IEBC uses a facilitated coaching model where a Caring Campus coach works with classified professionals in providing the fundamentals and developing strategies to increase student connected through behavioral commitments that can easily be implemented campus-wide.

Representatives from different areas across Skyline College participated in the initial stage of developing Caring Campus to identify behavioral commitments that are designed to:

1. Communicate a “sense of belonging” for students
2. Create a sense of connectedness
3. Be easy to implement and monitor
4. Require little to no resource commitment
5. Work both on-campus and in a virtual environment

Communication and Implementation Plan

Phase I:

Caring Campus Team - Summer 2020 Professional Development

  • 4 Coaching Sessions

Caring Campus Joint Session - August 2020

  • Caring Campus Team and Skyline College Leadership Team

Phase II:

Communication Groups:

  • Website Team
  • Presentation Team
  • Informational Videos Team

Skyline College Implementation - Spring 2021

  • Caring Campus Team + Skyline College!