
Please refer to training materials shown below which link to the SMCCCD District Portal for detailed Banner and WebSMART guidance on how to initiate and complete procurement transactions.

Banner 9 Tutorials

Banner Finance Downloads

Banner Finance User Guide    

Websmart Training Document    


All purchases made with grant funds must adhere to SMCCCD purchasing policies, procedures and contracts requirements in addition to specific terms or restrictions that may be applicable to an award. 

General Purchasing Procedures

Dollar Limit Guidelines

Software and Hardware Technology Purchases

Contract and Other Requirements

Procurement Card

When using a procurement card (procard) to make purchases, please follow the Procard User's Guide, and Procard Document Management Procedures.  

Procard User’s Guide  

Procard Document Management Procedures  

Procurement Card Overview - PowerPoint

Requisitions and Expense Forms

A requisition is an on-line form and goes through an on-line approval process originating from the requestor, through the Grant Administrator and College Business Office (CBO).

If you have insufficient funds to cover your purchase, initiate a Budget Transfer prior to initiating the requisition or purchase. This may require advance approval as noted above.

Prior approval is required by Administrative Services for expenditures charged to the grant over $300 that will be reimbursed.

It is highly recommended to review the terms and allowable expenses that govern an award before authorizing a non-SMCCCD person to incur expenses in the expectation of being reimbursed. If you have any questions or clarifications on this topic or as they pertain to a specific award, please do not hesitate to contact Administrative Services team.

Expense Reimbursement Form for Non-SMCCCD Employees  


Stipend vs. Salary

Stipend vs. Salary Guidelines  


Conference Attendance and Travel

All travel must follow the District's conference and travel policies, and must be approved in advance.
Board Policy 8.55 Conference Attendance and Travel  
Administrative Procedure 8.55.1 Domestic Conference and Travel Expenses  
Administrative Procedure 8.55.2 International Conference and Travel Expenses  


Conference Forms
Conference Advance Form    
Statement of Conference Expenses Form  



The PD must maintain effective control over, and accountability for all funds, property (Refer to §200.94 for definition of tangible personal property - For SMCCCD, this includes all non-inventoried equipment and furniture purchased and charged to account 4511 and 4512) and assets (Items charged to account 64XX). Assure that they are used solely for authorized purposes.

See §200.302 Financial Management and §200.303 Internal Controls.

SMCCCD maintains a “Fixed Asset System” and a physical inventory of all assets and reconciliation with property records must occur every two years. Fixed Assets are addressed in the General Purchasing Procedures (scroll to bottom).

District Purchasing Guidelines