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2023 - About our Student Research Presentations

Abigail Jean Alfonzo

Abigail Jean Alfonzo

Project Description

Did you know that your cells could shape-shift? My research surrounds the current studies of stem cell technology and treatments. More specifically, the effects of stem cell treatments on a degenerative disease like Leukemia. Stem Cells and Regenerative Disease Treatment hold a big promise for the world of medicine. Abigail Jean Alfonzo's Poster

Aye Chan Moe

Aye Moe

Project Description

Will the stigma of down syndrome by public education change the attitude? Could it be education to change the stigma on Down Syndrome? I would like to dedicate this to my little younger sister , who is also down syndrome, which has moved me in many ways, which pushed me into deep dive into this research fields today. My country, Burma, is a third world country that has this kind of stigma that looks down on the people with disabilities especially mind draining to the children. My goal is to create a campaign that brings together all the resources of the down syndrome, make awareness and support as much as I can, to my sister, to the community, to make the world a better place. Aye Chan Moe's Presentation

Beta Theta Omicron (Skyline College PTK Honor Society)

Beta Theta Omicron

Project Description

According to Skyline College student admissions data, less than 28% of the current student body is enrolled full-time, with more than 47% registered less than half-time. As a result, students are spending very little time on campus. Students mostly interact with other students and faculty inside the classroom. It has been demonstrated that the establishment of learning communities improves student retention, learning outcomes, and college perception (Tinto, 1997). Beta Theta Omicron's Poster

Bjorn Bjornsen


Project Description

Different external and internal conditions may influence how blood in the body flows through different veins and arteries, for example when a person is in space and there is no gravity blood flow can be very different if a person were on Earth due to a change in By using the 3d physics engine called "Unreal Engine 5" we can put a replica of the femoral artery inside the engine and change how the blood flows due to different factors such as gravity, heart rate and vascular constriction. This project is in a field called Hemodynamics, different equations including the Bernoulli's equation will be used. Bjorn Bjornsen's Presentation

Chenran Kang


Project Description

This semester I am studying the physics of three bodies, including black holes, relativity and so on. In addition, I also added my own inner thoughts about the universe. Chenran Kang's Poster

Dennis D. Revelo



Project Description

How we present ourselves is one of the essential facets of our professional and career advancement. Unfortunately, there is a rapidly growing number of people who are holding themselves back from self-actualization by using verbal crutches. Verbal crutches, also know as filler words, make us sound less informed and promising than we really are. Fixing this issue is especially important for college students trying to move forward and advance their careers. My presentation focuses on how to mitigate these problems to unlock your full speaking confidence and potential. Dennis D. Revelo's Presentation

Dunhoja LaVerne Robbins


Project Description

The Black Maternal Advocacy Project was created to conduct research for the advancement of medical equity for African American women's sexual and reproductive health. This is a multisegment research project that will take course in multiple forms of research studies to help gain an understanding of why African American women are dying at steadily increasing rates from pregnancy related complications and conditions. This is something that needs to be researched in depth as it is an epidemic in the United States. As a mother myself, this is something that is personal to me because I was in this position myself in 2021. My goal is to inspire and educate those around me on Black maternal mortality rates so that future generations and families don't experience the trauma that other families experience daily. Dunhoja LaVerne Robbins' Presentation

Eureka Soriano


Eureka Soriano

Project Description

My research project reflects on some of the contemporary environmental justice issues through an analysis of the 1994 Chicago Heat Wave. I did this project for my Geography 100 Class with Ms.Cunningham, and I hoped to have highlighted the value of community in addressing environmental concerns.Eureka Soriano's Poster (page 1) and Eureka Soriano's Poster (page 2)

Gabriel Hapin - Aranda



Project Description

My project is an Arduino kit arm that can be controlled with the movements of your own arm. I have three sensors connect that detect movement from your rotator cuff, forearm, and wrist to send movements via bluetooth to the arm. A robotic arm that can mimic the movements of a human arm through acceleration and bluetooth sensors. Gabriel Hapin-Aranda's Presentation

Ilya Vasey



Project Description

Die-off events of San Francisco Bay Area Leopard sharks have been known to occur during calendar years with great amounts of spring rain for many decades. This trend has started to occur more frequently. Researchers have linked a parasitic protozoa by the name, Miamiensis avidus, to leopard shark die-offs. Ilya Vasey's Presentation

Julio Lau


Project Description

This research aims to bring awareness about contamination and social injustice. To do so, the project will provide an overview of Baton Rogue (Cancer Alley) and Hinkley, California. I conducted a literature review of the history, demographics, and present of these places and the health dangers the different chemicals pose for the residents of these communities. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)(2020), the air quality across the US has improved since 1980. However, this isn’t the case with places like Baton Rogue, which is contaminated with more than 50 different chemicals. Julio Lau's Presentation


John Michael Rada


Project Description

The focal point of the project is to design and construct a boat propelled by solar energy harnessed through photovoltaic panels. John Michael Rada's Presentation

Lucia Detrinidad


Project Description

My research focuses on food additives and food colorings in American food negatively affects cognition and mood in humans and in the human brain.

Megan White


Project Description

My research project is a literature review studying how enzymes from fungi can be used to break down plastic. Plastic is landfilled in huge quantities and does not break down for hundreds of years, posing an environmental problem even if society moves away from using plastic products in the future. This project studies how that can be addressed using cutinase enzymes from Fusarium fungi to break down PET plastic, looking at the structure of each to explain the process. There are still issues with this method that inhibit the enzyme’s effectiveness, so these problems and potential solutions are also explored. Megan White's Poster

Paola Scolletta Tagashira


Project Description

It is undeniable that Generative AI technology is becoming an ever expanding and more popular tool in our modern society. I will delve into the literacy of teaching and learning more effectively and try to align to the opportunities that experts in computer science and business present. My research project aims to explore the potential benefits of using generative AI in education to improve critical thinking skills and prepare students for the challenges of the future. Despite the opportunities that generative AI presents, experts have reported that it is not being used to its full potential due to educators' resistance to technological advances. By better understanding the potential benefits and risks of using generative AI in education, strategies can be developed to use this technology in a way that supports learning, creativity, and critical thinking. Paola Scolletta Tagashira's Presentation

Princess Johanna Eusantos



Project Description

Nutrition and dietary inadequacies among unhoused communities have become significant public health concerns in recent years. The aim of my research project is to investigate the nutritional status and dietary inadequacies of unhoused communities in the United States, as well as explore potential solutions to improve their dietary intake. Upon this project, we have also founded a youth-led and non-profit organization that is committed to serving the unhoused and undocumented families across the Bay Area who are experiencing homelessness with a mission to empower unhoused and undocumented families by providing access to basic needs, including food, clothing, and basic needs. Princess Johanna Eusantos' Presentation



Project Description

Adolescent mental health has been a growing concern in recent years, with many different factors contributing to the decline in their mental well being. In my research, I strictly focused on how parental emotional neglect has made a significantly negative impact on adolescent and children mental health. Raisa's Poster


Sahil Niwas


Project Description

Sara Ellingsworth


Project Description

This year I took part in a project which aims to improve diversity and representation in the field of nuclear physics. My colleagues and I learned how to design and build hardware and software for parts of a nuclear physics experiment called nEXO, as well as made meaningful contributions to nEXO's diversity and outreach efforts. Here, I will present my work in understanding the reasons for gender and racial disparity in physics as well as observations on progress that has been made and ideas for the future. Sara Ellingsworth's Presentation


Thet Mon Kyaw


Project Description

2022 - About our Student Research Presentations

Azure Bell

Azure Bell

Project Description

Biofuels and biodiesel technology is becoming an ever expanding and more popular form of alternative fuel to be devised in recent decades. My presentation focuses on a business I've developed that will produce algae based fuels, as well as delving into algal fuels and how they're produced. I will also delve into the history and environmental impacts of algal fuels and how they can benefit the environment as well. The topic of alternative fuels has been a hot topic of discussion within the STEM fields, and understanding how to properly harness and utilize the natural energy stores around us, as well as how to create our own using the resources and organisms available, is crucial to the discussion of alternative fuels and, ultimately, to the future of energy and the environment.

Allen Bustos

Allen Bustos

Project Description

My research and efforts are around starting a non-profit organization that aids our underserved communities. The programs will consist of mentorship, civic engagement, advocacy, education, hyper-specialized training, trade, research, charity, and diverse collaborations. Watch Allen Bustos' Presentation

S. Tara Grover

S. Tara Grover

Project Description

'Gezundheit!' Ever wonder where the common phrases we associate with sneezing come from? So did I! That's why I decided to research the differences I noticed between historical Western & Eastern cultures interpretations of sneezes and write a paper about the differences I noticed! Stop by to learn more about the history of Sneezing & the origins of common phrases you hear every day, such as 'Bless You'! 

Jiries Kaileh

Jiries Kaileh

Project Description

Creation of CosmicWatch Muon detectors.

Julio Lau

Julio Lau

Project Description

My project is from my ENGL-110 class with Dr. Michael Cross. I've worked on understanding how monsters that appear in fairy tales, plays, and poems that are often crafted for children represent our own fears in society. My presentation of Loki is a synthesis of everything I've learned in class and will allow us to better understand the role of the mythological creature in the past and in our modern society. This will be done by analyzing the archetype of the Trickster and comparing old media of the character with its current interpretations. Watch Julio Lau's Presentation

Gael Lee

Gael Lee

Project Description

Is there an association between living alone or with others, and feeling depressed?

Faith Mackriss

Faith Mackriss

Project Description

The Bardi Panel (1245-1250), or St. Francis and Twenty Stories of his Life, is an altarpiece in the basilica of Santa Croce in Florence, Italy. The panel shows twenty narrative apron scenes from the life of St. Francis with a central frieze depicting him as an icon. This presentation will discuss the ways in which this particular depiction simultaneously honors and co-opts the identity of the man born Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone. Watch Faith Mackriss' Presentation

Anny Gabrielly Moreira da Silveira

Anny MoreiraProject Description

In the context of the Myers-Briggs personality assessment tool, this project attempts to answer the question “Are the correlations in Myers-Briggs tests supported by empirical evidence?”. In order to reach a conclusion, a comprehensive literature review was conducted. Considerations inspired by articles on internal and external validity, the history of Myers-Briggs and its association with Carl Jung’s theories, and the many fields in which the assessment tool has been applied, led to the conclusion that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator needs to be further developed in order for its correlations to be considered supported by empirical evidence. Watch Anny Gabrielly Moreira da Silveira's Presentation

Steven Orozco

uSOAR Bird Image

Project Description

Business Model Research Project: The overall goal of this company is to provide individuals with affordable insulin that doesn’t can be comfortably afforded without the insurance. Watch Steven Orozco's Presentation


Julia Rogers

Julia Rogers

Project Description

Want an easy to use, innovative product that can provide you with fresh mushrooms year round? Look no further than the Mushroom Starter designed and assembled by several students during the Skyline Winter Research Scholars Program. The mushroom harvesting workforce is shrinking with no technological advances to balance it, meaning that you'll be needing to pay higher prices for mushrooms grown across the country. The Mushroom Starter is a self-sufficient terrarium sufficient in growing delicious fungi thanks to its equipped water level sensor, soil moisture monitor, and CO2 level sensor. Simply fill the watering tank and wait for the mushroom magic to happen.

Catherine Stoehr

Cat Stoehr

Project Description

This research project stemmed from Cat’s desire to investigate the root causes of contemporary opposition to universal public healthcare in America. In understanding the power of social forces such as media and movements in shaping current cultural status quo over long periods of time, Cat wanted to dive into that history and discover which political and cultural movements may have driven America’s failure to implement a system that places healthcare as an unalienable right rather than as part of a for-profit, employment based system. This preliminary investigative project allowed her to discover the connections in American history between historical pressures against social programs in an individualistic society, media designed to shape public opinion, and corporate influence on public policy and their respective roles in creating a complex web of cultural, economic, and politically motivated resistance to public healthcare.

Grace Xu

Grace Xu

Project Description

Working under Biology Professor Nick Kapp, I developed and refined my plant tissue culture propagation techniques in order to grow moss over the span of approximately one month. With these moss samples, I was able to perform DNA Extraction and Gel electrophoresis techniques to identify and analyze how DNA segments varied from species to species. This research project aims to investigate the genetic basis of such variations and adaptations, as well as uncovering moss's hidden impacts on their environment and climate. Watch Grace Xu's Presentation

2021 - About our Student Research Presentations

Elaine Frances Arroyo

Elaine Francis Arroyo

I am passionate about science, math, and helping others. Currently, I am involved in the Associated Students of Skyline College as the Commissioner of Activities, work as a Skyline College Campus Outreach Ambassador, and I am a member of the Honors Transfer Program. I attended the Skyline Middle College program to get a head start on my college education and I completed the program in May 2020. In the future, I plan to graduate with my AS-T in biology in May 2021 and transfer to a university where I am hoping to study more about neuroscience & psychology and enjoy a job in the medical field.

Project Description

I worked with my Organic Chemistry Lab I professor and two other classmates on organic chemistry activity reports in Fall 2020. Chemistry and organic chemistry are central to medicine and many other fields, but it can be hard for the general public to conceptualize especially when engaging activities specific to organic chemistry topics are less abundant. We searched for existing organic chemistry specific classroom or hands-on activities, and assessed those activities by analyzing whether they can connect to other relevant disciplines and how they can be implemented in future outreach modules and platforms. These reports allow STEM students and educators to learn new methods for teaching technical science topics to people in science and health fairs, outreach expos or conferences, patient-room visits in hospitals or clinics, and in STEM industries. Even though this project was intended to be focused on STEM concepts, I want to expand my research and connect my findings with the psychological and sociological aspects behind the STEM education system.

Nicole Hong

Nicole Hong

Hi! My name is Nicole Hong, and I am a Psychology and recent Communications major at the College of San Mateo.  I have only just begun to dabble in the communications world, but in psychology, I’m interested in researching and learning more about the relationship between mental and physical health.  In school, I conduct research as an Honors scholar, connect with students in student government, and at Skyline College, serve as Vice President of the Psychology honors society.  In my free time, you’ll either find me cooking up food for my family, or lost in a good book. 

Project Description

Lupus is a rare, chronic autoimmune illness wherein one’s antibodies can attack any part of their body.  As stress is widely considered to be a major trigger for lupus, and lupus is proven to create stress, their correlation generates a vicious cycle of both. This project will investigate why and how lupus and stress are related in this vicious manner, but most importantly, will discover how to stop the cycle from continuing. Given the unpredictability of lupus, that a patient can randomly fall severely ill any day, the COVID-19 pandemic, in which everyone is living in uncertainty, makes life especially uncertain for lupus patients.  As a lupus patient herself, student researcher Nicole Hong will discuss not only her personal experience with living with lupus, but how having a chronic, or “forever” illness means that even after the pandemic, lupus patients like her will continue to live in uncertainty every day, for the rest of their lives.

Kiana Leong

Kiana Leong

Kiana Leong is currently in their fourth semester at Skyline College, studying both English and political science, with the intent of transferring to a University of California in the fall. Aside from their classes, Kiana has dedicated their time towards the Supplemental Instructor and Honors Transfer Programs. The Honors Transfer Program has given them the opportunity to not only academically challenge themselves, but to finally explore various topics of interest. Their research is devoted to the intersectionality between their identities, its connection to the larger political and social realm, and the unlearning of Western imperialism and colonization.

Project Description

Rooted in the ideologies found in Daniel Bell’s political theory novel, The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy, my research paper addresses and discusses the nuances that lay within the East Asian political model. The paper examines the history and structures of both China and Singapore’s models of government, challenges the idea that the East Asian political model is morally bad and unstable, and offers remedies to some of the inequities found in Western democracy. This is a topic that has been long debated and discussed by political theorists, leaders, and students such as myself – why do we label the United States as the pinnacle of effective, strong government when it has proven its flaws and incompetence?