January 2025 Opening Day
Visit the CTTL WebsiteBuilding the Future with Heart and Mind
Following our October Flex Day on Building Bridges and Community, we continue the themes of building community by using our hearts and minds to work together for a more equitable future.
This Opening Day and Flex Day will be primarily in person, with the emphasis on building community and humanity. Our hopes is to build a thriving learning and working environment, and to support Skyline College's goal to become an antiracist institution.
We hope you will join us in person for this special day and invite all classified, faculty, and staff to come when you can. There are sessions of general interestduring every time block as well as faculty-specific sessions, based on feedback from our employees.
There will be an emphasis on mindfulness with including a wonderful presentation on the science of happiness with Flourish, art journaling, and dance sessions.
January 10 Schedule at a Glance
Please note that the opening and keynote event are in-person only! Online options are available from 10:30 - 4:00 pm.
Breakfast and Welcome, 8:15 - 9:00 am | Bldg 12 - Farallon Room
Opening Day Session, 9:00 - 10:20 am | Bldg 12 - Farallon Room
Morning Breakout Sessions, 10:30 - 12:00 pm | Building 6 and Online
Lunch and Tabling, 12:00 - 12:50 pm | Bldg 6 - Fireside Dining
Early Afternoon Breakout Sessions 1:00 - 2:20 pm | Building 6 and Online
Late Afternoon Breakout Sessions, 2:30-4:00 pm | Building 6 and Online
Flex Day Schedule PDF Version (coming soon)
All SMCCCD full-time faculty members have a total of 6 days (30 hours) of Flex obligations to complete, while day/evening obligations vary based on semester assignments. Failure by full-time faculty to fulfill this obligation may result in a reduction of pay.
The District Academic Senate issued a clarifying memo on Flex Day obligations for 2024-25 along with the form. Full-time faculty complete the form annually with their Dean (new). See the Memo for details.
NOTE: Part-time faculty may be compensated for attending Flex Days regardless of which day they teach or if they teach asynchronously. Part-time faculty attending flex day(s) should fill out both the Flex Day Reporting Form and the Adjunct-OL Faculty Timesheet and submit them to their division assistant. Contact CTTL with any questions about flex reporting. Please see the Collective Bargaining Agreement for further details, Article 7.11.1 for full-time faculty and Article 7.11.2 for part-time faculty.
Timesheet Instructions Tutorial Video from AFT 1493 (Fall 2024)
If you are a faculty member unable to participate in any of the planned on-campus Flex Day activities and would like to know about alternatives available to you, refer to sections 5 and 6 of the District Academic Senate's clarifying memo.
SMCCCD provides a flexible calendar for staff development in accordance with California
Code of Regulations, Title 5,
Division 6, § 55724*. There are six (6) Flex Days in the 2024-2025 academic calendar:
● Monday and Tuesday, August 12 and 13, 2024, and Wednesday, October 9, 2024.
● Thursday and Friday, January 9 and 10, 2025, and Thursday, April 17, 2025.
Per Title 5, all Flex Day obligations are on “flexible time.” All faculty members
are encouraged to attend Opening Day
activities on Monday, August 12, 2024 and Convocation at Skyline College on Tuesday,
August 15, 2024. As of 2018,
SMCCCD requires mandatory attendance at two Flex Days for full-time faculty, while
the other four Flex Days remain on
flexible time. The mandatory Flex Days for full-time faculty are August 13, 2024 and
January 10, 2025.
You can click the Register buttons on the Agenda and Schedule tab for each session, or to bulk register:
1. Go to the SMCCCD Employee Portal and login with your SSO credentials:
2. After you enter your SMCCD credential you will see this page; click the Vision Resource Center tile:
3. Once there, click the Events Calendar Button link to go to the desired date. Be careful to select Skyline Events, CSM also uses the VRC to register for their events.
4.Click the name of each session you choose and Register by clicking the blue “Request” button.
You have now registered for the session. You will receive an email confirmation from skylinecttl@smccd.edu and a calendar invite.
ⓘ VRC Registration
If you are denied access, it means one of two things:
- You are not signed in with your employee Single Sign-On. Please sign in with SMCCCD OneLogin and try again.
- Your primary job needs to be updated to enable acess to the VRC. Please request this update, so we can promptly resolve the issue for you. NOTE: This can take up to 48 hours to resolve. After you submit the request to update your primary job, if this is not resolved by Opening Day, simply go ahead and attend the sessions you are interested in and make sure to write your name in the sign-in sheet. We can credit you retroactively in the VRC once your primary job is updated.
If you experience any issues or need an ADA accommodation, please contact Andrea Fuentes (fuentesandrea@smccd.edu)
Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning - CTTL
Building 5, Room 5-118
Email: skylinecttl@smccd.edu
Phone: 650-738-7080
For professional learning/development inquiries contact:
Andrea Fuentes: fuentesandrea@smccd.edu
District Opening Day
January 9, Skyline College
This year's District Opening Day takes place at Skyline College, with many online options available. There is a track around AI that may be of interest to many.
For more information, please visit the District Flex Day website or contact Chris Collins, District PD Coordinator.
Breakfast and Check-In | Building 12 Farallon Room | 8:15 - 9:00 AM
Breakfast and Registration Instructions
Even if you are not attending the full Flex Day sessions, please take a moment to
register if you are going to the continental breakfast. We so much appreciate it
and look forward to being in community with you!
Remember, when selecting your sessions, they are marked as suggested for Faculty, Classified, and All. You can register for all sessions in the Vision Resource Center (log into portal
first) by going to January 10 on the Events Calendar and following the prompts for
each session or simply click the links for each session.

Opening Day Session | Building 12 | 9:00-10:20 AM
Welcome to Opening Day
Newin Orante and Karen Wong (ALL Employees)
Building 12 Farallon Room (IN PERSON ONLY) | 9:00 - 10:20 AM
This session is in person so we can be in community together. First, Dr. Orante will welcome us to the new semester, speak on the state of the college, and how we are looking to the future with mindfulness and heart. This will follow up on the themes from Convocation and October Flex Day. He will be discussing the support for undocumented/DACA students and staff in the current climate. Lastly, Karen Wong will give us all some guidance on the upcoming accreditation activities. ALL classified staff, administrators, adjuncts and full-time faculty are welcome!
Morning Breakout Sessions | Building 6 | 10:30 - 12:00
Small Actions, Big Impact: Science-Based Strategies for Personal, Relational, and
Community Well-Being
Dr. Julie Cachia, Co-Founder, Flourish Science (Classified, Faculty, and Administrators)
Building 6-202 | 10:30 - 12:00 PM
This is a can't miss session with the founders of Flourish, an AI-based wellness app for social good. Decades of psychological research show that happiness and well-being can be intentionally cultivated through simple actions in daily life. In this interactive session, you’ll explore the PERMA model of well-being to gain deeper insights into your well-being and discover meaningful, science-based strategies to boost joy, practice self-compassion, manage stress, and strengthen social connections. You’ll also receive practical tools designed to help you seamlessly integrate these insights into your daily routine, empowering you to cultivate calm, joy, and resilience both during the Flex Day and in your everyday life. Put Dr. Zhao bio here
Marketing Your Program
Cherie Colin and Marketing Team (Classified, Faculty Coordinators, Admin)
6-206 | 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Marketing has your back. In this session, you will learn how to promote your event to reach your target audience. Please be ready to write about your event in the session. We will also show you some of the tools available to help you become more self-sufficient.
Integrating the Arts into Your Teaching Practices
Kim Saccio (Faculty)
Building 6, Room 205 | 10:30 - 12:00 PM
In this interactive workshop you will learn what arts integration is and how it can be used to enrich learning in our college classrooms – both in person and online. After spending some time with the research, you will experience how this can work in practice by participating in a hands-on Visual Thinking exercise that engages your creativity to document learning. You will leave with practical strategies for nurturing student engagement in your discipline. Please join us with an open mind and rolled-up sleeves – this could get messy.
Zumba Dance Fitness
Liza Erpelo (Classified, Faculty, Admin)
Dance Studio, Building 3 | 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Join us for a dance fitness party that's exercise in disguise! We'll use Latin and World rhythms and low-intensity and high-intensity moves to give you a total workout, combining all elements of fitness --- cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility. Wear comfy shoes, put on clothes you can dance in, bring a towel, and don't forget your water. Take a break from your computer, get ready to sweat, and see you on the dance floor!
A Practical Approach to Curbing Online Cheating
Shaun Perisho (Faculty)
6-204 | 10:30 - 12:00 PM
I will discuss the prevalence of cheating in online courses (specifically exams) and explain how integration of Proctorio has significantly reduced it in my asynchronous courses. I plan to present data that back these claims up, explain how the software works, and go over some practical tips to help faculty monitor exam data efficiently.
Lunch and Tabling | Building 6 Fireside Dining | 12:00 - 12:50 PM

Lunch and Building Community (ALL employees)
Please join us for a light lunch in Building 6, Fireside Dining. We will have tabling
from Flourish and PTK.
As always, we request you register for catering purposes; even if you are not attending
the Flex Day sessions.
Register for Lunch
Early Afternoon Flex Sessions | Building 6 or Online | 1:00 - 2:20 PM
UnDocu-Advocate Training
Martin Marquez (Classified, Faculty, Admin)
6-206 | 1:00 - 2:20 PM
The Undocu-Advocate Training will provide faculty, classified staff, and the Skyline Community knowledge on the needs, concerns, and issues of undocumented students and their families. It will be a space where participants are educated about student issues and challenges (in the classroom experience, campus representation, and laws currently impacting undocu-students, for example). The training will help Skyline better understand the need to create a welcoming and supportive campus environment for undocumented immigrant students.
Art Journaling for Creative Expression
Andrea Fuentes (ALL Employees)
Building 6 Room 203 | 1:00 - 2:30 PM
❝Art journaling is an open-ended form of art on loose paper or in a bound journal where the focus is on the process of creating and of self-expression rather than a particular end result.❞ Bring any papers, memorabiliia you would like to incorporate. We will have lots of art supplies available for your use as well. Great for all employees.
Better Living through Birding
Jarrod Feiner and the Skyline Bird Brigade (ALL employees)
meet in Quad in front of Building 6 | 1:00 - 2:20 PM
Hosted by First Year Experience (FYE) students, join members of our newly found birdwatching club, Skyline Birders’ Brigade, as we view and identify various birds that are found on Skyline’s campus. Birding offers students and faculty many benefits; in fact, a North Carolina State University study found that “university students who went birding reported higher gains in subjective well-being and more reduction in psychological distress” (Forbes). Ever wonder what the difference is between a crow and a raven? Why are some blackbirds brown? These and other questions will be answered. Join the Brigade! Space limited to 22 participants unless you can bring your own binoculars.
Editing the Skyline College Website
Aria Frangos (Classified and Faculty Coordinators)
Online | 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Whether you've edited before or can’t recall the last time you logged in, join us to get up to speed on making updates to the Skyline College website! Along with a refresher on making basic edits & uploading new content, you’ll hear about strategies and tools to market your program, integrate event calendars, follow best practices in accessibility, SEO, and user experience, utilize mobile-responsive designs, and create content that is student-friendly, on-brand, and easy to upkeep. Resources for future reference will be provided, because who doesn’t forget how to find that one button to do that one thing?
Universal Design for Learning and the New ADA
Kim Saccio (Faculty and Classified using Canvas)
6-205 and online | 1:00 - 2:20 PM
In this hands-on kickoff for our CTTL Accessibility Training Series, you will learn what the updates to ADA Title II mean for online instruction, and how these improvements support all of our learners – not only people with disabilities. You will learn you how to use built-in accessibility checkers within Canvas to simplify the process of creating accessible content online. Come ready to work on your own instructional materials or assignments.
CTTL Video Studio Open House: Using Video to Promote Engagement
Terri Hannon (Faculty, Classified interested in Video)
CTTL Video Production Studio 5-134 (Faculty or Interested Classified) | 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM
Tour our new Video Studio set up at CTTL! Educational videos can enhance student engagement and understanding in all modes of delivery. When done correctly, educational video offers visual storytelling, diverse perspectives, visualization of complex concepts, and real-world examples. By incorporating videos, teachers can create more dynamic and impactful learning experiences. Join us for an overview of video tools and services available through the CTTL and learn how you can improve your students’ learning experience using tools like Play Posit, Lightboard, and the CTTL Video Studio. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop but not required.
LibreText Training
Delmar Larsen, Libretexts
Online | 1:00 - 3:00 PM
"LibreNet @ Skyline – Jumpstart Training (2 hrs) Do you know that Skyline is a LibreNet full member?! Our 3-year membership supports Hosting for an unlimited number of OER texts, A Skyline Campus Commons portal, Priority access to the LibreTexts support team, And lots more! Join the Skyline ZTC Team and LibreTexts’ Delmar Larsen for this Jump Start session! Get to know LibreTexts and their OER platforms, including the OER Remixer, ADAPT interactive homework platform as well as Team sandboxes, Campus Conductor, and LibreCommons hosting of Skyline authored and adapted OER. In this session attendees will become familiar with the LibreTexts suite of tools and supports available to Skyline faculty to assist moving your OER dreams forward! Contact Chelssee de Barra for additional information.
Late Afternoon Flex Sessions | Building 6 and Online | 2:30 - 3:30 or 4:00 PM
Affinity Groups: How to Start an Employee Resource Group at Skyline
Dr. Newin Orante (Classified and Faculty)
6-202 | 2:30 - 3:30 PM
Employee resource groups (also known as affinity groups) have emerged as a promising practice for many companies and institutions in creating and sustaining a more diverse and inclusive environment. Studies show that nearly ninety percent of companies who have ERGs assisted in creating a welcoming environment in the onboarding and retention efforts of their employees. SMCCD has a new process for starting employee resource groups, such as Communidad or other affinity groups. Employee Resource Groups (ERG). Come talk to Dr. Orante about starting an affinity group at Skyline.
CidiLabs DesignPLUS - Using Templates for Universal Design for Learning
Andrea Fuentes, Terri Hannon (Faculty, Classified who use Canvas)
6-203 and online | 2:30 - 4:00 PM
Check out some pre-built templates for use in Canvas via DesignPLUS and learn some basics of using the toolbar. These templates can provide all learners with accessible, visually appealing, and organized ways to work in Canvas.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Phi Theta Kappa
Susanne Schubert, William Wai Phyo OO and Thanh Nguyen (Faculty, Classified, Admin)
6-206 | 2:30 - 3:30 PM
Advisors and officers of the Skyline Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) chapter, Beta Theta Omicron, will give insights on what PTK is all about. Officers will share about their work on the campus and in the community. They will provide examples of past work and what they plan in the upcoming semester. Learn how you and your students can get involved and which benefits are included when students join PTK.
Building Bigger Brains: The Benefits of Board Gaming
Perry Chen (ALL employees)
Fireside Dining | 2:30 - 4:00 PM
A short presentation on the benefits of board gaming cognitively, emotionally, and socially, followed by open board gaming time! Helpers will be present to assist with rules, directions, and facilitation of games.
Exploring the New Campus Job Board Platform: A Workshop for Getting Started with JobSpeaker
Kalia Chavez (ALL employees)
6-204 | 2:30 - 3:30 PM
This workshop will serve as the official launch of JobSpeaker for our campus community, including staff, faculty, and administration. Participants will be introduced to JobSpeaker, a platform designed to connect students with job and internship opportunities while enhancing the experience for employers. The session will provide a hands-on walk-through of how to access and use JobSpeaker, as well as where to go for support or to provide feedback. The workshop will also cover details about the integration with Canvas, the process for sharing hiring/internship opportunities and time for Q&A at the end of the session. Please bring your laptops or phones to follow along during the walk-through.

Propose a Workshop for Flex Day
Have an idea or some experience to share? To support diverse programming that meets the needs of our campus community, the CTTL is requesting proposals for Flex Day sessions.
Now accepting Flex Day and Adjunct Symposium proposals for Spring 2025, for Skyline College only (NO district wide proposals).
We are looking for tracks around Excellence in Teaching, Community Building, Technology and Innovation (including Online Teaching), Health/Safety/Wellness, and Equity/Access. Our two top priorities are Equity/Access and Thriving Work/Learning Environment.
Guidelines for Presenters
Prospective Presenters - The CTTL has adapted the Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills (AKS) framework by Connerley and Pedersen (2005) to develop our own framework of constructing and facilitating workshops/training.
The adaptation of AKS is as a way to identify if the workshop is building awareness (creating the foundational information about your topic such as definitions, historical timelines/context); relating knowledge (interpreting the research, policies, or other resources related to the topic); as well as implementing skills (applying best practices/strategies). Workshops should either focus on one or all of the adapted AKS framework to build upon the work currently being done within our college and across the district. Using this framework will also further inform the participants of the purpose and outcomes of the workshop.
Need support with developing a workshop proposal? Have questions or need additional information? ContactAndrea Fuentes, PD Coordinator.
Previous Flex Days
Access materials from earlier flex days in the CTTL Faculty Repository, Professional Development section.

Flex Day Archives
CTTL maintains copies of slide decks, handouts, and some video recordings from previous flex days. You can browse the CTTL Faculty Repository for this information. If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Fuentes in the CTTL.
PD and Flex Day Repository