Child Development Laboratory Center
The Skyline College Child Development Laboratory Center (CDLC) is a laboratory program that provides a comprehensive child care and early education program for students, staff, and faculty of the San Mateo County Community College District and community members. The CDLC serves three interrelated purposes:
- Provide quality child care and developmentally appropriate learning experiences for children that support school readiness,
- Promote access to higher education by providing a service to student-families so that they can pursue their educational and vocational goals,
- Provide opportunities for Early Childhood Education students to study children in a naturalistic setting to further their learning and knowledge of child development and working with young children.
The CDLC provides the following services:
- Early education experiences, including state preschool services, during the academic calendar year
- 3 nutritious meals served daily
- Observation and assessment of children’s typical development
- Resources and referrals for a wide variety of supports for children and families
- Parent information and workshops on topics relevant to families with young children
- Home-visits and/or conferences to discuss children’s development and school readiness skill
Ages of Children Served
Our program serves children ages 18 months until into five years of age and entry into Kindergarten. We are committed to an inclusive environment that supports the social, cognitive, and physical needs of all children.