PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy (3 units)

A survey of views and arguments in the Western philosophical tradition regarding ourselves and our place in the universe. It explores fundamental questions about mind, reality, religion, knowledge, free will, moral values, political ideals, and other topics. Incorporates an introduction to the methods of logic and critical thinking.

PHIL 103 Critical Thinking (3 units)

A study of the standards, methods, and skills for deciding what to believe on the basis of evidence. It presents rigorous deductive, inductive, and abductive techniques for analyzing, evaluating and composing arguments as used in a wide variety of contexts and disciplines.

PHIL 160 History of Western Philosophy: Ancient and Medieval (3 units)

This course covers the history of Western philosophy from the ancient Greeks to Medieval period, with emphasis on the Pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, Epicureans, Stoics, Skeptics, and philosophers of Medieval Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Topics include philosophy and religion, myth, metaphysics, science, human nature, and society.

PHIL 200 Introduction to Logic (3 units)

An introduction to symbolic logic with an emphasis on proof systems for propositional and predicate logic. Includes translation of English sentences into a symbolic language, patterns and techniques of deductive and inductive inference, and basic probability theory.

PHIL 240 Introduction to Ethics (3 units)

A critical examination of philosophical views—ancient and modern—concerning human nature and human potential; the fundamental concepts of goodness, rightness, and justice; the virtues of persons and social institutions; the relationship between the individual and society; criteria for moral evaluation; ideals of human action, ultimate aims (such as happiness), and ways of living. A variety of moral theories and contemporary moral issues will be explored in depth.

PHIL 280 Introduction to Political Philosophy (3 units)

An introduction to political philosophy. Readings and critical discussion of political philosophies (such as liberalism, conservatism, communitarianism, libertarianism, socialism, feminism, etc.) through readings by influential thinkers (such as Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Marx, Rawls, and contemporary writers). Topics include theories of human nature, conceptions of justice, the relationship between the individual and the state, the distribution of wealth and power, the significance of ideology, and the role of markets. Also listed as PLSC 280.

PHIL 300 Intro to World Religions (3 units)

This course explores the origins, beliefs, practices, art and rituals of major religious traditions (including Zoroastrian, Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist, and others). It also examines the role of religion in everyday life as well as the enduring philosophical issues that religious traditions grapple with.

PHIL 312 Introduction to Philosophy of Religion (3 units)

An introduction to philosophical thinking about religion, with an emphasis on issues central to traditional montheism. This course teaches how to critically examine arguments concerning the origin of religion, the existence of God, the historicity of miracles, the veridicality of religious and mystical experience, the existence of spirits or souls, the possiblilty of life after death, the equal validity of all religions, and other topics.

PHIL B10 Medical Ethics (3 units)

Application of moral theory to a variety of problems in medicine and health care delivery, such as: uses of medical technology, allocation of resources, responsibilities and obligations of health care providers, medically assisted dying, genetic screening, abortion and reproductive rights, and experiments on human or animal subjects.