California College Promise Grant (CCPG)
CCPG waives the enrollment fees for eligible California residents attending California Community College. The CCPG Fee Waiver will waive your per-unit enrollment fee for the entire academic year if you apply and qualify. Other fees, such as parking, textbooks, student body and student representation fees are not covered by the CCPG.
How do I apply for CCPG?
Option 1
- U.S. Citizens and Permanent Legal Residents: Submit the FAFSA application to see if you are eligible for the fee waiver.
- AB540 Students: Submit a CA Dream Act Application.
- If students have already submitted a FAFSA or CA Dream Act application, they do not need to apply for the CCPG on WebSMART. Submitting a FAFSA/Dream Act application will override the CCPG application on WebSMART.
Option 2
- Apply for the CCPG Fee Waiver through WebSMART.
- WebSMART account will be updated with the CCPG eligibility within the next 24 hours.
- Check WebSMART to verify student's eligibility and to see if any documents are required.
- Students have 21 days from the date they have submitted their application to submit any required documents to the financial aid office.
Who is eligible for CCPG?
Method A:
- Receive TANF/CalWORKS or SSI/SSP (Supplemental Security Income/State Supplemental Program) or General Assistance/General Relief while enrolled
- Student is required to submit copy of a Benefits Letter from the Social Security Administration Office (SSI), or photocopy of the most recent public assistance check (General Assistance) dated within 60 days of the their CCPG application date.

Method B
- Meet the California College Promise Grant Program Income Standards for the 2023-2024 academic year.
- Meet the California College Promise Grant Program Income Standards for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Method C
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and list the Skyline College Federal School Code: 007713
- Students will receive a confirmation that their FAFSA application was processed by the Department of Education within three days after submitting the application
- Students qualify based on at least $1,104 of need based on the FAFSA or Dream Application. Note: For EOPS students, students are required to be eligible for A or B methods or have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) or Student Aid Index (SAI) of 0 to receive their services.
Method D
- Be under 25 years of age
- Verified with Financial Aid at any time during the 24 months immediately preceding their CCCApply application for admissions as homeless youth, as defined in the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Special Classification (proof may be required)
- Eligible dependent of deceased or disabled veteran
- Recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor or dependent
- Dependent of California National Guard
- Dependent of victim of September 11, 2001 terrorist attack
- Dependent of deceased California law enforcement/fire suppression personnel killed in the line of duty
- Students who have been exonerated
CCPG for Homeless Youth
As of January 1, 2017, AB 801: The Success of Homeless Youth Act, adds “homeless youth” as an eligible group of students for a few waiver. A “homeless youth” under this section is a student under 25 years of age, who has been verified at any time during the 24 months immediately preceding their application for admission as a homeless youth, as defined in the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
A student who is verified as a homeless youth as defined above will retain that status for up to six years or until the age of 25. For more information and assistance, homeless youth should contact Patricia Flores, located in Financial Aid Office, Building 19-106 at
If a student is awarded the CCPG fee waiver and is determined at a later date to have been ineligible or fail to turn in required documents, the fee waiver will be automatically cancelled and the fees will be reassessed to the student's account.
If a student received a Bachelors Degree or higher, federal financial aid may be limited.
Student may qualify for the CCPG fee waiver.
Get more information on the California College Promise Grant.
CCPG - Bachelor of Science Respiratory Care Program
Students accepted into the Bachelor of Science Respiratory Care program at Skyline College will pay $130.00 per unit for upper division coursework. If eligible for the CCPG fee waiver, $46.00 per unit of lower division courses will be waived. Eligibility for the CCPG can only be determined by completing a FAFSA or CA Dream Act application.
Academic Standards Requirement
CCPG recipients must meet minimum academic and progress standards to maintain their eligibility (SB 1456 Student Success Act of 2012).
Student Must:
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (Academic Standard)
- Successfully complete more than 50% of all units attempted (Progress Standard)
Students placed on academic and/or progress probation for two consecutive primary terms (fall or spring semester) will lose eligibility for the CCPG. If students meet one of the extenuating circumstances, they may regain eligibility by completing the appeal form . Students will be required to submit a completed appeal form with a narrative of their situation, supporting documentation and a updated student education plan. Please review the fee waiver policy.
Students are encouraged to utilize the numerous support services on campus to help them regain good academic standing. Arrangements for application assistance should be made prior to registration to avoid being dropped from classes for non-payment.