The Student Services Office at Skyline College supports students with all aspects of college life, from admissions to educational and career planning, and financial aid to personal counseling.

We want your experience at Skyline College to be an extraordinary and enriching one. With that central idea in mind, the Office of Student Services aims to provide the programs and services that will make it easy for you to achieve your educational goals.

We know that when your pathway through college is clear and uncomplicated, you are empowered to do your best. That’s why we actively support a culture that encourages innovation and efficiency within our programs and we are committed to making data-informed decisions that consistently improve our services that promote student success. Together, we can achieve anything.

Office of VPSS Administration

Acting Vice President of Student Services: Dr. Luis Escobar
Title IX: Dr. Newin Orante
ADA Coordinator: Will Minnich
Executive Assistant: Golda Margate