Comprehensive Redesign
Three Components, One Promise
The Skyline College Promise is our commitment to empower completion at every point in a student's educational journey by examining our processes and procedures to remove barriers to success. The Promise is based in intentionality and connection, employs equity minded innovation, and is informed by data every step of the way.
In order to deliver on the Promise, the college is moving forward on three signature acts:
- Increasing transfer and degree completion through the Promise Scholars Program.
- Streamlining academic choice and progress through Guided Pathways & Interest Areas.
- Advancing education and equity through Transformative Teaching & Learning.

Promise Scholars Program
The Promise Scholars Program (PSP) provides financial, academic, and counseling support for degree or certificate seeking first-time students who can commit to full-time enrollment at Skyline College for the duration of their educational program. PSP provides:
- Financial support — two full years of financial support, including fee waivers, textbook vouchers, and monthly transportation incentives, with additional financial support in year three, if necessary.
- Academic support — priority registration, blocked classes, need-based tutoring, and proactive performance monitoring and interventions
- Structured guidance — dedicated need-based counseling, group advising workshops, a 150:1 student-counselor ratio, access to a peer-mentor program and engaged peer community, and personalized career development
The Promise Scholars Program — currently available to first-year students — aims to increase both persistence and graduation rates by ensuring a strong start to college.
Guided Pathways
We’re designing guided pathways through academic programs to integrate student services and instruction — creating a cohesive student experience that facilitates goal completion.
Guided pathways provide structure that ensures the most efficient journey to
graduation. They include:
- On-ramp processes to help students begin their college experience
- Intake processes, like Interest Areas, to help students clarify college and careers goals
- Intentional course sequences with clearly defined career and academic milestones
- Embedded counseling, academic support, and proactive feedback on student progress throughout their educational journey
Transformative Teaching & Learning
Skyline College fosters transformative teaching and learning — holistic, relevant, and accessible — that empowers student growth and advances equity by:
- Infusing subjects with more meaning and value using innovative, culturally conscious teaching and learning models
- Proactively guiding and supporting students throughout their education journey with easily identified and accessed high-impact programs and services (i.e., integrated career exploration, personalized counseling, automated progress reporting)
- Operationalizing professional development to equip faculty and staff to lead their fields, innovate and set new standards, and improve instructional efficacy
We are creating an intentionally inclusive, accessible, and embracing educational environment — so students feel like college is for them, championing their success.