WORK is a working partnership between the student, The College, and the employer which enables students to earn college credit for learning on the job.

Any enrolled Skyline College student who has a job, internship or is volunteering could be eligible to receive 1 to 4 units of Work Experience Education credit per semester. Students can elect to take up to a maximum of 16 WORK units over a two-year period. Sixteen (16) units of Work Experience Education units are transferable as electives to the California State University System (CSU) and some private colleges and universities.

Students may earn one unit of credit for each 75 paid hours worked per semester. Volunteer student--employees may earn one unit of credit for every 60 hours of work. Students enrolled in WORK are required to identify three to four learning objectives that are specific and measurable. These objectives are developed by the student and approved by both the employer and the college coordinator.

The student's credit is dependent upon two main factors:

  1. The employer's and WORK instructor’s evaluation of the progress made by the student in attaining the objectives
  2. The student working a sufficient number of hours during the semester or summer intersession

There are no classes to attend or research papers to complete. Students meet with their WORK Instructor once at the beginning of the semester and once at the end of the semester at mutually convenient times slated for student appointments.

Paid Employment: Students may earn one unit of credit for each 75 hours of paid work per semester.

Volunteer/Unpaid Employment: Students may earn one unit of credit for every 60 hours of unpaid work.

Both the student and the employer gain significant benefits from participation in Skyline College's WORK Program. Listed below are some of the ways Work Experience Education benefits the company or organization:

  • Fosters interaction with educators and employers to develop and implement goals
  • Improves a student's job performance, knowledge, and skills
  • Helps the student develop motivation and job satisfaction due to feelings of achievement and a successful completion of goals
  • Allows students to improve communication with their supervisors which fosters an improved working relationship
  • Encourages students to set time priorities on job responsibilities.
  • Allows the student to attain visibility at the workplace as the supervisor's attention is focused toward the student and their work
  • Improves the student's opportunities for job advancement
  • Enables the student to earn transferable credit which can be applied toward an AA or AS degree or certificate program

To earn credit for Work Experience Education, each student will meet with their supervisor to develop attainable learning objectives to be accomplished during the semester. Both employee and immediate supervisor must agree on the three (3) learning objectives

To learn more, read about Learning Objectives