The Curriculum Committee discusses the goals and projects that they want to work on for each academic year. After discussion the committee approves them.

Curriculum Committee Goals:   

Multi-year objectives. We are in the starting phases of exploring and discussing the objective. 

  • Explore how to incorporate and operationalize the CCC DEI in Curriculum Models, Principles and Practices framework into the Curriculum Committee review and approval process.
  • Further develop partnerships between the Curriculum Committee and other parts of campus.
  • Engage in conversations to help inform curricular practices surrounding topics like alignment, AB 928 (CalGETC/Automatic Placement into ADT) Collegial Consultation, and Common Course numbering (AB1111)
  • Explore and help define curriculum practices/procedures in Credit for Prior Learning
  • Educate committee members, and the community at large, on AB 1705 and its curricular impacts.

Curriculum Committee Projects: 

Shorter-term objectives. We have moved from an exploration and discussion phase into an implementation phase.  As implementation may involve other entities on campus, it will have steps and a suggested timeline for completion. 

  • Clarify the information provided in the Catalog related to Certificates (e.g., define the Career and Skills Certificate types, clarify which are Financial Aid eligible, which are transcripted, the goal of the certificates, and to what careers they provide entry).
  • Implement the process created for assigning courses to disciplines, especially cross-disciplinary or multidisciplinary courses.
  • Create a process for assigning the Interdisciplinary Studies degrees to departments and annually updating the degrees with new curriculum.
  • AB 705 pre-requisite language creation, audit, review, and update.
  • Annually review and update of Curriculum Handbook

Curriculum Committee Commitments:

  • Continue to create a professional development process for Curriculum Committee members that broadens the curriculum knowledge base on local, district, and statewide curriculum issues, regulations, and requirements.
  • Continue timely submission and review of Skyline College degree programs, including the ADT’s.
  • Continue to provide guidance on the Upper Division GE Policy
  • Continue to create and promote campus curriculum resources and professional learning opportunities and training.
  • Continue to advance culturally relevant, responsive, affirming, and equity minded content in all course outlines.
  • Engage in curriculum conversations and work to help move forward the SMCCCD Board of Trustees’ Free College strategic initiative. (Ex: OER/ZTC, Online Inclusive Access Fees, and Materials Fees?)
  • Review, assess and align our curriculum with AB705 and AB1705.
  • Continue to revise CurricUNET screens as needed. In particular, populate Help information in the Programs screens and for the completion of the Distance Education Addendum.