A constituent committee is a governance body composed of representatives from the
four constituent groups*, delegated by CGC to consider, investigate, recommend, or
report on College-wide matters.
*Associated Students, Academic Senate, Classified Senate, Management Council
Advisory Committee for Employee Development
ACED encourages and facilitates the creation of workshops and dialogues on campus,
and supports the creation and management by the CTTL of all aspects of the workshop
calendar for the entire year, including technology training, speakers, webinars, and
leadership programs.
Health, Safety and Emergency Preparedness Committee
The Health, Safety and Emergency Committee promotes a healthful and safe environment
for staff and students, educating and training personnel in safe work practices.
The committee is responsible for:
Promulgate internal committee rules to promote and maintain a safe, healthful campus
environment, educating and training personnel in safe work practice.
Recommend consistent District-wide procedures for scheduling safety inspections to
identify and correct any unsafe conditions and work practices that may be in conflict
with bargaining unit contracts.
Discuss accident and illness prevention methods, injury and illness records, and the
results of regular safety inspections.
Make recommendations to College Administration and District Safety Management Committee
on the elimination of risks, corrective actions on identified hazards, and training
needed to maintain environmental safety within the District.
The Institutional Effectiveness Committee is charged with fostering a culture of inquiry
through facilitating program review, analyzing the research that assesses how effectively
the College is accomplishing its mission and goals, and broadly communicating the
results so that the College has a shared understanding of its strengths and challenges
so as to set appropriate priorities.
Stewardship for Equity, Equal Employment and Diversity Advisory Committee
The Stewardship for Equity, Equal Employment and Diversity (SEEED) Advisory Committee
assists Skyline College in fulfilling its commitment to celebrate the intellectual,
educational, and social benefits of diversity. In doing so, the committee will:
Provide stewardship for the college's value related to campus climate.
Oversee the college's equality in employment opportunities and make recommendations
to the district EEOAC regarding fair and effective hiring policies.
Support, provide or promote training in cultural proficiency.
Provide support and assistance to equity and diversity-related projects and activities,
and facilitate engagement in campus issues related to equity and diversity.
Support and promote educational initiatives that result in intercultural awareness
and respect for diversity in students, faculty and staff.
Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee
The Strategic Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee (SPARC) will coordinate,
integrate and communicate college-wide planning and budgeting. This committee will
make integrated planning and budget recommendations to the College Governance Council
The Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) serves as a viable forum through which faculty,
staff and administrators discuss, plan and implement ideas and strategies that will
best utilize advances in technology to enhance instruction, student support services
and administrative services.
The work of the Enrollment Strategies Committee (ESC) will uphold the spirit and guidelines
of current District and College mission, vision, values, anti-racism, and social justice
statements, and support an equitable approach to strategic enrollment planning. The
ESC will guide the College’s efforts through informed decision-making to increase
enrollment and support students to reach their educational goals.