Rights and Responsibilities
Disability Resource Center (EAC) students have the following rights and responsibilities:
- My participation in the EAC shall be entirely voluntary.
- Receiving support services or instruction through the EAC shall not preclude me from also participating in any other course, program, or activity offered by the college or from receiving basic accommodations required by state and federal law.
- All records maintained by EAC personnel pertaining to my disability(ies) shall be protected from disclosure and shall be subject to all other requirements for handling of student records.
Authorities cited: Title 5 C.C.R., Section 56000 et seq., Education Code Sections 66701, 67310-67312, 70901, 84850.

- I will provide the EAC with the necessary information, documentation and/or forms (medical, education, etc.) to verify my disability.
- I will make my request for accommodations, alternate media, testing accommodation appointments according to EAC guidelines and timelines.
- I will utilize EAC services in a responsible manner. I understand that the EAC uses written service provision policies and procedures, which must be adhered to, for continuation of services.
- I will comply with the Student Code of Conduct adopted by Skyline College.
Failure to comply with Student Responsibilities may result in temporary or permanent suspension of EAC services.