Accreditation Oversight Group
The overarching mission of this Operational Work Group is institutional excellence and student success through successful accreditation. The AOG works with the College CEO and ALO (Accreditation Liaison Officer) to ensure that Skyline College is in full compliance with the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges’ Eligibility Requirements for Accreditation, the Accreditation Standards, and ACCJC Policies.
AOG Responsibilities
1. To review periodic changes and updates related to Eligibility Requirements for Accreditation, the Accreditation Standards, and ACCJC Policies,
2. To coordinate Skyline College’s ongoing activities related to its accreditation, including developing and maintaining a systematic approach to tracking evidence,
3. To oversee completion of accreditation cycle reports, including the ISER and Mid-Term reports, as well as any additional report requirements that may arise from the reaccreditation process,
4. To provide open communication between the AOG and the college community, and ensure availability of accurate information to the public, including maintenance of an up-to-date Accreditation Webpage.