Full Time Equivalent Faculty Allocation Committee (FTEFAC)
The FTEFAC is charged with developing and recommending a prioritized list of strategic allocations of Full Time Equivalent Faculty (FTEF) in order for the college to meet its mission of serving the educational needs of the community.
Roles and Responsibilites of FTEFAC Members
- Attend all FTEFAC meetings (Orientation meeting; Position Presentations; Discussion and Prioritization)
- Understanding and reviewing the proposals and data coming from the area the member is representing
- Be familiar with College and Board strategic goals, People’s College Initiative, College commitment to equity and anti-racism, and supporting a diverse suite of degree and certificate options
- Prioritize college goals when considering FTEFAC positions
Other Notes
- Categorical and grant funded positions will be included in the FTEFAC process. Positions will not be included in the Fund 1 ranking, but included to inform the committee that these are being considered or are required for various programs/grants.
- Faculty replacement requests are made through the respective dean to the vice president, using the faculty request form. The vice president will present a recommendation to the president. If the position is not immediately replaced by the President, then the position will be added to the next FTEFAC allocation process. Any replacement positions that were approved since the last FTEFAC process, will be provided to the committee as an informational item.
- All information regarding the FTEFAC recommendations will be made available to the campus community, including replacements and categorically funded positions, with rationale if the final FTEFAC rankings are not followed in the allocation prioritization.