The following policies apply to all employers posting on the Skyline College Job Board.

  1. Employers who post with Skyline College guarantee that no student or prospective applicant shall be discriminated against or excluded from any benefits, activities, or programs on the basis of any status protected under applicable laws, including ethnic group identification, race, color, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, medical condition, immigration status, family status, military and veteran status, or physical or mental disability.
  2. Postings of employment/internship opportunities cannot be any of the following: multi-level marketing businesses, commission-based pay structure only, or other business ventures that require monetary investment on the part of the applicant including third-party employment agencies that require monetary investment on the part of the applicant.
    • For more detailed information and specific questions about how this might apply to your company, please speak with a college career center.
  3. Employers who post a position agree to provide the employee/intern with a safe, professional, and supervised environment. They agree to provide the employee/intern a working environment free from sexual harassment and unlawful discrimination. They will ensure that the supervisor will be readily accessible to the student during the student's work hours.
  4. Employers who post a position agree to follow any permanent, interim, or temporary EEO State or Federal regulations or CDC guidelines. In addition, we will review all postings to ensure that they meet any regulations and directives provided by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office.
  5. The employer will post an accurate description of employee/intern duties and responsibilities as well as minimum qualifications and agrees to provide the employment/internship experience as specified in the posted job/internship description.
  6. Skyline College retains the right to refuse, for any reason, any employer the opportunity to post employment, internship, or volunteer opportunities on its job boards, job binders, and the JobSpeaker website.
  7. Skyline College will make every effort to post accepted employment or internship opportunities during regular business days, within 96 hours of receiving them, except during periods of scheduled San Mateo County Community College district and college holidays.
  8. Employers who post on JobSpeaker agree to manage their own employment and internship postings through the system.
  9. All positions offered to our students should comply with all state and federal guidelines including the Fair Labor Standards Act. Employers posting unpaid internships on JobSpeaker agree to follow the seven internship criteria under The Fair Labor Standards Act.
  10. Employers posting jobs, paid and unpaid internships on JobSpeaker agree to all laws concerning appropriate breaks, meals, and hours per shift as stated by the US Department of Labor.
  11. Skyline College follows the US Department of Labor's definition of volunteers.
    • If you are posting a volunteer position, it is understood that you are a public service, religious, humanitarian, charitable, or similar non-profit organization that is seeking a volunteer on a temporary basis. For a more detailed description please see the US Department of Labor's definition of volunteers. 

Requirements Specific to Employers Posting Internships 

  1. Employers posting unpaid internships on JobSpeaker agree to follow the seven internship criteria under The Fair Labor Standards Act. Unpaid internships offering stipends are still considered unpaid.
  2. Ideally, internship worksites should be located near a college campus within the San Mateo County Community College District as site visits will be completed by Work Experience staff and instructors.
  3. Skyline College provide the Cooperative Work Experience Education and Internship Program (Intern/Co-op) as a service for employers who can guarantee at least 60 hours of unpaid work or 75 hours of paid work during a semester or summer term.
  4. To ensure a mutually satisfying partnership, the organization agrees to require their selected interns to be enrolled in a Work Experience course in addition to the internship.
  5. The intern cannot displace a currently paid worker.
  6. The organization recognizes that the intern does not qualify as an independent contractor.
  7. Employers who post on JobSpeaker will report any student interns hired by the organization. 

In consideration for the ability to use JobSpeaker to access this information, the user agrees to release Skyline College, its trustees, employees, and agents from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, or causes of action, including but not limited to personal injury and/or death, arising out of or related to the information posted on this web site and/or arising out of any employment relationship created between an employer an applicant for a posted position, including the employers, the positions, and the acts or omissions of both employers and applicants for posted positions. Skyline College do not guarantee that the college server will function error-free or uninterrupted. Nothing in this agreement creates an agency, affiliation, or employment relationship between Skyline College and any user of JobSpeaker, including both employers and individual applicants for posted positions. 

Employers must agree to the above policy and disclaimer and abide by the above terms. 

By posting on the JobSpeaker platform for Skyline College students, employers agree to all the above.