issues.
The patient simulators provide a total hands-on experience in which students are able to see the results of their actions in real time. Currently, the Simulation Lab is used for training students in the Surgical Technology, Respiratory Care, Anesthesia Technology, and Sterile Processing Technology programs.
If faculty at Skyline have any questions or would like to schedule some time in the lab, please contact Barbara Tovar, Lab Coordinator & Technologist at (650) 738-7928.
Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:
- Use aseptic technique in clinical and laboratory environments.
- Discuss and understand the role of microorganisms in healthy individuals and in infectious diseases.
- Demonstrate understanding of the structure of the human body.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the functions of the organ systems of the human body.
- Apply the concept of homeostasis to basic principles in medicine.
- Discuss and understand the principles of cellular metabolism, molecular genetics, and immunology.
- Demonstrate the ability to report scientific information appropriately and effectively.
- Utilize the scientific method to analyze and interpret data.
- Use the periodic table and other reference sources to gather information needed to solve chemical problems.
- Identify functional groups or reaction types and understand the role of biologically important molecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids) in the body.
Location: STEM Division Office, Building 7-130
Phone: (650) 738-4221
To apply for Skyline College’s Anesthesia Technology Program you will need to have completed the following prerequisites:
- High School diploma or equivalent
- English: Eligibility for Skyline College ENGL 100 or equivalent
- Successful course completion of Intermediate Algebra, an equivalent course, or higher level math.
- Chemistry with a lab equivalent to CHEM 192 or CHEM 410
- Human Anatomy with a lab equivalent to BIOL 250
- Medical Terminology equivalent to HSCI 484 or MEDA 484
- CPR for Healthcare Providers equivalent to EMC. 425
Program Scheduling
All classes will be held in the evenings; however, students are expected to be available for day and evening shifts during clinical rotations in the Spring semester and the final Fall semester. Classes will average 3-4 evenings per week throughout the program.
Other Program Requirements
Prior to starting classes, all students admitted to the program are required to complete a satisfactory physical examination, immunization documentation verifying freedom of communicable disease, a social security referenced background check, and drug test.
Program Accreditation
As a new program, the anesthesia technology program at Skyline College has been issued a Letter of Review by the Committee on Accreditation for Anesthesia Technology Education (CoA-ATE). This letter is NOT a CAAHEP accreditation status; it is a status signifying that a program seeking initial accreditation has demonstrated sufficient compliance with the accreditation Standards through Letter of Review application materials and other documentation. Letter of Review is recognized by the American Association of Anesthesia Technologists & Technicians (ASATT) for eligibility to take the credentialing exam. However, it is NOT a guarantee of eventual accreditation.
Anesthesia Technology Program Application
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Anesthesia Technology program is on hold. At Skyline College, we pride ourselves in providing students with quality allied health training programs, and we sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. Please check back on this site for any updates on the reopening of the program.
Thank you for your interest in the Anesthesia Technology Program at Skyline College. Students are admitted into the program once a year only.
The Anesthesia Technology Program is a special application program. Twenty five (25) applicants will be accepted per year. To be considered for the program, students must meet Skyline College admission requirements, meet the program prerequisites, submit the complete application package, and show evidence of good health.
Allied Health Lottery Protocol
View Lottery ProtocolThe following college-level courses must be completed with a “C” or better:
- English: ENGL 100, 105 or equivalent
- Math: successful course completion of Intermediate Algebra, an equivalent course, or higher level math.
- Chemistry with a lab equivalent to CHEM 192 or CHEM 410
- Human Anatomy with a lab equivalent to BIOL 250
- Medical Terminology equivalent to HSCI 484 or MEDA 484
- CPR for Healthcare Providers equivalent to EMC 425 (You must hold a current American Heart Association BLS (Basic Life Support) card upon application.
- Required completion by the end of the first semester of the program = Human Physiology equivalent to BIOL 260
All the above prerequisites must be completed by the application deadline. Eligibility can be demonstrated through successful course completion in which successful course completion of Intermediate Algebra, an equivalent course, or higher level math.. Be sure also to work with a Skyline College academic counselor to determine your general education courses requirement towards the Surgical Technology A.S. Degree.
STEP 1: Apply to Skyline College
Follow the steps to enroll at Skyline College.
STEP 2: Complete the Anesthesia Technology Online Application
Applicants must complete the Anesthesia Technology Online Application (Available on this page, January 15 - June 7 of each year.) Please be prepared to answer all questions in one sitting. The application will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Please make certain to have:
- Information ready to complete prior educational history and prerequisite grades, such as copies of transcripts.
- Information ready to complete a brief medical history on any chronic conditions or communicable illnesses.
- PDF or Word format file of an approximately 500-word personal statement ready to upload, meeting these directives: In your own words, please write a description of your skills and abilities that would help you in your work as an Anesthesia Technologist. Describe situations where you demonstrated Accountability, Promptness, Responsibility, Assertiveness, Honesty, and Teamwork.
- PDF or Word format digital copies of all unofficial transcripts showing completed
prerequisites. NOTE: Foreign transcripts will need evaluation by:
- International Education Research Foundation Inc
Post Office Box 3665
Culver City, CA 90231-3665
Phone: 310.258.9451
Please ask for an evaluation for placement in a community college. It must include description of upper or lower division and grade awarded.
- International Education Research Foundation Inc
STEP 3: Submit Three Letters of Recommendation
Applicants must submit three (3) letters of recommendation. Applicants should download the Standard Form to use for recommendations. A general letter is also acceptable, as long as it addresses all of the qualities in the Standard Form. Please read the instructions on the reference form before giving them to the recommenders. The following are suggested categories for recommenders:
- Dean, counselor, principal
- Teacher or instructor
- Health care workers
- Employer or supervisor
- Leaders of community organizations (volunteer, church, or club)
Recommendations from close friends or relatives will not be accepted. Completed recommendation forms may be uploaded during the application process, or emailed to Nadia Tariq at Please note that there must be a complete recommender signature, an official digital signature, or must be emailed directly from the recommender to be accepted. You may also drop them off at the Science/Math/Technology Division office in building 7, room 7130. We do not recommend mailing the letters.
Please Note: Your application will not be considered COMPLETE until you receive verification that all three steps are complete.
Questions? Contact Nadia Tariq at
Requirements After Acceptance:
After acceptance, once notified, students will be instructed on procedures to successfully complete a Health Screening examination and immunization record, as well as a social security referenced background check and drug test. Personal cost will be associated with these tests.
Return all Application Materials to:
Via Email: Nadia Tariq at tariqn@smccd.eduWe do not recommend mailing application materials, but should you choose to do so, you do it at your own risk.
USPS Mail:
Nadia TariqSkyline College
3300 College Drive
San Bruno, CA 94066
Clinical Affiliate Requirements
Clinical affiliates require the following; as such, they are required upon acceptance to the program. Do not send any of these documents until requested to do so.
- Evidence of good health in the form of Physical Exam report signed by a practicing physician
- Verification of all immunizations pertinent to health care personnel--TB, Tetanus, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B, Chickenpox
- Cleared social security referenced background check
- Cleared drug screen
Primary Contact