• Children will demonstrate typical development and progression of skills
    • By the end of the second semester of each academic year, 75% of the children currently enrollled will have had the ASQ developmental screening administered
    • By the end of the second semester of each academic year, children currently enrolled will progress by a 25% median increase in at least 75% of the developmental domains in both the infant/toddler and preschool DRDP assessments
  • Parents will take part in their child's early learning and school experience
    • By the end of the second semester of each academic year, 75% of all parents currently enrolled will be "Very Satisfied" with the overall quality of the program
    • By the end of the second semester of each academic year, 75% of all parents currently enrolled will have participated in at least two Parent Engagement activities per semester
  • Students will demonstrate beginning teaching skills to enter the ECE workforce
    • By the end of the second semester of each academic year, 75% of all classrooms assessed will receive an overall program score of "5"
    • By the end of the second semester of each academic year, 50% of currently employed student assistants will have applied for an Associate Teacher Child Development Permit