Message from President
For 50 years, Skyline College has been a unifying resource to the community we serve, a symbol of optimism and hope for students young and old, and a innovative leader redefining, from the ground up, what it means to be a student-ready educational institution.
As we look back on the last 50 years, I can’t help but think of our 50th anniversary tagline: “A legacy of achievement.” What a legacy Skyline College has built. This institution’s mission began as an idea…an ideal shared by visionaries who looked beyond the horizon and imagined a college that would serve us all and shape our future:
“To empower and transform a global community of learners.”
That mission has served as a guiding light over the years, and it has grown from a single idea to a beacon of knowledge and a brilliant foundation for this institution. The faculty and staff of this college, have shared that mission with the students they serve, and those students, spread out over the last 50 years, have made it their own – through their determination and drive and desire for truth, they envision a world not as it is today, but as it one day might be.
So I’ll take that cue from our students and close with this: 50 years is an incredible legacy of achievement to celebrate. I hope you’ll join me in turning your eyes to the future as we celebrate the past, and imagine the next 50 years. Imagine how bright that future is now. Imagine the endless possibilities of what we can achieve working together.
Let’s make it happen.