Field trips provide a unique and valuable experience for students to learn outside of the classroom and connect with their peers. At Skyline College, we are supportive of this type of learning experience. We also understand the risks and liability for the College. Field trip organizers can reduce the risk by better ensuring the safety of all participants by planning and following our district policies and guidelines.

Below are resources and requirements to help you plan for a safe and successful trip.

Trip Planning Deadlines

We recommend planning your trip as early as possible to ensure that the process goes smoothly. The timeline listed below expresses deadlines for the required submissions and approvals in relation to the date of your trip.

30 Days Prior

  • If advance funds are needed, Instructor submits Conference Pre-Approval / Advance Form

20 Days Prior to Out-of-State
10 Days Prior to In‑State

  • Instructor submits Field Trip Approval Form
  • If no advance funds needed, Instructor submits Conference Pre-Approval Form

5 Days Prior

  • Students submit Field Trip Consent form
  • Students complete Code of Conduct Quiz

Requirements for Students and Instructor

Student Must Complete:

Students must complete the following in its entirety:

  1. Once per academic year, the student must pass the Code of Conduct Quiz.
    • Students receive an email receipt that they passed, and Division Assistants can confirm.
  2. For each trip, the student must fill out the trip-specific consent form provided by the instructor.

Instructor Must Complete:

  1. Complete the Request for Field Trip/Excursion Approval.
    • Filling out this form will put the trip into the workflow for required approvals and signatures.
    • Upon final signature by the VP, you will receive an email with the link to a pre-filled, trip-specific consent form to give your students.
  2. Distribute this consent form link and the Code of Conduct quiz to students who will be attending the trip.
    • You and your Division Assistant will receive copies of the consent forms as they are submitted by students. Students will receive a copy as well.
    • Division Assistants can check the Quiz Results Smartsheet to confirm the students have completed the Code of Conduct Quiz.
    • DAs will share the forms with their VP office by uploading a folder to the Field Trips Appserv.
      • Please title the folder for each trip with date and title in the format YYYY_MM_DD_TripName_InstructorLastName: ex: "2025_1_1_PoolParty_Smith".
      • Include the following:
        • The filled-out roster sheet
        • Approved Trip/Excursion Request Form
        • Instructor's Conference Pre-Approval Form
        • Consent Forms for the students
  3. The instructor for the trip fills out the Conference Attendance form.
    • In order to complete the field trip request process, you must complete and submit the Conference Pre-Approval / Advance Form  .
    • Determine if you, the instructor, will need to request advance funds for the trip.
      • If so, work with your Division Assistant to fill out the form and submit with the relevant supporting documents. If you need advance funds, this form must be submitted at least 30 days prior to your trip's departure.
      • If you do not need advance funds, this form must be submitted at least 10 days prior to your trip's departure for in-state trips and 20 days for out-of-state trips.

Field Trip Approval Process

Here is a quick explanation of how the field trip request process works:

  • Instructor submits the field trip request form and receives an email receipt of their submission.
  • The workflow of required review & signatures begins.
    • Instructor Submission → Division Assistant / Program Services Coordinator Review → Dean Signature → Vice President's Office Review → Vice President Signature → Instructor & Division Assistant receive the final approval email with a consent form link
  • While the trip request is being reviewed, the instructor (with the help of their program or division office) can fill out the conference approval form in order to meet necessary deadlines.
  • Once the trip is approved, the instructor will receive a pre-filled consent form for the trip to provide to students. Students must complete the code of conduct quiz & field trip form by the proper deadlines.
  • Division Assistants have access to a live database of code of conduct quiz completions and can search by G# to confirm that students on a given trip have completed it for this year.
  • Instructors & Division Assistants will receive copies of student trip consent forms as they come in.
  • Division Assistants will upload received forms & roster sheet to a folder in Appserv shared with VPI / VPSS.
    • Please title the folder for each trip with date and title in the format YYYY_MM_DD_TripName_InstructorLastName: "2025_1_1_PoolParty_Smith".
    • Please include the filled-out roster sheet along with the consent forms

Notes for Student Club Advisors: 

  • Off-campus trip approval and all required forms must be completed on time with no exceptions.  
  • Our ASSC Bookkeeper will not be able to issue a check without the proper backup documentation.
  • Advisors if you have questions or need assistance with the paperwork, please reach out to our Student Life and Leadership Assistant at least one month before the trip.

District Guidelines & Board Policies on Field Trips

See District policies and resources regarding the guidelines around field trips.

District Policy Policy Topic / Description
SMCCCD Guidelines for Field Trips and Excursions

Description of the overall process and requirements for field trips and excursions hosted by the college.

Field Trips and Excursions:
Board Policy NO. 6.45  

College-sponsored, non-required field trips and requirements

Student Conduct:
Board Policy NO. 7.69  

Student code of conduct and expectations

Standards of Student Conduct, Prohibited Actions, and Disciplinary Procedures:
Board Policy NO. 7.69.1  

Standards of student conduct, prohibited actions, and disciplinary actions

Transportation on District-Sponsored Activities:
Board Policy 8.45  

District transportation guidelines and requirements


For Instructors

For Division Assistants