

Anthropologists Investigate!

Enroll in the Anthropology Program at Skyline College for an enriching and challenging academic experience that focuses on exploring the great breadth of the human experience and viewing current events through the lens of that diversity. We offer two Associate Degrees for a clear path for transfer to a four-year institution.

student takes notes in a notebook

Anthropologists seek to investigate, record and understand the cultures and traditions of other times and places in order to better understand human diversity. In so doing, anthropologists play crucial roles in contemporary social and political debate and advocacy, helping us better understand and engage with our multicultural world.

To succeed in Anthropology, students will develop strong reading, writing, critical thinking and analytical skills, as well as demonstrate a passion for understanding cultures of the present and past from a variety of perspectives.

Career Outlook

Working in the field of Anthropology provides a unique opportunity to study the diversity of human experience, and through implementing and sharing this knowledge, help to better understand the world around us. A degree in Anthropology provides a broad base of knowledge that can be applied to a wide range of careers including teaching, government service, law, communications, journalism and more. The demand for jobs and the pay for these careers varies widely across the nation and the State of California.

The State of California Employment Development Department provides an online Occupational Guide that provides helpful job descriptions, job outlooks and wages, and qualification requirements for a wide variety of careers. Use this guide to find more information about a career that may interest you.

Check out the Anthropology classes offered in upcoming semesters.

Check out the class schedule

Program Type Total Units
Anthropology for Transfer AA-T 60 Units

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:

  • Summarize and interpret the main theories in Anthropology that offer various explanations and understandings of diverse cultural, archaeological and biological processes that impact societies. (CT; EC; CS)
  • Critically consider, analyze, and research special issues in Anthropology and their effects on culture and society. (CT; EC; IT)
  • Recognize the importance of, and practice ethical behavior in a professional anthropological, both within academia and within the community. (CS; L W)
  • Bring back into the community and apply the skills, abilities, and knowledge acquired in the Anthropology Program for the betterment of others and themselves, and to further the objectives of a deeper anthropological understanding of our world. (CS; L W).
Office Information

Location: Building 1
Phone: (650) 738-4122

Primary Contact

Social Science Creative Arts
Social Science Creative Arts (Account for Social Sci/Creative Arts)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Division Office
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Anthropology Faculty

Lori Slicton
Lori Slicton (Professor)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Anthropology More details »
Chuck Cecil
Chuck Cecil (Adjunct Faculty )
Social Science|Creative Arts-Anthropology More details »

Acting Dean & Division Assistant

Bianca Rowden-Quince
Bianca Rowden-Quince (Acting Dean of Social Sciences/Creative Arts)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Division Office More details »
Lynette Caballero
Lynette Caballero (Division Assistant)
Social Science|Creative Arts-Division Office More details »