Create, Express & Design

The Art Program at Skyline College works to inspire creative citizenship by empowering students to:

  • Communicate ideas, perspectives, concepts, and feelings through visual art and design
  • Understand art and its connection to social and political events
  • Develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and technical skills

“Artistic expression is at the foundation of who we are as a global community. It has the power to transcend and transform.”

Hear from Skyline College Art alumni

"Skyline (Art) helped me realize what my major would be . . . it helped me find my passion" Marilyn
Remember by Jimmy Pon. White ceramic plate painted with blue designs, words, and symbols of current events in 2020 and 2021.

"Remember" by Jimmy Pon, Skyline College art student

Fix Me by Hanz Pacheco, art student. Graphic art of girl with a robotic operation in her shoulder against a bright pink background and the orange word “future” vertically on the right

"Fix Me" by Hanz Pacheco, Skyline College art student

They Mattered by Jasmine Espinoza. Black Power fist icon on top of a collage of sepia tone photographs

"They Mattered" by Jasmine Espinoza. Skyline College art student

An education in art fosters creativity, encourages independent thinking, and develops personal expression. Art is a broad field where one may apply training in visual foundations to a wide range of careers.

Student success in the Art Program will depend on developing strong critical thinking, problem solving, and technical skills as well as demonstrating creative ways to express ideas.

Choose from Digital Art, Studio Art, Art History, and Art Studies courses. Studio art courses offer the opportunity to explore the diversity of art methods and materials. Courses include:

  • Drawing, Painting, Photography, Digital arts and other 2D arts
  • 3D Media like Ceramics and Sculpture
  • Studies in Film and Video

Art History and Art Appreciation courses let you explore art of many times and places, and to find their connections to your own life.

ceramic sculpture by Skyline College Art Student Miyuki Togi.

"Liberty" by Miyuki Togi, Skyline College art student

Career Opportunities



Art Activist

Art Conservation

Art Direction

Art Education

Art Entrepreneur

Art History

Art Restoration

Art Sales

Art Therapy


Commercial Photography

Courtroom Sketching


Digital Animation

Digital Art

Fashion Design

Fine Art

Fine Art Photography

Forensic Art

Gallery/Museum Direction

Graphic Design


Industrial Design

Interactive Design

Interior Design

Set Design


Video Game Design


Visual Merchandising

Web Design

Window Design

Upon completion of the program students will be able to:

  • Develop visual literacy through communication, analysis, and reflection of artworks and the concepts and influences from which artworks originate
  • Develop physical/technical skills within an art/design based medium to be used as tools for creative expression
Office Information
Location: Building 1

Empty Bowls

a line of students receive ceramic bowls from across a table of volunteersVisit Empty Bowls Website

Empty Bowls is a global grassroots artists project created to raise money and awareness of hunger and food insecurity, and has inspired fundraising events internationally.

The common thread with all Empty Bowls events is using the power of art to unite communities for the purpose of sharing culture, reducing food insecurity, and caring for one another. Think Globally, Act Locally”

Community Mural Project

colorful mural on the side of a buildingVisit Mural ProjectWebsite

The Community Mural Project (CMP) at Skyline College partners with the community groups to bring art collaboration to schools, cities, civic, and arts organizations facilitating community partnership and engagement.

Our community-driven mural-making process is a vehicle for education and cultural expression that builds on our guiding principle of community engagement and our role as an academic and cultural center.

Behind the Curtain

black and white photo of an artist and two people on stageVisit Behind the Curtain Website

Skyline College Creative Arts introduces you to creative thought leaders in the visual and performing arts, as they share their personal and professional journeys, providing insight into the creative process, illuminating career pathways, and shining a spotlight on the impact of creative arts in cultural and social movements.

Skyline College takes you inside the revolutionary realm of Creative Arts, join us as we go “Behind the Curtain.”

Primary Contact

Social Science Creative Arts
Social Science Creative Arts (Account for Social Sci/Creative Arts)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Division Office
More details »

Faculty Information

Paul Bridenbaugh
Paul Bridenbaugh (Professor)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Art More details »
Amir Esfahani
Amir Esfahani (Professor)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Art More details »
Sam Sanchez
Sam Sanchez (Professor)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Digital Media and Design (DMAD) More details »
Tiffany Schmierer
Tiffany Schmierer (Professor)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Art More details »
Arthur Takayama
Arthur Takayama (Professor)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Photography More details »
Kathy Zarur
Kathy Zarur (Faculty, Art History)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Art More details »
Aya Artola
Aya Artola (Instructor)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Art
artolaa@smccd.eduMore details »
Teresa Cunniff
Teresa Cunniff (Instructor)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Art More details »
Eileen David
Eileen David (Instructor)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Art
davide@smccd.eduMore details »
Michael Ryan
Michael Ryan (Instructor)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Art
ryanm@smccd.eduMore details »
Ashley Asaro
Ashley Asaro Art Lab Coordinator
Social Science|Creative Arts-Art
asaroa@smccd.eduMore details »

Acting Dean & Division Assistant

Bianca Rowden-Quince
Bianca Rowden-Quince (Acting Dean of Social Sciences/Creative Arts)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Division Office More details »
Lynette Caballero
Lynette Caballero (Division Assistant)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Division Office More details »