People's College Initiative
While PCI task group meetings have now concluded, the work that these groups have done is now institutionalized at Skyline College through the Education Master Plan.
The key to transforming our climate into a healthy college learning environment and workplace experience is democratizing our institution and developing a civic mindset for our students.

The lotus blossoms from muddy waters and is yet pristine. Thes lotus flower is seen as a symbol of strength, persistence, self-regeneration, and rebirth in various ancient cultures including Ancient Egyptian, Buddhist, and Hindu. This depiction of the lotus symbolizes the transformative work of the People's College Initiative. Get deeper insight on the Lotus
Our Goals:
- Create a healthy college and workplace experience through a robust & transparent participatory governance process that people understand, trust, and believe in. All four constituency groups (Associated Students of Skyline College, Classified Senate, Academic Senate, and Management Council) have a voice and a vote
- Create an antiracist and equitable culture that embraces campus wide training, practice and action toward becoming an antiracist college
People's College Initiative Flex Day Presentation
- Contextualize a civic mindset across the institution, with a focus on graduating students with self-advocacy skills with a true understanding of democratic principles as the foundation of our country, and the importance of civic engagement and social justice activism to effect transformative change
- Engage in regular and iterative climate reviews in order to measure our transformation in becoming a healthy campus. Create a strategic approach for improvement based on climate review results and implement changes
Success is measured by:
- The existence of a broad-based understanding of how our college functions as a democratic institution and how our shared governance model works
- Coming together as cohesive antiracist and equity practitioners in an educational environment
- Graduating students with a civic mindset
- Building a healthy climate though a continual cycle of review and improvement We intend to norm true participatory governance, antiracism activity and training, and regular climate review
"We want each and every one of you to be involved, because this is about you, and about us, and about how we work together to shape our future. There will be lots of communication about the PCI and the opportunities for your involvement. Your voice matters, and I encourage you to join us."
- Skyline College President, Dr. Melissa Moreno
In September, 2021, in order to move the People’s College Initiative forward, our College Governance Council authorized the formation of four task groups representing the four focal points of the initiative. The goals of the task groups have now been institutionalized through the Education Master Plan, and the groups concluded their work in Summer 2023.