Program Review
CPR | PRU | Dean's ALUR | |
WHAT | Comprehensive Holistic Review and Long - Term Plan for Programs | Focused Review and Update on Goals for Programs | Review and Update on Division- Level and Prioritized Program Goals |
Every seven years, |
Twice between CPR cycles, |
Annually, due by April 1 |
WHO | Instructional and Student Service Program Faculty and Staff | Instructional and Student Service Program Faculty and Staff | Instructional and Student Service Deans |
What is Program Review?
Program Review is a self-evaluation process by which program faculty and staff assess the extent to which they are meeting their mission, consider the changing environment in which their program exists, and develop strategies to enhance program effectiveness. It also is an opportunity to consider and document how well their program manifests the College's Mission, Vision and Values (M-V-V) and the Education Master Plan (EMP) in its practices.
CPR, PRU, ALUR: How do They Relate?
Skyline College uses three different instruments in an ongoing cycle of program review: Comprehensive Program Review (CPR), Program Review Update (PRU), and Administrative Leadership Unit Review (ALUR).
The CPR and PRU are completed by instructional and student service program faculty and staff. The CPR involves a thorough analysis of the program and its environment every seven years. It is a three – semester process to accommodate dialogue both within and beyond the program faculty and staff, including the Office of Planning, Research, Innovation and Effectiveness (PRIE), Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC), Curriculum Committee (CC), Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning (CTTL), and dean. The PRU is a more focused update to the CPR, approximately every two years. CPRs and PRUs completed by programs within the division inform the ALUR.
The ALUR is completed by administrative units. The approach varies based on unit structure but involves a summarized assessment of the unit as a whole by the Dean. The assessment may consolidate information across multiple programs (e.g., departments within an instructional division) or across the functions of the unit as a whole (e.g., Counseling). Drawing from the Annual Resource Requests (ARRs), the ALUR also includes a prioritization of division-level resource requests. The VPs then prioritize resource requests and forward them for consideration by the relevant committees. The Integrated Planning and Resource Allocation Cycle illustrates the aforementioned process.
CPRs, PRUs, and ALURs all result in action plans that inform and support resource requests submitted through the ARRs. In combination, all are intended to enhance program and overall institutional effectiveness.
How do CPR/ PRU/ ALUR inform annual resource requests (ARRs)?
Resource requests are submitted through a separate process called the Annual Resource Request (ARR) that is linked to program review. Due by November 15, resource requests are submitted through the Improvement Platform (formerly Tracdat) and should be completed in consultation with the dean. They must be connected to the relevant program goal that was generated through the CPR/ PRU.
Annual Resource Requests (ARRs) are optional: they need not be submitted if a program is not requesting funds or other resources.