Bay Area Workforce Funding Collaborative
The Bay Area Workforce Funding Collaborative funded a Skyline College proposal in
response to their Request for Applications to Strengthen Student Services. The purpose
of the proposed project was to establish a one-stop center where Career Technical
Education (CTE) students can access multiple services related to employment and career
development, work supports, public benefits, financial literacy and asset building.
A planning period (April 1, 2009 to October 30, 2009) joined core partners including
Skyline College, California Employment Development Department, Jewish Vocational Service,
and United Way of the Bay Area. Planning included site visits to Centers for Working
Families at Central New Mexico Community College and Des Moines Area Community College,
the project began in earnest in November 2009. This funding was instrumental to the
implementation of SparkPoint at Skyline College.
The Strengthening Student Services Framework
- Offer services in three areas – Increase income through education, Develop assets,
and build credit with financial education and coaching;
- Seamlessly integrate service delivery, appropriately “bundled” and sequenced;
- Provide financial coaching for all clients: motivate and support them with culturally
competent staff;
- Promote and provide access to public and private benefits and mainstream financial
- Commit to continued engagement with clients over two-three years;
- Evaluate, learn from and share data, supported by a user-friendly IT system that demonstrates
results; and
- Promote SparkPoint through the power of a common brand and marketing.
Three Planning Subcommittees
- Service Integration,
- Planning and Partner Development, and
- Facilities and Logistics.