Ingrid Vargas Dean of Planning, Research, Innovation and Effectiveness -- Co-Chair and ALO

President's OfficePlanning, Research, Innovation, and Effectiveness Skyline

Zahra Mojtahedi Senior Planning and Research Analyst -- Co-Chair

President's OfficePlanning, Research, Innovation, and Effectiveness Skyline

Cherie Colin Director of Community Relations and Marketing

President's OfficeMarketing, Communications and Public Relations Skyline

Franciosa Deal Assistant Professor

Science|Math|TechnologySurgical Careers (ANST|SURG) Skyline

Luis Escobar Acting Vice President of Student Services

VP Student ServicesVP Student Services Skyline

Joseph Jr. Morello Vice President of Administrative Services

VP Administrative ServicesVP Administrative Services Skyline

Ellen Murray Acting Dean of Counseling, Matriculation and Advising

Student ServicesCounseling Skyline

Newin Orante Acting President

President's OfficePresident's Office Skyline

Kristy Lisle Interim Vice President of Instruction

Office of the Vice President, InstructionVP Instruction Office Skyline

Becky Threewit Administrative Assistant

President's OfficePlanning, Research, Innovation, and Effectiveness Skyline

Karen Wong Coordinator of Institutional Effectiveness

President's OfficePlanning, Research, Innovation, and Effectiveness Skyline

Clair Yeo-Sugajski Program Manager

Global Learning ProgramsDivision Office Skyline

Allan Arata Vega ASSC Representative