Campus_6-21-11Welcome back to the new school year, and the Fall 2014 semester.  The Opening Day Celebration featured an hour long presentation by Tom Maloney on school safety, highlighting the San Mateo County’s Safe School Initiative and the report’s moniker, “The Big Five.” Please review the Big Five Staff Packet or the Big Five – Administrator Packet as they both have a great deal of useful information.

The hour long session was highlighted by the ‘open mic,’ where participants asked whatever questions they had on school safety and related topics. The questions were well directed and the interaction very informative; it was truly a give and take.  Public Safety’s goal is to take the comments from the session and work with Dr. Joi Blake to develop school safety related training and information resources to be disseminated to the faculty and staff here at Skyline College.

Bulletin Tip #1

When on campus and in your office, be aware to not leave valuables out in the open and your office ‘unsecured’, even for short periods of time.  That quick trip to the bathroom can turn into 5-7 minutes easily if a colleague or student engages you in a brief chat or clarification on a particular topic.

A women’s purse, calculator, sunglasses, iPad and Smart Phones are easy and desirable theft targets.

Take your keys, pull the door shut and lock it.

Health and Safety Committee

The Health and Safety committee meets the third Tuesday of each Month, beginning in September.  Bring questions or concerns to your area or designated representative for our meetings.

This year, Public Safety is going to try to change the format to include some training highlights and/or some in-person presenters to get feedback from members on ideas and methods of delivery for safety training.


This is the text message system that gives emergency information out to students, faculty and staff.  Sign up on the campus website by going to Campus Resources, Public Safety, Emergency Messaging and enter your cell number.

Anyone can sign up-so your significant other can subscribe also and get the alerts.

Cautionary Information: Depending on your cellphone service provider, delivery times will vary.

Building Captains

Additional staff and faculty are needed to volunteer as Building Captains. In times of stress and excitement such as an emergency, people will look for direction and will move towards persons who seem to be in control.

We here at Skyline need you!  Public Safety will be setting up an informational meeting, hopefully within the next three to four weeks where we will do an overview of the needs and expectations for being a Building Captain.

Food and refreshments will be provided.

2014 First Bulletin Issue – KUDOS

Linda Herda, at the One Stop Help Desk, diligently read through the Big Five Staff Packet sent out last week, and she asked about the “Rule of Nine” Protocol for safety issues surrounding opening your locked door during a ‘Lock Down’ incident or drill.

What is the rule of nine?  An agreed to number, whereupon if queried, you either add or subtract 9 to the number verbalized.  So you are in your office, locked and hiding, and a person outside wants you to open up.  You say 19, and they either say 10 or 28.

Questions and suggestions are welcomed. Please email them to Chief Rob Dean at or stop him on campus any time.  Public Safety wishes you an enjoyable and healthy Fall 2014 Semester.

Article by Rob Dean | Photo by Raul Guerra