Torria Davis Dean of Academic Support and Learning Technologies -- Chairperson --

Academic Support and Learning TechnologiesDivision Office Skyline

Karen Wong Coordinator of Institutional Effectiveness -- Chairperson --

President's OfficePlanning, Research, Innovation, and Effectiveness Skyline

Simantini Karve BIOL Faculty -- Chairperson --

Science|Math|TechnologyBiology (BIOL) Skyline

Rachel Bell Professor

Language ArtsEnglish Skyline

Michael Cross Professor

Language ArtsEnglish Skyline
(650) 738-4412
BLDG 07- 7302

Melanie Espinueva EOPS Counselor/Faculty Coordinator

Student ServicesEOPS|CARE|Calworks Skyline

Laura DeKelaita Professional Expert -- Co-member with Kalia Chavez

Strategic Partnerships & Workforce DevelopmentCareer Readiness and Job Placement Skyline

Kalia Chavez Job Placement Coordinator -- Co-member with Laura DeKelaita

Strategic Partnerships & Workforce DevelopmentCareer Readiness and Job Placement Skyline

Stephen Fredricks MESA Director

Science|Math|TechnologyMESA Skyline

Chris Gibson Dean, Language Arts Division

Language ArtsLanguage Arts Division Skyline

Evan Leach Professor

Science|Math|TechnologyMath Skyline

Wendy Lee Planning and Research Analyst

President's OfficePlanning, Research, Innovation, and Effectiveness Skyline

Katie Manbachi Assistant Professor

Social Science|Creative ArtsHistory Skyline

Leah McGlauchlin Director of Bay Area Entrepreneur Center

Business, Education and Professional ProgramsBAEC Skyline

Zahra Mojtahedi Senior Planning and Research Analyst

President's OfficePlanning, Research, Innovation, and Effectiveness Skyline

Thanh Nguyen Retention Specialist

Global Learning ProgramsInternational Student Program Skyline

Sha'Kuana Ona Program Services Coordinator

Student ServicesCounseling Skyline

Kwame Thomas Counselor

Student ServicesCounseling Skyline
(650) 738-4382

Gavin Townsley Acting Learning Center Manager

Academic Support and Learning TechnologiesThe Learning Commons Skyline

Michael Sharabi Women s Head Soccer Coach

Kinesiology|Athletics|DanceWomen's Soccer Skyline
(650) 738-7985

Ingrid Vargas Dean of Planning, Research, Innovation and Effectiveness

President's OfficePlanning, Research, Innovation, and Effectiveness Skyline

Sujatha Venkataraman Assistant Professor

Business, Education and Professional ProgramsEducation | Child Development Skyline

Lauren Wagner Program Services Coordinator

Student ServicesVeteran Resource Center Skyline

Gerson Fernandez

Associated Students of Skyline College (ASSC) Representative