Frequently Asked Questions
Application Information
Yes! Honors is for everyone!
It's simple! Just complete the Honors Transfer Program application form.
You may submit your application within the first six weeks of the semester. Any applications received after the sixth week will roll over to the next semester.
Yes! You can apply to the program at any time. Each individually completed Honors contract course will show the Honors designation on your transcript. In order to graduate from the program, you will need a minimum of 15 Honors units in at least for 4 Honors contract courses. Students who graduate with 15 units of Honors contract courses, will earn an HTP Medallion upon graduation.
Course Information
No, Honors courses are not more difficult, but you will have the unique opportunity to research a topic of your choice with a faculty mentor of your choice. Your faculty mentor should be the instructor for a course you are currently taking.
No. You have the power to decide when you will take your Honors contract courses. It is completely fine to take a break in between semesters, or you can double-up on courses in a single semester. It will be important for you to think about your workload and off-campus responsibilities as you decide. If you need further help, you are welcome to talk with the Program Coordinator or Counselors for consultation.
Yes, you can. You can take up 6 units at either College of San Mateo or Cañada College. Because you are a Skyline College student, you need to take a majority of your courses at our campus.
Yes, but you need to have completed and passed IDST 105 first. IDST 105 provides you with the skills and information needed to be able to complete a research project in a short amount of time.
Retroactive Honors credit means that you can earn Honors credit for a course that you’ve previously completed, with a ‘B’ grade or higher, by completing an Honors project in a current semester. You will need to work with the same instructor of that course, and they must approve your contract for the new semester.
This research seminar will supplement the research process as determined by you and your faculty mentor. With the Program Coordinator, who is also Skyline College faculty, you’ll refine your research skills, work with a cohort of other students going through the same process, and share your experiences as undergraduate researchers. You will also earn credit for all of the research you’re doing in your Honors contract classes.
General Information
Honors students will:
- receive priority registration each semester
- receive Honors designation on their transcripts for each Honors contract course they successfully complete
- create and complete original research topics that suit your major and interests
- work closely with Skyline College Faculty in a mentor-mentee academic setting
- gain experience as an undergraduate research student; this is a unique opportunity for community college students seeking to transfer
- will be honored at graduation, receive an honors designation on their transcript and degree, and a medallion of completion for their work
- can take advantage of the Transfer Alliance Program with UCLA
- develop research skills for your major and/or for graduate school
Complete 4 Honors contract courses and meet frequently with your Counselor.
The workload is not greater, it is based on the depth and breadth of your research project as determined by you and your faculty mentor.