Psychology Databases
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
Full-text psychology and behavioral sciences journal articles
Other useful article databases for psychology research:
Academic OneFile
Coverage in key subject areas such as, biology, chemistry, criminal justice, economics,
environmental science, history, marketing, political science, and psychology with
full-text articles from periodicals covered in major bibliographic resources such
as CINAHL, BIOSIS, MLA, PsycINFO, ERIC, EconLit, RILM, and others.
Google Scholar
Google's academic search engine accesses a wide range of academic articles, books
and other documents.
To search for multiple concepts, use ORs between words for the same concept, quotes
around phrases, parentheses around each concept, and ANDs between concepts, e.g. (study OR research) AND ("child development") AND ("single mother" OR "single parent"
OR "single father")