Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Center for Working Families® (CWF) is a new approach to help low-income families
reach financial stability and move up the economic ladder. Pioneered by the Casey
Foundation and now supported by other major funders, the CWF offers an innovative
framework for how families can increase their earnings and income (“Earn It”), reduce
their financial transaction costs (“Keep It”), and build wealth for themselves and
their communities (“Grow It”). The United Way of the Bay Area SparkPoint Initiative
is based on the CWF model. SparkPoint at Skyline College is part of the Annie E. Casey’s
Centers for Working Families Community College Network.
California Community Colleges
SparkPoint at Skyline College Career and Technical Education (CTE)services receive
funding from the California Community Colleges. Through the Career Pathways Initiative
(funded by SB70 / SB1133), "the community college system is assisting K-12 in building
and aligning coordinated CTE pathways that lead to postsecondary programs of study
to prepare students for high-skill jobs with high wages." Regional Community Collaboratives
are a central component of the Career Pathways Initiative. SparkPoint at Skyline College
administers the San Mateo County Community Collaborative.
Community Financial Resources Community Financial Resources (CFR) provides tools for financial empowerment. CFR works with SparkPoint at Skyline College to: Provide a product-based financial education and coaching program Combine financial education with behavioral incentives Promote money management skills Build assets Reduce families’ reliance on payday lenders, check-cashers, loan sharks, debt peddlers, and high-cost money transmitters Provide a low cost banking and payment tools including a prepaid debit card Develop sound money management habits and maintain their upward financial trajectory. Earn It, Keep It, Save It SparkPoint at Skyline College partners with United Way of the Bay Area's Earn It Keep It Save It Program to host a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Center. Free Tax Help: Paying to have your taxes prepared can cost $200 to $300. Households in the Bay Area earning less than $50,000 cannot afford
Community Financial Resources
Community Financial Resources (CFR) provides tools for financial empowerment. CFR
works with SparkPoint at Skyline College to:
- Provide a product-based financial education and coaching program
- Combine financial education with behavioral incentives
- Promote money management skills
- Build assets
- Reduce families’ reliance on payday lenders, check-cashers, loan sharks, debt peddlers, and high-cost money transmitters
- Provide a low cost banking and payment tools including a prepaid debit card
- Develop sound money management habits and maintain their upward financial trajectory.