CARE Request

The Skyline College CARE request is designed as a resource for students, faculty, and staff to share concerns they have about students who may be in distress in class, on campus, or online. If you would like someone to reach out to the student, submit a CARE request. If it is an EMERGENCY, call 9-1-1
Please submit a CARE request for a student if you are:
Concerned for their wellbeing (non‑emergency)
Noticing a pattern of behavior that is out of character
What is distressed behavior?
Behaviors outside of the student's baseline, indicating emotional distress, but not necessarily disruptive: nervous, anxious, sad, crying, depressed, inability to concentrate, spaced-out or disheveled appearance
Who sees the CARE request?
CARE requests are received by the Director of Student Support. Information could be shared with CARE Team members in order to connect the student to support services.