Career Assessment Month a Success!
assessment2As Career Assessment Month comes to a close, the Career Center was able to administer and interpret assessments for over 200 students! Interns from SF State, Janet Ramirez and Nereida Angulo, pictured, assisted in interpreting assessments and giving students more insight into their results. Students from Kent Gomez and Arielle Smith’s Counseling classes as well as Mike Fitzgerald’s Physical Education students joined in taking assessments and receiving interpretations throughout the month. Many students dropped by to join in as well. The Center appreciates all those who attended and hopes to have offered some insight into potential careers and majors which students should pursue. The Career Center offers career assessments year round, so feel free to visit the center in Building 1 Room 1219B anytime!

Jamba Juice Partners with Career Services Center for ongoing Hiring
Jamba Juice PicJamba Juice visited Skyline College on Wednesday, April 22nd for an on campus hiring event. Within 2 hours, the district manager interviewed 12 students and received 18 applications for local openings at over 30 stores along the Peninsula and San Francisco area. This is the first collaboration of many to come with Jamba Juice and other local employers. Jamba Juice is a great fit for many students – they offer flexible schedules, part-time and full-time work, and provide training for students with no previous work experience. Please refer interested students to the Career Services Center, where they can complete and submit an application.

Also coming soon… the Spring Job Fair on May 7th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Building 6. This event is open to the public and in partnerships with California EDD and Workforce Development / Peninsula works. Over thirty employers to participate, another twenty community resource providers, and a resume review sessions will be available.

For additional information regarding employment opportunities, please contact Lezra Chenportillo, Employment and Internships Coordinator at (650) 738 -7054 or

Article by Brian Jenney