Chris Kappa – Skyline Auto Tech Graduate,  1987

What advice would you give to women interested in an automotive career?

Best advice - you got to prove it to people. Learn all you can, then go out there and show guys you know what a camshaft does in the engine. You need to learn all you can.

Chris Kappa


Alexandra Liu – Skyline Auto Tech Student, 2009

What advice would you give to women interested in an automotive career?

I learned that even though the years go by fast, it does not matter how long it takes you, as long as you get there.

Alexandra Liu


Julia Johnson - Skyline College Auto Tech, 2007

What advice would you give to women interested in an automotive career?

Confidence in yourself is crucial.  If you’re not normally self-confident, then you need to pretend that you are.  Women see excessive confidence as boasting or arrogance.  Men equate confidence with competence.

Julia Johnson