The forms listed below are intended primarily for Skyline College Counselor use.

For students:

For questions regarding the degree audit forms, please contact Melissa Komadina or Jacquie Escobar.

Form Title Form Description
AA-T/AS-T (ADT) Course Substitution   The purpose of the Course Substitution form is to request a review for course equivalency toward major requirement(s) for an Associate Degree for Transfer. ADT Major Course Substitution is reviewed by Skyline Counseling faculty.
AA-T/AS-T (ADT) IGETC UC Form   For students who are earning an Associate Degree for Transfer using the IGETC for UC or IGETC for UC (STEM) who are not intending to apply to transfer to a CSU (California State University).
Associate Degree/Certificate Course Substitution   The purpose of the Course Substitution form is to request a review for course equivalency toward major requirement(s) for an Associate Degree and/or Certificate from Skyline College.
Associate Degree Pass Along   The purpose of the Pass Along is to review a student's coursework from other accredited colleges/universities toward General Education and/or Associate Degree competency and specific area requirements.
CSU Pass Along   The purpose of the Pass Along is to review a student's coursework from other accredited colleges/universities toward CSU General Education requirements
IGETC Pass Along   The purpose of the Pass Along is to review a student's coursework from other accredited colleges/universities toward IGETC requirements
Extenuating Circumstance(s) Petition   The purpose of the Extenuating Circumstances petition is for AA/AS PE Waiver; exceptions to Major Core Requirements; or other considerations to degree/certificate not applicable to GE Pass Along or Major Course Substitution requests.
Local Degree Unit Deficiency   In cases where a student has successfully completed a course to meet a local Associate Degree requirement (ie. graduation, general education, or major requirement), and even after having completed the course, the student is deficient in units to meet the minimum unit requirement for the area, local courses or courses outside of the district (pass along courses) may be applied to make up the unit deficiency.
Associate to Associate Pathway Checklist   The purpose of the checklist is to ensure that students who have already been awarded an Associate’s Degree from a regionally accredited California Community College may be exempt from Skyline College’s local Associate Degree General Education requirements.
Bachelor to Associate Pathway Checklist   The purpose of the checklist is to ensure that students who have already been awarded a Bachelor's Degree from a regionally accredited college or university in the United States may be exempt from Skyline College’s local  Associate Degree General Education requirements.
Form Title Form Description
Registration Clearance & Engagement Form

The purpose of this registration clearance and engagement form is to provide early(er) and relevant engagement opportunities to campus resources for students on probation 1, 2, and extended reinstatement. And to provide registration clearance for students on dismissal standing. FAQ's on how and when to use the Registration Clearance and Engagement form here.

New Student First Counseling Appt.

The handout provides Skyline Counselors an overview of the resources for the 1-hour appointment with new students