Feedback/Agenda Items

What is the Classified Senate?

The Classified Senate represents the needs, concerns, and viewpoints of the classified staff with respect to the District Participatory Governance Agreement, excluding all matters related to collective bargaining. It is one of the constituent groups of Skyline College's shared governance organizational structure. We are an elected council.

Who are Classified Senate Members?

The Classified Senate represents all classified employees at Skyline College, CSEA, AFSCME, and non-represented classified employees, which includes classified supervisors and management.

Classified Senate Meetings

  • Meetings are open to all classified employees of Skyline College.
  • Notices will be emailed to all members before each meeting.
  • Minutes are sent after each meeting.

What else does the Classified Senate do?

  • Raise money for scholarships
  • Staff professional development
  • Provide support for classified staff


Scholarship Drive

Meeting and Contact Info

 Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of Every Month, 2:00 PM to 3:15 PM
Location: Building 6, Room 202 and 204, and Via Zoom

Jose Milan:

Nadia Tariq:

Depending on the attendance of the first meeting, we will determine if this will be the new time for our classified meetings.

Agenda Request Form  


of Ethics  
Classified Senate Constitution