The Skyline College ADMJ Program is a member of, and participant in, the San Mateo County Law Enforcement Training Managers Association (SMCLETMA), which has long served as the ADMJ Program’s professional Advisory Committee.


The committee’s purpose is to facilitate a close and continuing working relationship with representatives of the various law enforcement and justice agencies in San Mateo County, and includes participation by CSM and Skyline College Administration of Justice programs.

This partnership facilitates ongoing collaboration that has helped the ADMJ Program remain abreast of current events in the field for instructional purposes, and has effectively prepared our students for employment opportunities in law enforcement and criminal justice.


The committee gathers specialized information on new developments, technical requirements, and legal updates for instructional purposes, and hiring trends necessary for effective program operation; provides a cooperative relationship between the college and the various justice agencies of the community interested in the program; makes recommendations for new or modified curriculum; and assists college staff in evaluating specific aspects of occupational programs to assist students pursue careers.


The committee is comprised of a wide representation of professionals from various local criminal justice organizations and agencies, such as law enforcement, courts, corrections, prosecuting and defense attorneys, probation, parole, paralegal, and educators in these fields.


SMCLETMA meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month from 2:00 to 3:00 pm at the Belmont Police Department, #1 Twin Pines Lane, Belmont, Ca. 94002.

Agendas and Minutes

Agendas Minutes
September 18, 2018   September 18, 2018  
August 21, 2018   August 21, 2018  
June 19, 2018   June 19, 2018  
May 15, 2018   May 15, 2018  
April 17, 2018   April 17, 2018  
March 20, 2018   March 20, 2018  
February 20, 2018   February 20, 2018  
January 16, 2018   January 16, 2018  
