Hallmarks of ΦΘΚ
Beta Theta Omicron implements comprehensive programs in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Fellowship. BΘO has Five-Star status, the highest status awarded by Phi Theta Kappa. Additionally, Phi Theta Kappa recognizes Beta Theta Omicron as a Distinguished Chapter.
Activities designed to implement the Scholarship Hallmark should focus primarily on the Honors Study Topic. Phi Theta Kappa selects an interdisciplinary Honors Study Topic to promote scholarship among fellow students, faculty, and pre-college students. The Honors Study Topic encourages Phi Theta Kappans to examine how important topical issues affect their lives. The Honors Study topic changes every two years.

Phi Theta Kappa encourages members to take leadership roles inside and outside the chapter, spearheading efforts to make a difference for both members and the wider community. These activities, projects, and events might seem more service-, scholarship-, or fellowship-related, but if chapter members are the event strategists and champions, then they are relevant to the Leadership Hallmark.
A strong commitment to service has always been a major focus of Phi Theta Kappa's missions. The Society emphasizes the correlation between scholarship and service, and encourages chapters to become agents for change on their college campuses and in their communities.
Fellowship includes the nurturing of intellectual fellowship among members as well as providing enjoyable activities for members for a healthy work/study balance. Fellowship activities facilitate communication between chapters and provide opportunities for chapters to gather together and discuss chapter programs. These activities can also include those that develop campus or regional unity or showcase the chapter as a participant in the college and community. Fellowship activities often include an intellectual twist -- related to the Honors Study Topic or the International Service Program.