Comprehensive Program Review (CPR)
Comprehensive Program Review (CPR) is an integral component of Skyline College’s planning and resource allocation processes, carried out to ensure that all programs remain aligned with the College's Mission, Vision and Values (M-V-V). A three-semester endeavor initiated in the spring and due the following April, instructional and student/learning support services faculty/staff reflect on their program’s efficacy to enhance the overall effectiveness of the College. Using multiple methods and inquiry, faculty/staff reflect on and evaluate their program for the purposes of strengthening student learning and program effectiveness. This reflection leads to the identification of steps and resources necessary to work towards the program vision. Resource requests such as personnel, instructional equipment, and facilities are submitted through the separate though linked Annual Resource Request (ARR).
Comprehensive Program Review is also a vehicle through which faculty and staff reflect on and document progress on goals from the past five years that are documented in the previous CPR and Annual Program Plans (APPs). With APPs being replaced by the Program Review Updates (PRU) in Fall 2021, faculty and staff in future program review cycles will refer back to the previous CPR and PRUs.
The CPR process is managed and supported by the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, who also coach program faculty/ staff to evaluate their program’s effectiveness and formulate appropriate plans moving forward. Partners to further support program faculty/ staff in this endeavor include the Office of Planning, Research, Innovation and Effectiveness (PRIE), Curriculum Committee (CC), Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning (CTTL), and Strategic Partnerships and Workforce Development (SPWD).
Resources for Submitting Comprehensive Program Review |
Instructional Program CPR Template and Checklist to Provide Feedback |
Student Service Program CPR Template and Checklist to Provide Feedback |
Instructional Program CPR Suggested Timeline of Completion |
Student Service Program CPR Suggested Timeline of Completion |
Completed CPR/APP Documents - Access goals and objectives from the past CPR and PRUs completed since then. |
Program Review Schedule - Access when your program is scheduled for CPR and PRUs. ARRs take place annually and are optional. |
Skyline College Comprehensive Program Review Rubric - Access criteria to consider when completing the CPR. |
Platform User Guide to Submit CPR: How to Log in and the CPR Online Fields . (User account is needed. To request one, please consult with your dean.) |
RESOURCES FOR PROGRAMS WITH COURSE OFFERINGS Curriculum development is initiated at the program level and should include review by discipline faculty in cooperation with the division dean. The Curriculum Committee, a standing committee of the Skyline College Academic Senate, is the college-wide review body for new programs, new courses, modified courses, and deleted courses. Members can provide guidance in course review and revision. The Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning also offers support in the form of instructional design related to distance education, educational technology, pedagogy, curriculum design, assessment design, multimedia training and production, accessibility, etc |
CurricUNET - Review and update current Course Outlines of Record |
Course Outline and Prerequisite Checklist Table |
Questions? Please Ask for ASSISTANCE |
IEC CPR Consultation | Karen Wong | |
Chris Gibson | | |
Ame Maloney | | |
PRIE Data | Zahra Mojtahedi | |
Ingrid Vargas | | |
SLO Assessment | Karen Wong | |
Labor Data | TBD | |
Curriculum | Jessica Hurless/ Bianca Rowden-Quince | |
Instructional Design | Andrea Fuentes | |
Bianca Rowden-Quince | |