Program Learning Outcomes
EOPS/CARE faculty and staff have identified the following Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) that measure student success persistence, academic standing, and degree/transfer completion:
- PSLO 1: Persistence. 80% of EOPS/CARE students will show the initiative and determination to persist from one academic year to the beginning of the next academic year.
- PSLO 2: Academic Standing. 80% of EOPS/CARE students will maintain satisfactory academic standing (2.00 GPA) each semester and will maintain greater than 67% course completion rate.
- PSLO 3: Educational Goal Achievement. 20% of EOPS/CARE students will complete the requirements/graduate with a Certificate or Associate Degree within three years.
- PSLO 4: Transfer Eligibility Acceptance. 20% of EOPS/CARE students who specify the goal to transfer to a four-year institution will transfer within three years.
Mission Statement
To empower and transform a global community of learners.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) will be assessed using:
- Surveys
- Questionnaires
- Review of collected data, and
- Other methods