Membership Information
How to Apply
The Phi Theta Kappa international website has an online application. Once you receive an invitation from your advisor with a passcode, you may apply online.

You may also download an application form . Return the completed application to Room 7214 or Room 7130 with the one-time membership fee of $90.00 or mail the application with check (made out to Beta Theta Omicron) to:
Christine Case, Skyline College,
3300 College Drive, San Bruno CA 94066
Full Membership
Each Candidate for membership must have 12 semester units of degree coursework completed at Skyline College with a Grade Point Average of 3.50 and adhere to the school conduct code; and be currently enrolled at Skyline College. A GPA of 3.25 must be maintained. When a member's cumulative GPA falls below 3.25, s/he has one semester in which to raise the average up to 3.25. Should the member's cumulative GPA remain below 3.25, the member's name shall be stricken from the local chapter roll, and φθκ Headquarters shall be notified to strike the name from the international roll as well. Once a student's name is stricken from the roll, all privileges of membership are revoked.
Provisional Membership
Provisional Member is a student, who in the opinion of the local chapter, has shown an active interest in the affairs of the Society, and who serves the Society in some special capacity, but who does not meet full requirements for membership in the Society. Chapter requirements for admission as a provisional member shall be academic excellence, a demonstrated desire for leadership, fellowship, and service to the community and promotion of positive values in line with those represented by φθκ. Incoming freshmen who were on their High School Honor Roll or who have a minimum 3.50 GPA, but not the required number of units are eligible for provisional member status.
Alumni Membership
Alumni Members are members of the Society who are no longer enrolled in Skyline College. Alumni Members must meet eligibility requirements. Alumni members may be entitled to all privileges of active member, except those of voting and holding office, should they so choose. Alumni Members who choose to remain active shall be responsible for paying the local dues.
Honorary Membership
Honorary membership may be granted in this chapter to individuals who have rendered distinguished service to the Society. Honorary members may not vote or hold office nor must they be officially inducted or pay membership fees.