The Center for Student Life and Leadership Development is an excellent resource center for students interested in creating or participating in campus events, gaining leadership skills and enhancing their overall education experience through participation in extracurricular activities.

Full participation in student life at Skyline College can include club membership, attending lectures, forums, and theatrical events, community outreach, and many other worthwhile and exciting activities.

For more information about College resources and Student Life on campus, please see the Student Handbook.

Contact Student Life

Hours of Service


9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Thursday Services are online only.

 Visit us in Building 6, 6‑212

 Please email to book an appointment for assistance.

Check out our services:

ASSC: Student Government
two students dance in front of an ASSC banner
students at an event take a selfie with sunglasses props
Two Skyline College Students
a line of students approach a group of students at a table in the quad
Students graduating during Commencement