Upon Completion of Degree requirements, students will be able to:

  • Use aseptic technique in clinical and laboratory environments.
  • Discuss and understand the role of microorganisms in healthy individuals and in infectious diseases.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the structure of the human body.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the functions of the organ systems of the human body.
  • Apply the concept of homeostasis to basic principles in medicine.
  • Discuss and understand the principles of cellular metabolism, molecular genetics, and immunology.
  • Demonstrate the ability to report scientific information appropriately and effectively.
  • Utilize the scientific method to analyze and interpret data.
  • Use the periodic table and other reference sources to gather information needed to solve chemical problems.
  • Identify functional groups or reaction types and understand the role of biologically important molecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids) in the body.