Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)
The Institutional Effectiveness Committee is charged with fostering a culture of inquiry through facilitating program review, analyzing the research that assesses how effectively the College is accomplishing its mission and goals, and broadly communicating the results so that the College has a shared understanding of its strengths and challenges so as to set appropriate priorities.
Functions include but are not limited to:
- Managing and supporting the program review process and calendar, including coaching program faculty and staff to evaluate their program’s effectiveness and formulate appropriate plans moving forward;
- Advising the College on how to integrate institutional effectiveness measures into planning mechanisms to support evidence-based decision making;
- Developing, reviewing, and proposing revisions (when needed) to institutional effectiveness measures, instruments and benchmarks, to evaluate the degree to which the college fulfills its mission and goals;
- Analyzing institutional level outcomes data (e.g., Institutional Student Learning Outcomes assessment results; student engagement/ campus climate/ employee voice survey results, etc.) to inform program and institutional decision-making and planning;
- Facilitating the sharing of best practices in, and collaborating with faculty and staff to improve upon or maintain, student learning outcomes assessment methodologies.
Meeting Days
IEC meets on the second and the fourth Mondays of the month from 2:10 p.m. to 4:00
p.m. The zoom link is posted on the agendas.