HSCI 100 General Health Science (3 units)

A broad and comprehensive survey of factors that influence individual and community health. Examines the interaction between personal health choices & behaviors, social determinants of health and environmental influences in community and personal health. Topics include chronic diseases, health disparities, mental health, drugs & addiction, stress management, sexual health, nutrition, exercise, healthcare systems & services, alternative medicine, grief & loss, and environmental health.

HSCI 130 Human Sexuality (3 units)

Students explore and expand their understanding about the biological, interpersonal and sociocultural dimensions of sex and sexuality. Topics include: anatomy and physiology; psychosexual development; attraction, dating & relationships; gender expression; sexual orientations; pregnancy, childbirth & parenting; contraceptive methods; sexually transmitted infections; pleasure, arousal & sexual behavior; sexual violence & exploitation; commercial sex work; myths & misconceptions; and communication skills.

HSCI 135 Introduction to Public Health (3 units)

Provides an introduction to the discipline of Public Health. Students will gain an understanding of the basic concepts, movements, accomplishments and functions of public health. Topics include the epidemiology of infectious and chronic disease; prevention and control of diseases; social determinants of health; health equity and disparities; community organizing and health promotion; environmental health and safety; global health; and healthcare policy and management.

HSCI 180 Gateway to Health Careers (3 units)

Introduction of skills, attributes and basic knowledge required for entry into various health care professions. Includes basic assessment, CPR, and math calculations used in health care. Emphasis on providing a foundation for future health career classes.

HSCI 314 Health, Safety and Nutrition for Young Children (3 units)

Introduction to the laws, regulations, standards, policies, procedures and early childhood education curriculum related to child health safety and nutrition. The key components that ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff will be identified along with the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. Focus on integrating the concepts into everyday planning and program development for all children. Also listed as ECE 314.

HSCI 484 Medical Terminology (3 units)

Designed to give students a basic background in medical terminology as used by medical transcriptionists, court reporters, law related occupations, and allied health occupations. The prefixes, roots, and suffixes of commonly used medical words are presented. Proper names of anatomical structures and their relationship to each other are covered by body system. Also listed as MEDA 484.